Pokemon X and Y topic

Started by Nala Valor, 2013 Jan 07, 11:41:33

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X or Y?

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2013 Oct 31, 19:55:15 #600 Last Edit: 2013 Oct 31, 19:57:25 by Yellowpikmin476
And I am NOT letting my new little shiny Bunnelby evolve into Diggersby. I don't want my first shiny to be ugly.

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Quote from: Rikaria on 2013 Oct 31, 19:47:26
Spoiler: The three previously rumored Pokémon (MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT!) • show

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They could be fake, but... still interesting nonetheless.
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.

Chishio Kunrin

How long do you think it'll be until Serebii.net starts getting images of shiny gen VI pokemon on their website?

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Well... seeing as they have to do this for all the new Pokémon (even despite this Gen having way less compared to the past five), it'll probably be a while, even moreso for the Legendaries.
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


Is Pixilate ability any good? I Heard it's not that good if the pokemon lacks normal type moves.
3DS Friend Code: 2363-5641-1771
Final Fantasy XI Char/Server: Chiririn / Asura
Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble Player Code & Username: 1qmgdmug / KirbySh


Also, I had a very short chain going when I got my shiny Bunnelby, so I'm still trying to master chaining. It's hard and annoying, but practice makes perfect I suppose.
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Nala Valor

Quote from: KirbyFluttershy on 2013 Nov 01, 00:34:43
Is Pixilate ability any good? I Heard it's not that good if the pokemon lacks normal type moves.
like refrigerate, only good for a STAB hyperbeam.

Also, just got myself a magician Fenekin :3 so cool.


Spoiler: About my previous post that had a massive spoiler • show
Apparently those Pokémon ARE real. How we'll be able to get them is unknown at the moment.

I've also come across some other things, but I'm just gonna keep quiet on them for now :P
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


So i'm guessing that Pixilate sylveon isn't that good?
3DS Friend Code: 2363-5641-1771
Final Fantasy XI Char/Server: Chiririn / Asura
Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble Player Code & Username: 1qmgdmug / KirbySh


No, it IS good, because it would get STAB from Normal moves. GOOD.
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Well I was debating over that ability for sylveon, but If I attempt to use hyper beam, then It would be too powerful against dark and dragon types. I dunno If I should get pixilate sylveon or not.
3DS Friend Code: 2363-5641-1771
Final Fantasy XI Char/Server: Chiririn / Asura
Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble Player Code & Username: 1qmgdmug / KirbySh


Is it possible to get that ability for it? My Sylveon has Cute Charm. And wouldn't you want to easily one hit KO a Dragon/Dark/Fighting type with supereffective and STAB Hyper Beam? Would you ever NOT want that? I don't know about you, but I would.
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2013 Nov 01, 19:54:23 #612 Last Edit: 2013 Nov 01, 19:57:55 by Rikaria
Quote from: Yellowpikmin476 on 2013 Nov 01, 17:44:48
Is it possible to get that ability for it? My Sylveon has Cute Charm.

You can get it the same way you get Hidden Abilities for all the other Pokémon you can breed with. Though in this case, you need Eevee with Adaptability then you evolve that.
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


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Quote from: Yellowpikmin476 on 2013 Nov 01, 20:28:28
And how is that done?

In Gen V, Hidden Ability breeding was only possible if the female parent had one and that you DIDN'T breed with a Ditto. Now, either parent can have a Hidden Ability AND you can breed with a Ditto. However, if the male has Hidden Ability and the female/Ditto doesn't, it's a much smaller chance of passing it down.

Hmm... Now that I brought that up, I wonder what Phione's Hidden Ability will be...
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


How did you get the first one with a Hidden Ability?
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Quote from: Yellowpikmin476 on 2013 Nov 01, 22:08:51
How did you get the first one with a Hidden Ability?

You can either:

1) Hope you get one in a trade/Wonder Trade/trade from GTS
2) Find one in a horde
3) Find one in a Friend Safari (make sure you're both online and connected in-game to boost the chances)

Adding on to 3), try to find a Friend Safari that has a Ditto. It'll probably save you the trouble in the long run.
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


I heard people were getting mystery eggs off from the wonder trades for some reason, but My guess is that ppl have hacked them or just a corrupted data. If i were you guys, I would keep away from the wonder trades, but I have to see if there's more proof on that and hopefully another patch happens.

actually in order to identify the hidden ability, you could get a pokemon with trace ability like ralts and kirlia. That's what i did to identify the hidden ability.

When I came up with a moveset for Tyrunt, I was able to execute the moveset and came out perfectly as I suspected. The only thing is that I need to get him to learn is Crunch to benefit the Ability even more. I'm not sure if I should call it like Fangrunt or something like that.
3DS Friend Code: 2363-5641-1771
Final Fantasy XI Char/Server: Chiririn / Asura
Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble Player Code & Username: 1qmgdmug / KirbySh


2013 Nov 02, 09:36:28 #618 Last Edit: 2013 Nov 02, 11:13:38 by Rikaria
Quote from: KirbyFluttershy on 2013 Nov 02, 01:30:59
actually in order to identify the hidden ability, you could get a pokemon with trace ability like ralts and kirlia. That's what i did to identify the hidden ability.

Trace doesn't work well in a horde battle. Furthermore, that doesn't apply to point #1 on my last post. For Ditto, you don't even need Trace; if a Ditto Transforms right away before you get to make a choice, it definitely has its Hidden Ability (it's called Imposter, by the way).

EDIT: Completed all Kalos Pokédexes... What to do till Pokémon Bank comes out...
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.

Shadow Mare

Quote from: Rikaria on 2013 Nov 02, 09:36:28
Quote from: KirbyFluttershy on 2013 Nov 02, 01:30:59
actually in order to identify the hidden ability, you could get a pokemon with trace ability like ralts and kirlia. That's what i did to identify the hidden ability.

Trace doesn't work well in a horde battle. Furthermore, that doesn't apply to point #1 on my last post. For Ditto, you don't even need Trace; if a Ditto Transforms right away before you get to make a choice, it definitely has its Hidden Ability (it's called Imposter, by the way).

EDIT: Completed all Kalos Pokédexes... What to do till Pokémon Bank comes out...

random online battles?

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