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Messages - nhydock

So I've been playing BLR since Open Beta now, and it's usually the game I pop open when I'm not doing art for CA or school work.

I'm on US server, user name DreadRoberts.  Is there anyone else?
Oh why not, it'd be nice having people I vaguely know to play with.  Don't know how nice it'd be to have me as a friend though, seeing that I'm almost always playing single-player games.
This is the guide I've been using
Thankfully the language gap isn't that bad as it's easy to infer what things in the interface do what.  Quests and that are all documented, and if you want to meet up and play with English players you can just go on the PSOWorld forums and look around.  There's a huge community playing.

Also as for High-Ping, I'm US East coast with comcast basic internet that's rated at 20mbps, I get more lag playing games like S4 League than I do PSO2, the servers are really good.  I usually pull around 148 ms ping or less with a spike here and there when my siblings are downloading something big.

The game will probably come to America during 2013 H2.  Their current focus is probably getting the Vita version out.
Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh.  I had been wanting this game for years and now it's in Open Beta.  I jumped in first day and got slapped in Ship 9 because they were having server overcrowding at first.

I am insanely satisfied with the game, it's a whole lot better than Universe ever was and does the first PSO justice.  Best is it's F2P, worst is it's Japanese only and I don't know a single thing of what is going on.  That's what online guides are for, though :]

Anyone else playing feel free to post your IGN and Ship.  If you're on Ship 9 I'll be sure to add you.

IGN: Casca
Ship: 9

I named my character after Casca from Berserk, my friends and I were trying to recreate the Band of the Hawk
Video Games Archive / Re: Sonic Heroes
2012 Jun 30, 23:46:43
I found my copy in a desk drawer.  I got mine for PC from Gamestop in a discount bin for only $2 about 4 years ago.  The game is so old it wanted to install directX 9b (still better than Morrowind which insists on 8.1)

Personally I didn't have much of a beef with the game.  I actually liked it like I liked Sonic Adventure.  Gosh darn the voice acting and everything, though.  That's the only thing I didn't like about the Sonic games since they went 3D, the voice acting, and that goes for both English and Japanese voice actors.
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 29, 13:13:43
hello and welcome to the forums ^-^  glad to have a new pony to help out! :D  hope you can find time to come around the threads and discussions!

I probably will find time to check around, however I don't roleplay.  I'm a serious business pony for the most part
Introductions Archive / New to the Team
2012 Jun 27, 04:24:43
Hey there everyone, I been active at all in this community in forever but have just been added to the team in the past few days.  I feel since I'm new new I'd be better to introduce myself as one with the community instead of with a team bio.

I started messing around with designing games in my free time when I was young, picking up and playing around with RPG Maker 95-XP from 8 until 14.  I also tried things like OHRRPGCE and RPG Toolkit when they were still young as well.  I never considered myself all the good, and all that really came out of them was a crappy rpg and a few rgss scripts that I shared with the community and no one really uses nowadays.  After my escapades with RPG Maker I decided to look into modding games, to which I came across Frets On Fire.  I started with a few graphical mods and eventually went into full-blown development with a small team to create a fork of the project that added a lot of functionality and for awhile made it the closest thing to Rock Band on the PC.  I ended up working with that a lot during highschool when I had free time, which was never as much as I wish I could have had.

I'm now attending college for Computer Science because of all my hobbies that seemed to be the one that I was the most solid with mentally.  I love the logic behind programming and the ability to be flat out wrong.  Messing with Frets on Fire led to my obsession with Open-sourcing all my projects and loving Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike(-Non-commercial).  Only thing you could possibly know me for in the brony community is my work on building an RPG engine and toolkit from the ground up in Java just so I can replicate Final Fantasy 1 for the NES with ponies.

Oh, and I also draw, which is the reason why I'm even here.  That's right, I'm in the Concept Artist, not programming, group of the team, drawing buildings and...I think that's all I have to work on now, just buildings.  I'm probably also one of few people around here who doesn't have a ponysona.  I never really even knew how to draw animals before I started experimenting with ponies.  I never had such a phase of drawing wolves and things like that.  Well, I used to draw a lot of cows when I was 8 but that might have just been me obsessing over all the farmland around my hometown.  But yeah, I went the other route and went straight to drawing disgusting moe crap with huge eyed anime girls and everything with my immature drawing skills instead.  Then when I was 15 I made a deviantArt to host all that crap, and it still remains public today :D  I really hate how I was in my earlier years, and I know I'm going to say the same about how I am now in a couple of years.  I wasn't until the past couple months that my style changed drastically to what it is now, and it'll probably take another change in a few more months.  As for them buildings, buildings are something I never even used to draw but seeing that that's what needs doing it's what I'm stuck with for now, so hopefully the team doesn't rage at me for how poorly they're designed in consistency with the show  x3

Well, I look forward to helping this team and community, and I promise I won't leak any of the code while working on pictures due to my open-sourcing GPL habits :P

Here's my deviantArt

And my Github

And my Tumblr ('cause why the heck not)