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Messages - Giggle Tail

Giggle decides to just relax with a good book rather than continue trying to find everypony.  He pulls up a chair on the pool deck and starts reading one of his comic books.
Giggle walks by the pool, still trying to figure out where everypony is.  He notices Teal.

"Well, that's one..."
News Archive / Re: Want to play?
2012 Sep 24, 10:15:53
I don't care if he'll be erased, I'm making Giggle.  It'll at least help me figure out exactly how to make him when the full game comes out.
Giggle arrives at his cabin, only to find it isn't ready yet.

"Aw, man!  Oh well, guess I'll go see what everypony else is up to."

Giggle wanders off to find everypony.
(ah, cool)

Giggle makes his way to his cabin to hopefully start relaxing.
(crud, I miss anything important?)
News Archive / Re: Want to play?
2012 Sep 22, 12:11:59
*spits hot coffee all over my laptop*

*buys a new laptop, configures it, re-installs Google Chrome and comes back to this forum thread*

Giggle starts getting bored waiting on the train, so he pulls a good book out of his saddle bag to read.
Amazingly, despite how disgusting it was, I was still able to keep eating at McDonalds after seeing Super Size Me in health class.

Years later, when I saw photo examples of the kinds of farms McDonalds worked with, I completely boycotted them.
That would be suspended, actually.  Expelled would mean they were asked to never come back  :P

Oh, and according to google translate, that would be "ethics."
*sigh* Memories....this show is one of the reasons I need to get Kirby's Dream Collection: Special Edition.
Never seen the subbed version, but the English one was great  :D
You: Go!  Pudding!

Opponent:  lol *laughs themselves into defeat*

Game: (insert name here) got the Marsh Badge!

Kudos to all who get the reference  :P
Never understood that one myself......
Quote from: Flamestriker on 2012 Sep 12, 03:17:16
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 Sep 12, 01:40:19
Spoiler: show
Quote from: Flamestriker on 2012 Sep 12, 00:45:24
Quote from: Nala Valor on 2012 Sep 11, 07:12:27
Quote from: Darkangel on 2012 Sep 10, 20:07:29
Quote from: Trege on 2012 Sep 10, 19:54:28
This I will never understand this.

Crazy event pikachu/yellow forest one, they could have at least gave it balloons or something.  ovO

At 3:25.... Pikachu just rises in air.... lol
clefable does the same thing when metronome uses fly. But clefable is 3 times bigger than pikachu.  :I

Hahaha.... and surfing pikachu's no better. Where in the world does it get the surfboard from?

There was an entire episode with that pikachu that could surf in the anime series

I know, but WHERE exactly does the surfboard actually come from in the game?

His SOUL  o_o
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Sep 09, 13:38:32
In City Folk, you get your own house instead of being roommates with the other players, right? :P Would've come in handy in the Gamecube version when my friend accidentally sold one of my favorite furniture items to a neighbor on that stupid day where people come to your house like "Can I buy this?! :D"

I really should've stopped letting her play games with my memory cards. :\ I had a horse game, and I got almost to the end of it. She accidentally saved over my file and made some of the ugliest horses ever.

The gamecube version had players in their houses.  Plus they didn't have the flea market in that one  o.O
I thought it was "you squeeze them back in life's eyes"?
My boss is a brony/pegasister (not sure which term she uses) :P
My parents are both lawyers (though my mom only works part-time as one now, she also creates jewelry)

My older sister is an occupational therapist.  Apparently having a high-functioning autistic brother inspired her career choice :)

Right now my only job is making my comic strip for the school paper, though I'm already working on my career as a children's fiction author.
Video Games Archive / Re: TF2 discussion!
2012 Sep 05, 13:44:15
Very true.  That's part of why I like the pyro.  I'm a terrible shot from a distance :P