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Messages - dashie77

He Looked Down "But I Apear to be Lost.. o_o!"
"Well. Mr. You see. I am An Apprentice Gem Warlock." He Said Proudly
Soda Looked At The Dragonpony "He...ll..o?... I a..m..Soda...Lite..." He stepped back
Soda Heard Voices So Decided To Walk To Where They Were Coming From,Just To be Safe He Summoned His Crossbow "Who Is There!?" He Yelled!
(Where Exactly is everybody? Im like ALOT late..) (Wait Scratch Dat! :D I reread the rp And i Know where Soda Should Teleport 2! :D)
"Ok Soda! This is Your Final Task until your a Full Gem Warlock! Hopefully The Portal To HomeWorld Opens Up when I Need it to."He Trotted Into the Caves,Summoning His Crossbow Incase He Comes across Monsters
Name: Sodalite
Race: Unicorn Filly Gem Pony
Description: (Is a Picture good?)
Spoiler: show
Quote from: Super sayian pony on 2016 Jan 19, 19:04:17
// I have the perfect Oc for this.

Name: Delilah
Race: Changeling
Lives: Anywhere she can really
Personality: Likable when not lieing
Friends: Most Ponyville residents
Skills: Deception, Magic, Flight, Being Cute (For a changeling that is)
Picture/Description: About the size of one of the CMC, Normal look for a changeling but her size.
Quote from: Mogeko on 2016 Jan 21, 15:44:46
((im a bit late but i found this so i will join : 3))
Name: Midawn Known as the Phantom Thief Chatnoir
Race: Alicorn ((If not allowed then she is a Pegasus))
Lives: Crystal empire,Crystal Palace
Personality: Kind,Funny sometimes,singer,Mysterious,Fast,Quiet,Artistic,Magical
Friends: None yet
Skills: Teleport,Nightmare magic,Spirit Medium powers.

Quote from: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Jan 20, 21:40:48
((I don't know if sign ups are still open, so here's mine, just in case.))

Spoiler: Sign Up • show
Name: Joystick

Race: Unicorn

Lives: Primarily in Fillydelphia, though he likes to travel.

Personality: Former professional thief from Fillydelphia, though he's not privy to this with strangers. He lies in a rather gray area when it comes to morality, not being above thievery and petty crime but not willing to commit terribly devious acts. He, like most people would, likes to keep his skills secret from most others. He thinks of himself as a happy buck, especially on his vacations. Most commonly nice, with a few exceptions.

Friends: His closest friend lives in Fillydelphia as well, a mare commonly referred to as Flame. He stays on the good side of the people he used to work with in Filly as well.

Skills: Manipulating machinery, such as arcade machines or locks. He is good enough at sneaking to get by, though he is not quite a master, and everyone has off days.

Spoiler: Image • show

:nod: btw sorry its so late. Irl Stuff has been going on. :)
Accepted! Everyone!
Name: Amani (Meaning Peace In Swahili)
Race: Changeling
Lives: Changeling Hive (Formerly) Inns and Places (Currently)
Personality:Brave,Insecure when You first Meet her,Kind,Smart
Friends: N/A
Skills: Magic,Flight,ShapeShifting
Picture/Description: (Look up MLP changelings)

(Use THIS Forum)
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Amani, A Young Changeling Female Ranaway from her hive when she was Very young,She Had to Try to blend into the Towns she traveled to,She Normally just Goes to Get  more Supplies for her travels. But She Never actally shown anyone her true form...
(Find out more in rp!)
Topaz Looked At Him "Anything I can help you with?" She Said,Understanding if he didn't need anything
Light Colorado Topaz Walks into the Room Sunset is in "Hello. I am Cadet Light Colorado Topaz. Sir!" She Placed Her Spear down
Lunar Republic
Name:Light Colorado Topaz
Description: Dark yellow Kirin with Light Brown scales from her neck down to his tail And Gray Horns
Reason you want this team: she has been loyal to luna for a long time
Doesn't know who to Roleplay as. //
Yey!!! :D now to pick out 3 ocs to go as...... O_o My ocs are gonna fight about whos gonna be the lucky 3.... o_o Oh dear celestia Anyways See you all on the server if you guys can make it!

Now on to those doritos...
Yings horn Sparks White and Slowly Leviates The ball to LightSound "H...e..r..e!
Yang Said "Congrats Sis! You just leviated!!!" She Hopped In place,Happily
Yings Eyes Glew with happiness
Quote from: solarfox20 on 2015 Dec 12, 23:14:01
Light Sound turns around and trots towards the two fillies and says "yay"  :D Then gets ready to push or toss the ball to other by making his horn glow purple.
  Yang Concentrates Hard, once the ball reaches her Making her horn glow a Darkish Gray Color,Tossing the ball to Her sister "Try!" She said
"Ok..." Ying Said,Her Horn Only Sparking,White,And looked down at the ground                                                                                         
"Come on! Surely you  can do better!" She Encourged her twin,Happily
She Concentrated,Her horn Sparking but reached the ball
"Like Levitation! Right Mr. Darkhooves?" She Looked at him,Wonder in Her eyes
"Sir. Are.. you sure?" Ying Asks,Nervously                                                                                                                                                     
Yangs Thoughts... 'Mom Told me  Levitation is Safe,And Basic! Perfect!'
Yings Thoughts.. 'How is Yang So Confident!? Doesnt she care if we Mess up?     
Yangs Horn Starts Glowing                                                                       
 "Really Mister Uh...?" Yang Beams Brightly And Her Horn Sparks a Blackish Gray Color 
   "Yay...." Ying Looks down at the ground,Trying to Make sparks like her Twin   
Quote from: Dark Hooves on 2015 Dec 11, 16:38:03
Hello Yin, hello Yang. Nice meeting both of you. I am Dark Hooves. May I ask how well can you control your mana?
"We Arent Really Experienced... We Dont know How Well we can Channel it... :s "Yeah..."