Life in Ponyvile V

Started by Ryo_D_Disk, 2013 Dec 25, 16:41:24

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okay then sounds good Irina says with a nod
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Daddy, Mommy, can I go outside? Toxin asks, her eyes glued to the outside world. It's looks so nice out today... Toxin says, her eyes taking every detail of the ponies passing by.
Well uh, I dunno, I about just our street? What do you think love? Physics asks Irina.
thank you Sky Sketch


Um I suppose so just stay close by where we can see you
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Thanks... Toxin says, giving a smile too large for her face before rushing out of the door. Toxin trots onto the nearby grass lawn, enjoying the strange feeling under her hooves looking at the sun, before looking away thanks to how bright it was. Toxin was just....awestruck by the outside world.
thank you Sky Sketch


Irina smiles looking out the window You haven't let her out since she was created huh?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

I was....worried she might start a scene or something and hurt her feelings.... Physics tells Irina.

Toxin moves all over the lawn, dancing a little until she notices a tiny ant-hill. She puts her head close as she examines the curious little thing in front of her.
thank you Sky Sketch


yeah that's understandable Irina says looking back to Physics
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Toxin was giggling to herself as she crushed the ant-hill, stepping on ants and kicking the tunnel in. She was big, they were not. She was strong, they were not. It felt exhilarating for Toxin to exert herself over something like that.
She looks so happy, dancing out there.... Physics says with a smile, wondering if he had been wrong about her creating a scene.
thank you Sky Sketch


((whoa who are these pones?))

the dark gods

//Physics is Physics, Irina is still Irina, and Toxin is the cloneish thing of Physics foal Venom.
thank you Sky Sketch


((hi I was commenting on how long it has been since I was here))

the dark gods

//Tone doesn't translate well over the internet
thank you Sky Sketch


(I understand. I was thinking of rping after a long time of not here)

the dark gods

//Well go ahead and join right up!
thank you Sky Sketch


((I'll just throw Star out here))
Thunder Star was laying down on a bench reading a book. The book looked a bit tattered.


A young filly who's name was Diamond Tiara walks up to Toxin You are you doing? She asks in a rather snobby voice
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

2014 Jul 17, 21:50:18 #4676 Last Edit: 2014 Jul 17, 22:02:24 by the dark gods
Toxin looks up from stomping on her ant-hill and stares at Diamond Tiara.
I'm playing... Toxin says, in her usual, monotone voice.
A click near Thunder Star could be heard as a Camera goes off nearby.
thank you Sky Sketch


Playing what? and don't you know who I am?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Just playing...and...should I? Toxin asks, never heaving seen this strange pony before.
thank you Sky Sketch


Star's ears perk up as he turns to where the click came from. "hmm?"

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