Life in Ponyvile V

Started by Ryo_D_Disk, 2013 Dec 25, 16:41:24

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Dt is dazed by the hit but recovers soon though Toxin already ran off with her tiara she runs to her home knocking on the door crying a bit
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Uh, Toxin, what are you doing? Physics asks, looking side to see his daughter pouring a potion onto the tiara melting the thing.
She shoved me! I can't believe she shoved me! Let's see how she likes it without a tiara! Toxin shouts with genuine anger, shaking with rage as the last of the tiara turns into a liquid goop, dropping through the floor boards.
Physics was surprised by the emotional out-burst of his daughter.
thank you Sky Sketch


irina let's Diamond Tiara in who quickly runs past her and to the study Give me back my Tiara! She shouts
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

You want your Tiara! It's right there! Toxin shouted, pointing to the greyish goop on the floor boards.
Physics was too busy looking between both foals in confusion of what had happened.
thank you Sky Sketch


Star nods "yes I agree although I don't take many... oh I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Thunder Star, nice to make you acquaintance" 


Diamond just stands there shocked not sure how to react. She doesn't even cry she just stands there

now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

And my name is SnapShot mr Star, nice to meet you... SnapShot said, extending a hoof to shake for Star.
Toxin glared at Diamond. Maybe next time you think about shoving a pony. Toxic said trotting away from the room.
Physics quickly leads Diamond Tiara out of the shop. Sorry about that, have some bits to buy a new one, and remember, if you try to press charges, I'll counter sue you for assaulting my daughter! Physics says, faking cheer, throwing a small bag of bits to Diamond Tiara before closing the door on her.
Celestia above, what happened? Physics asks Irina, looking very very confused.
thank you Sky Sketch


Well it appears they caught into a fight
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

I-I-I get that! I mean look how badly Toxin flipped out! She was so calm ever, and now she was....angrier then a wild Ursa! Physics says, not fully believing his eyes.
thank you Sky Sketch


He takes the hoof and shakes "Carmed madam" He says ina obviously force posh accent

the dark gods

And aren't you fancy today, huh? SnapShot said with a giggle.
thank you Sky Sketch


"MMh yes quite" He continues and poofs on a monocle "how do you like your sir, madam?"


The HER gene can be triggered at anytime mostly when angered or threatened
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

I like my Sir to be named Flame and be engaged to me. SnapShot says, both jokingly and factually.
And this just couldn't be easy could it? Physics says with a sigh and face-hoof.
thank you Sky Sketch


"OH really now. I assume he treats you like a fair maiden?" He asked looking intrigued


Did you think it was going to be Physics? We need to keep an eye on her but still make sure she knows she's loved
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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((anyone on and want to rp))


now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


((i might be on for a bit longer if you want to start something))


Flame is walking around Ponyville he doesn't appear to be doing much
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

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