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Messages - Ryo_D_Disk

((Why are we all whispering also is there something your not all telling me about  :/ ))

All seriousness and for fair reference to RP OOC post

If there is a reason I should be locking this thread do let me know if not I shall leave it be unless given a reason to look into it

Have fun

Quote from: Thundergirl on 2017 Mar 24, 11:31:35
The Moderation team is the best team

We know  :ellowee:

also does it count as cheating as I can technically edit any of your posts, i'm not going to just saying I can  ovO
Introductions Archive / Re: ...hello...
2017 Mar 16, 09:41:32
Greetings and welcome to the forums and to LoE. Please check out the rules explore and have fun. There's lots to see and do and all the time in equestria to see it, there's Arts, Videos, Stories, Singers RP'ers and more so join us, in the madness my friend  ^-^
I've started playing Stardew Valley it's surprisingly peaceful
Duellist of the roses (old habit)

practically most main franchise Nintendo games but to be more specific
Pokemon ( I think Ruby and Sapphire has more fond memory's)
Mario (Super Mario 3 for the same reason as above)

Games that are coming close
stardew valley

Games I need to play
Breath of the wild (I own it but Crabapple is playing it first it is beautiful though)

there are others I've probably forgotten but meh I could fill up the thread.
Having fun with that gaia guardian, I'm not a fan of Botania to begin with (doesn't help its boss fight is cheep)
Quote from: Thundergirl on 2017 Feb 25, 07:23:26
If you want it sooooooo mush, I can think of making a RP about this.

When @Yugilover1 replies, I'll delete this reply and please lock the topic (not you, yugi, I'm talking to mods, if they think this should happen)

Save deleting these comments can be marked as OOC until a full RP subject can be arranged. Being the Dueling Pony myself might I suggest a topic revolving around one of the seasons of Yugioh say Season one duelist kingdom and explore the island and themes rather than delve into the cardgame itself but that would just be my suggestion 
Eh it's not that i'm not watching it so much as it is i'm not following it. I more stooped caring about release dates and preview hype
Introductions Archive / Re: Hello!
2017 Feb 22, 05:40:48
Greetings and welcome to the forums and to LoE. Please check out the rules explore and have fun. There's lots to see and do and all the time in equestria to see it, there's Arts, Videos, Stories, Singers RP'ers and more so join us, in the madness my friend  ^-^
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Tired mistakes
2017 Feb 20, 08:49:16
Quote from: Edisonyap on 2017 Feb 20, 07:35:26
Also not to mention about throwing a dynamite near me will lag the life out of me. xP

P.S: Guns are not meant to shoot at walking goldfish, they are meant to shoot at enemies.

At least it was not a grenade while opening a chest (ask Crabapple)
Off-Topic Archive / Tired mistakes
2017 Feb 20, 04:15:32
what silly or dumb things have you done while your still half asleep
( I totally did not make this thread because i did something dumb this morning at work :ajshifty: )

This morning I tried to log onto the work PC with my forum details and the forums with my work details
This I cannot allow time to get to work  ovO

Eh I was working on some stuff and thinking about this and well we all have that one word that no matter what we do we can't spell correctly so ether we avoid using it or let auto-correct do our work.

So what word or words keep you stumped

Personally some of mine are

Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2017 Feb 15, 10:22:41
I am not having a good day...

First my phones audio broke so no wake up alarms for me.

Then on the way to work (which by this point I'm already late) there was a road closure so I had to go another way to

Following that I realise I don't have my wallet so no food for me at work today.

And to wrap it all off I arrive to my line manager waiting for me in the office to give me a lecture about me being late tbh I know 10 minuets is not a good amount to be late by but come on it's good time for someone already rushing. Also I got told off for not checking my emails while I was off work (on holiday days)

so yea so far my day isnt good and its not going to get much better for after work I have to help my family move heavy stuff then have them round my place for dinner so cooking for 5 tonight at least I can trust Crab will cheer me up later
There is no unban  ovO button Banned
Introductions Archive / Re: Well...
2017 Feb 09, 06:55:41
Greetings and welcome to the forums and to LoE. Please check out the rules explore and have fun. There's lots to see and do and all the time in equestria to see it, there's Arts, Videos, Stories, Singers RP'ers and more so join us, in the madness my friend  ^-^
Greetings and welcome to the forums and to LoE. Please check out the rules explore and have fun. There's lots to see and do and all the time in equestria to see it, there's Arts, Videos, Stories, Singers RP'ers and more so join us, in the madness my friend  ^-^
Greetings and welcome to the forums and to LoE. Please check out the rules explore and have fun. There's lots to see and do and all the time in equestria to see it, there's Arts, Videos, Stories, Singers RP'ers and more so join us, in the madness my friend  ^-^
Introductions Archive / Re: ello ^ ^
2017 Jan 19, 03:51:17
Greetings and welcome to the forums and to LoE. Please check out the rules explore and have fun. There's lots to see and do and all the time in equestria to see it, there's Arts, Videos, Stories, Singers RP'ers and more so join us, in the madness my friend  ^-^