Opinion about video games

Started by c4539, 2014 Jan 20, 08:28:36

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2014 Jan 20, 08:28:36 Last Edit: 2014 Jan 20, 09:21:42 by Astranacus
This is, sadly, a criticism about video games.

Spoiler: show
 I like video games, but most people are looking for something bloody, something like a combat/fps game but with some [ h311-bent D: ] mature storyline and gameplay. Often, It would be realistic, and often have a lot of blood and gore. And they would just sit there, playing some sickening, murderous, evil, and majorly inappropriate video game. I'm not trying to stretch the truth, and I do not have a phobia of graphic violence, but this is what I see. Okay, maybe there weren't so much blood, but if you're in the middle of a large group of zombies, killing every single one, that would be a whole ugly pile of blood. Unless your Xbox 360/one or PS3/PS4 can't display so much of that stuff. All I wanted to tell you, that most people like to play graphic violence games. This could, unfortunately, hold TRUE for most people in the community...

...You don't like what I'm saying, don't you? :( I feel there is hatred in this post. I know why people play these games. I could take the cussing, but the blood and gore I can't take. So most video games are...

...the example of graphic violence plus realism.

Post Merge

I'm very, very sorry about my last post. ); I mean no hate!

Midnight Breeze

Aaaaand, how is other people's entertainment hurting you?

I'm confused...


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Jan 20, 08:42:30
Aaaaand, how is other people's entertainment hurting you?

I'm confused...

Me too.
Fine, I will leave it as it is, but I have a feeling of hate left inside me.


Quote from: c4539 on 2014 Jan 20, 08:28:36
This is, sadly, a criticism about video games.

Spoiler: show
 I like video games, but most people are looking for something bloody, something like a combat/fps game but with some [ h311-bent D: ] mature storyline and gameplay. Often, It would be realistic, and often have a lot of blood and gore. And they would just sit there, playing some sickening, murderous, evil, and majorly inappropriate video game. I'm not trying to stretch the truth, and I do not have a phobia of graphic violence, but this is what I see. Okay, maybe there weren't so much blood, but if you're in the middle of a large group of zombies, killing every single one, that would be a whole ugly pile of blood. Unless your Xbox 360/one or PS3/PS4 can't display so much of that stuff. All I wanted to tell you, that most people like to play graphic violence games. This could, unfortunately, hold TRUE for most people in the community...

...You don't like what I'm saying, don't you? :( I feel there is hatred in this post. I know why people play these games. I could take the cussing, but the blood and gore I can't take. So most video games are...

...the example of graphic violence plus realism.
I approve.
I'm back


Everyone is different and likes different kinds of games, depending on the game it can add to the experience of the game
What you get out of the experience may not be the same as what other people get out of the experience
different games appeal to different audiences
As for the community and this game, we have the rules set up and mods in the position they are in for a reason
Ye-olde ex mod
You've just been McSleuthburgered!

Teal Turken

Quote from: c4539 on 2014 Jan 20, 08:28:36
This is, sadly, a criticism about video games.

Spoiler: show
 I like video games, but most people are looking for something bloody, something like a combat/fps game but with some [ h311-bent D: ] mature storyline and gameplay. Often, It would be realistic, and often have a lot of blood and gore. And they would just sit there, playing some sickening, murderous, evil, and majorly inappropriate video game. I'm not trying to stretch the truth, and I do not have a phobia of graphic violence, but this is what I see. Okay, maybe there weren't so much blood, but if you're in the middle of a large group of zombies, killing every single one, that would be a whole ugly pile of blood. Unless your Xbox 360/one or PS3/PS4 can't display so much of that stuff. All I wanted to tell you, that most people like to play graphic violence games. This could, unfortunately, hold TRUE for most people in the community...

...You don't like what I'm saying, don't you? :( I feel there is hatred in this post. I know why people play these games. I could take the cussing, but the blood and gore I can't take. So most video games are...

...the example of graphic violence plus realism.

Post Merge

I'm very, very sorry about my last post. ); I mean no hate!

This doesn't look like criticism at all. It's solely your opinion on violent video games.
You don't like violent video games. That's fine.
I can tell by the way you worded this that you're terrified of what people will think of you after reading this. Don't be afraid of people challenging your opinion. It's going to happen, but you can't let people change it just because they don't like it.

