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Topics - Thunder Jet

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Animations Archive / Animator VS Animation
2012 Jul 18, 17:39:02
Spoiler: Animator VS Animation • show

Spoiler: Animator VS Animation 2 • show

Spoiler: Animator VS Animation 3 • show

Found this on youtube. Also turned out to be a video game as well.

Just for the record, I'm following his tutorials as well.

Video Games Archive / 0x10c
2012 May 24, 20:45:18
0x10c is a new game made by Notch, the creator of minecraft.
Before I talk about it...
Website here.

Trailer here.

The basic controls.

Each ship has a generator capable of producing a fixed wattage, and everything you connect to it drains wattage. A cloaking field, for example, might require almost all the power from the generator, forcing you to turn off all computers and dim all lights in order to successfully cloak.

The computer in the game is a fully functioning emulated 16 bit CPU that can be used to control your entire ship, or just to play games on while waiting for a large mining operation to finish. The computer that will be used is in the video below.

Sounds a bit like Minecraft...With the Mining operation and all that.

The cost. Single-Player with have a single cost while Multiplayer= A monthly fee...or at least he plans to.

I might get it. The game is still in early development and I would be proud to see more game-play.

What are your thoughts?