Pokemon X and Y topic

Started by Nala Valor, 2013 Jan 07, 11:41:33

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X or Y?

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Don't like pokemon (that's Impossible)
4 (4.3%)

Total Members Voted: 91

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Well, I'm trying the Masuda method. If this works soon, I'll have a shiny Pidgey!
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Changing Wind

How is everyone finding shinys so easily?


Quote from: Changing Wind on 2013 Oct 29, 19:57:15
How is everyone finding shinys so easily?

I wasn't even trying. I was leveling up my Napivore and boom! Sudden Shiny Floatzel! ^-^

I can't believe I didn't join this thread earlier. I got the game... The day after it was released, I think? :I

Changing Wind

I'm with you  X3
I think I made one earlier post, but after X Y released I haven't even been on.

What does a shiny floatzel look like? I always imagined it's 'floaty' as gold instead of yellow


The floaty is a very slight purple in the game, unlike the silver shown here, but it's the best image I could find. X3


Well I got myself a shiny scatterbug while i was looking for a light ball with my noibat. If anyone here wants a wish and volt tackle pichu or pikachu, I'll breed one for you guys or if in different egg move, I may try to get a parabolic charge on it and see if that works out.

I can still provide you guys japanese pokemon on my brother's Y version, but it's either you guys have to wait till he progresses through the game or post-game. Judging from what I saw on his progress, he's on his way to the 2nd gym and getting a fossil pokemon.
3DS Friend Code: 2363-5641-1771
Final Fantasy XI Char/Server: Chiririn / Asura
Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble Player Code & Username: 1qmgdmug / KirbySh


30 Masuda Method Pidgeys, no shiny yet. It'd just be spectacular to have my first shiny to be my favorite Pokémon, which is why I'm doing Pidgeys. Pidgey has been my favorite since when I first got into Pokémon... the day I started a file in Gold. And Pidgey is my favorite, and also has an awesome color scheme when shiny.
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Changing Wind

Quote from: Juliussnip

I was close! That looks cool! Too bad I can't get a bunnary. None of my friends have a normal type safari zone. Actually they all have either grass, ground, or rock.  :l

Shadow Mare

Why does everyone want a Buneary so badly?


Quote from: Shadow Mare on 2013 Oct 29, 22:22:08
Why does everyone want a Buneary so badly?

I think it's a version exclusive...
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.

Shadow Mare

Version exclusive? Serebii states its not in either game of gen VI.


Quote from: Rikaria on 2013 Oct 29, 23:04:16
Quote from: Shadow Mare on 2013 Oct 29, 22:22:08
Why does everyone want a Buneary so badly?

I think it's a version exclusive...

I actually don't want one, it's for someone special to me. I believe it's one of her dream Pokemon. :)

And Shadow is right, it's in neither game. I believe it's still obtainable via Friend Safari though I'm not sure.

Shadow Mare

If it was in Friend safari it would of mention it on its location. But its completely blank.


Hmm... I must've been imagining things, then...
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


I'm not sure if you guys have female litleo with moxie ability. My friend is searching for one and I'm covering the trade for her though.
3DS Friend Code: 2363-5641-1771
Final Fantasy XI Char/Server: Chiririn / Asura
Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble Player Code & Username: 1qmgdmug / KirbySh

Shadow Mare

Quote from: KirbyFluttershy on 2013 Oct 30, 00:30:23
I'm not sure if you guys have female litleo with moxie ability. My friend is searching for one and I'm covering the trade for her though.

Oh wow a hidden ability... good luck with that.


I have horrible luck trying to breed for a Hidden Ability (unless both parents have it), so... good luck!
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


I find the fastest way to hatch eggs is going back and forth down route 7. That way, when one hatches, you're close to the daycare, and can drop off the hatchling in the nearby PC, and then pick up a new egg. :]
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Second, non-chained shiny get!... Too bad it was only a Bellsprout =c

Seeing a shiny in a horde, though... and I was EV training, too.
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


I finally caught you, Zapdos!

Also, you said non-chained shiny. Is chaining hard? Or is it relatively easy? Never really spent much time on chaining before.
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