The only other thing I can say is that violent video games dominate most of the market, especially since violent video games are the most mainstream such as Call of Duty, Gears of War, Halo, Killzone, Borderlands, Far Cry, Uncharted and dozens of other titles.
I can only think of a TWO fully non-violent video games that are popular; Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon. (I think Harvest Moon hasn't had a recent game though.)


This is going to come off as harsh, but... Yeah, you do appear to have a phobia of graphic violence. Why would you even care about what other people prefer out of video games otherwise?

You even go as far as to use the word "unfortunately" to describe 'most' (which is wholly inaccurate, by the way) people seeking out violent video games.

What all people do in the video game community is seek genres of games that they think they will enjoy based on the cover and recommendations that they've received. Yes, I understand tiring of FPSes and other video games like those, but the reason I take issue with them has little to do with the violence they portray, but because since there's so many of them and they take each other's ideas, it becomes a cluster-suck of multiple copy and pastas.

But I'm not about to take up too much complaint to it because as long as other franchises still exist, there's no actual reason for me to hate them beyond growing tired of how frequently I see them. :s


Oh you know we're all bent on seeing things get wrecked in the most magnificent fashion possible. Don't try to hide it. And if it can be done in a way that's cheaper than being a part of the army, then no one's being hurt. Especially those pixels, they're code behind the screen.

And violence in the media or art world is nothing new. The depiction of violence goes as far back as when we were still hunter-gatherer societies putting up chalk art on cave walls. Of course, sense then the nature of the violence has changed from being an indication of what game's around for the mutual benefit of each other to the illustration of national/ethnic lore in the Romanticist era and now to asking the questions pertaining to what we believe the world to become. Or some other fantasy to explore and execute in a way we can't in our condition (or could, but we full-well know we can't revert or change the situation as it is to hit the menu button and click "exit"). There's a safety to exploring realities that would involve violence or massive world-changing events that we can't get except in video games. It's fun.

Want to explore a world cooked by nuclear warfare with sci-fi aspects far beyond the normal context of reality, all the while playing with or exploring that darker side of your psyche? Fallout's got you covered.

Want to experience modern or near-future warfare in the boots of a normal soldier in a ultra-realestic environment (in that you can get killed in one hit or get a limb crippled with one bullet or to be a part of five-part control of a tank) there's ARMA.



For one of my classes I had to do a controversy research project and picked this. I found out many times that no psychological has found a direct link to video games and childhood violence; and a few times when a tragedy has happened that many famous people and politicians immediately point to video games causing it, and later finding out video games had no hand in it at all. Video games are a playable fantasy, nothing more.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


I feel that people (like me) only play those violent video games because of the Fun factor, not for the violence. Heck, I'd wish they'd remove the violence and gore out of the games so it's all fun and no gore. I like to play TF2 but the gore disturbs me, so I got my brother to turn silly gibs on. It's even funnierthat way, actually XD

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


Quote from: Tiger on 2014 Apr 24, 01:27:58
I feel that people (like me) only play those violent video games because of the Fun factor, not for the violence. Heck, I'd wish they'd remove the violence and gore out of the games so it's all fun and no gore. I like to play TF2 but the gore disturbs me, so I got my brother to turn silly gibs on. It's even funnierthat way, actually XD

We'd have disturbingly fewer genres of video games I feel if we removed the "Violence and gore" from them. What we'd get left with would be a G-level Portal and indie angst games or tamed versions of Heavy Rain. And once the market finds all the ways to do Portal and semi-interactive cinema we suffer a market crash until we get over the thought of violence and we can dig ourselves out of a pit of Candy Crush and Flappy Bird.

And I shall  then happily telefrag to victory. Or carry folks on the strength of Slavic Steel.



Violence without gore: Where Nintendo shines like a diamond amongst Toms.

Dream Bolt

Quote from: c4539 on 2014 Jan 20, 08:28:36
This is, sadly, a criticism about video games.

Spoiler: show
 I like video games, but most people are looking for something bloody, something like a combat/fps game but with some [ h311-bent D: ] mature storyline and gameplay. Often, It would be realistic, and often have a lot of blood and gore. And they would just sit there, playing some sickening, murderous, evil, and majorly inappropriate video game. I'm not trying to stretch the truth, and I do not have a phobia of graphic violence, but this is what I see. Okay, maybe there weren't so much blood, but if you're in the middle of a large group of zombies, killing every single one, that would be a whole ugly pile of blood. Unless your Xbox 360/one or PS3/PS4 can't display so much of that stuff. All I wanted to tell you, that most people like to play graphic violence games. This could, unfortunately, hold TRUE for most people in the community...

