It's freezing! [Jump-in if ya want]

Started by NekoZombie, 2014 Aug 28, 17:59:42

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2014 Aug 28, 17:59:42 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 28, 18:22:59 by NekoZombie
Character List:

Salty Waters shivered, the lake she lived in slowly freezing. She bobbed up onto the surface and was met witha blast of snow in her face. She sighed and swam towards land, her dorsal fins slipping down into her back. Her large and powerful tail soon turned to hair. Her ears turning more pony-like to hear better on land. She immediately shivered, the blizzard stinging her face. The now-earth-pony dashed towards a town, hoping to get someplace warm... Or to bump into another pony.

Meanwhile, Cloudy Skies and Neko Zombie sat together in a restaurant, sipping hot coco. "I haven't seen weather like this in years." Cloudy Skies blinked, turning towards the window, "And it's not the work of a pegasus... I'd know." He huffed. Neko Zombie glanced up at her friend, "Can't a group go out and bring warmer weather here?" Cloudy Skies scoffed, "If any pony went out into /that/ storm... They'd likely freeze before getting to any warm fronts." He shook his head, "Looks like we're stuck with this weather." He glanced around at the filling restaurant, "It looks this storm took other ponies off guard too..." He trailed off, focusing at each and every one.


Blade blade is sipping coco "well maybe I can try
"Life May Seem Like A Lie But It Is A Bridge We Have To Cross." - Kellen Von Borries


2014 Aug 28, 18:12:52 #2 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 28, 18:23:33 by NekoZombie
Cloudy Skies glanced over at the strange pony, "You can try, but in the end you may need NZ's necromancy magic." He rolled his eyes and slumped over in his booth. Neko Zombie sighed and rested her chin on the table, "I hope everypony is ok, or else I might be using my magic a lot." She sighed, looking out the window. All she could see was white.

Meanwhile, Salty Waters sat on a log, shivering. She was lost in the blizzard, unable to tell which way was towards town. The blue pony blinked, her face numb. She hopped off the log and settled herself inside the hollow log. Hopefully somepony will come along and save her, but she didn't know if any other ponies would be crazy enough to go out into this blizzard.


Well I am gonna go look for freezing ponies stuck outside I'll use my inferno armor
"Life May Seem Like A Lie But It Is A Bridge We Have To Cross." - Kellen Von Borries


2014 Aug 28, 18:19:30 #4 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 28, 18:25:50 by NekoZombie
Quote from: bladeblitz on 2014 Aug 28, 18:15:39
Well I am gonna go look for freezing ponies stuck outside I'll use my inferno armor

"Such thing exists?" Cloudy Skies looked over at Neko Zombie, who shrugged. Cloudy Skies looked back at the stranger pony, putting his hoof on their shoulder, "You should stay here. If anyone freezes, Neko could bring them back." He looked away, 'I hope' he thought.


2014 Aug 28, 18:21:33 #5 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 28, 18:28:30 by TeemyPaw
C-C-Cold.. So cold.. *Sees a light thru the storm * H-Hey! O-Over here! *She is shivering*


Quote from: TeemyPaw on 2014 Aug 28, 18:21:33
C-C-Cold.. So cold.. *Sees a light* H-Hey! O-Over here! *She is shivering*

Salty Waters ears perked. The mare crawled out from under the log and headed towards the voice, her face stung from the constant battering blows of the frozen water. The pony blinked, glancing around, hoping she wouldn't run into the strange pony before they reached each other


Well neko I can make my body ignite into flame
"Life May Seem Like A Lie But It Is A Bridge We Have To Cross." - Kellen Von Borries


LilacPetal was walking slowly in the cold blizzard, she squeaked a bit, and then kept walking, "Cold..." she was far away from the other ponies so she was lost.


Quote from: bladeblitz on 2014 Aug 28, 18:30:52
Well neko I can make my body ignite into flame

Neko and Cloudy Skies looked at each other and sighed, turning back to the stranger, "In this cloak of snow, your flames would likely be doused once you placed a hoof outside," Neko Stated.


Lilac tripped on her scarf and faceplanted into the snow chin-first, "Omf!"


Quote from: LilacPetal123 on 2014 Aug 28, 18:32:14
LilacPetal was walking slowly in the cold blizzard, she squeaked a bit, and then kept walking, "Cold..." she was far away from the other ponies so she was lost.

Double Bolts perked his ears, stretching out his one unbroken wing. He trotted towards a figure outlined in the snow, coming upon a filly. "What're you doing out here?" the pegasus questioned once he got within the filly's earshot.


"Life May Seem Like A Lie But It Is A Bridge We Have To Cross." - Kellen Von Borries


"Hmm?" she asked and pulled her head out of the snow and looked at the stallion, "I am alone..." she answered with a soft voice.


Quote from: bladeblitz on 2014 Aug 28, 18:39:18
Idk then neko can I sit by u

Neko Zombie glanced at Cloudy Skies and nodded, "Sure," She moved over to sit closer to the window, allowing the pony room. "My full name is Neko Zombie, and this is my friend Cloudy Skies." She smiled, pulling her cup of coco closer to her.


Doomato was standing in the centre of the blizzard, seemingly ignorant to the temperature. "I blame the pegasi..." The stallion sighed and looked around.


Quote from: LilacPetal123 on 2014 Aug 28, 18:40:37
"Hmm?" she asked and pulled her head out of the snow and looked at the stallion, "I am alone..." she answered with a soft voice.

Double Bolts placed his unbroken wing on the filly's back, "You may want to get some shelter then." He looked around, squinting. "Now which way did I come from...?" He questioned himself. He nodded, "This way. I have a little cabin up ahead. We can get you something warm to drink around the fireplace." He started to trot forward, "I'd hate to see a filly lost in the snow."


"Maybe, I have a meeting with nothingness in five minutes..."


"Life May Seem Like A Lie But It Is A Bridge We Have To Cross." - Kellen Von Borries


LilacPetal remembers her mother dying in the snow before she had to leave her, sighing she kept following the Pegasus.

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