...You don't like what I'm saying, don't you? :( I feel there is hatred in this post. I know why people play these games. I could take the cussing, but the blood and gore I can't take. So most video games are...

...the example of graphic violence plus realism.

Post Merge

I'm very, very sorry about my last post. ); I mean no hate!

The example of graphic violence plus realism? Violence, yes. Realism? Not really. I mean, seriously, people don't have a bazillion gallons of blood. Even the 'realistic' games aren't really as realistic as you would think. They stylize everything.
I do play T-rated games, like Uncharted and such, but I only can really take minimal blood and such. (Plus, the guys in Uncharted 3 are trying to kill Drake when he's a kid, so no pity there.) And I must say, violence and other objectionable material really does spoil otherwise cool games. That's why I've never played Assassin's Creed.

As a side note, may I ask what's up with the 'Mature' rating? Since when is murder, gore, dirty material, and swearing mature in any way? It's very immature, if you ask me. Mature implies that the material is somehow for mature people. They should make a new rating for stupid violent games.

Finally, I know people say "video games don't drive people to crimes," and this is all true to an extent. Video games are just a fantasy. Still, they are a fantasy we are immersing ourselves in. If we were entirely unaffected by media, then we would never cry or cheer or whatever at TV shows or whatnot. Also, you can tell a lot about people from the games they choose to play.


2014 Apr 27, 01:47:24 #13 Last Edit: 2014 Apr 27, 01:50:54 by Gouranga
Quote from: Dream Bolt on 2014 Apr 26, 21:55:31
you can tell a lot about people from the games they choose to play.

I love to play Combat Flight Simulators like Rise of Flight, when you shoot someone with a crude machine gun and their wooden aircraft take on fire throwing them in a spiral dive towards Earth in a hellish ball of flame, the victim, subjected to one of the worst ways to die on this planet.

What does this tell about me? Am I honoring the people who died in these conditions, or am I a psychopath who's only wish is to recreate death as realistically as possible?

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Dream Bolt on 2014 Apr 26, 21:55:31
Finally, I know people say "video games don't drive people to crimes," and this is all true to an extent.

No it isn't.


Quote from: Gouranga on 2014 Apr 27, 01:47:24
Quote from: Dream Bolt on 2014 Apr 26, 21:55:31
you can tell a lot about people from the games they choose to play.

I love to play Combat Flight Simulators like Rise of Flight, when you shoot someone with a crude machine gun and their wooden aircraft take on fire throwing them in a spiral dive towards Earth in a hellish ball of flame, the victim, subjected to one of the worst ways to die on this planet.

What does this tell about me? Am I honoring the people who died in these conditions, or am I a psychopath who's only wish is to recreate death as realistically as possible?

I think you may find this plug relevant to your interests.



Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Apr 30, 13:28:36
I think you may find this plug relevant to your interests.

Hahaha! What in Celestia's name did I just watch?! Israeli Bf-109s shooting down Americans, and Germans shooting down Israeli B-17s? Oh man, I think that's enough internet for today.


Quote from: Gouranga on 2014 May 01, 02:14:43
Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Apr 30, 13:28:36
I think you may find this plug relevant to your interests.

Hahaha! What in Celestia's name did I just watch?! Israeli Bf-109s shooting down Americans, and Germans shooting down Israeli B-17s? Oh man, I think that's enough internet for today.

Expand Isreal's borders in the sky in War Thunder.

Be sharp and constant in a F110 or experience flight with no engines.



2014 May 01, 14:30:29 #18 Last Edit: 2014 May 02, 02:55:45 by Gouranga
Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 May 01, 12:19:25
Expand Isreal's borders in the sky in War Thunder.

Be sharp and constant in a F110 or experience flight with no engines.

Awesome videos, thanks! Although I don't really like War Thunder because of the unrealistic flight physics, I have to admit the graphics are looking good.
I tend to fly the sims that not many can fly. Robbaz tried DCS, but without success.
Edit: I take it you're a War Thunder player, Maybe this will help you in BFM. It's a video originally done for a F-16C simulator called Falcon 3
(The modern version of this game is free and it's called BMS 4.32 if you're interested)

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