Dimension Jumpers (Rp thread)

Started by AAA13, 2012 Nov 22, 15:02:23

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Jenzy looked really shocked...
Wow... I've never been to this one. Well, there was another world where it was discorded that I visited. Running away from myself. But, discorded, it wasn't so dark there. This is...

Jenzy was speechless :I
Wow, what happened here?!


"Night Terror Nebula happened here." Portal Jumper said quietly.
"Buuuuuuut hes back to being Prince Artemis now, Thanks to Lord Solaris." she added.
Thanks to Bravo539 for the avatar!


Like Nightmare Moon. But it's REALLY dark. What the hay.

Are you hiding something from us Portal?


"You mean apart from the fact that Night Terror Nebula was way more evil than your Nightmare Moon, or that he almost beat Lord Solaris?" Portal Jumper said sarcasticly.
Thanks to Bravo539 for the avatar!


Well. Just explain it to us later. Where's your place?

Sir Clomps-a-Lot

Sir Clomps-a-Lot had just finished talking to Princess Celestia. He has heard of the portals before, but never believed that they actually existed until Celestia mentioned it. Disbelief came to Clomps's eyes when he came across Portal Jumper, Jenzy and Star going through a portal. Clomps just stood there shocked.
Even the rich are hungry for love, for being cared for, for being wanted, for having someone to call their own.  ~Mother Teresa


"Follow me." Portal Jumper said, walking off.
Thanks to Bravo539 for the avatar!


How can you see through this darkness?


"Easy: I grew up here." Portal Jumper said, before stopping outside a tree house near the edge of town.
"Here we are."
Thanks to Bravo539 for the avatar!


((How dark is it anyway? There's some light right? We can see it? And how does it look?))


((Theres some, but not much, light, yes you can see it, and it's a bit like twi's library, but without all the book-shelves 'n stuff on the inside.))
Thanks to Bravo539 for the avatar!


Ah. It's like an empty library in here...


"Thats what you think, Jenzy." Portal Jumper said, before pressing a small button.
Small panels all over the walls revolved to reveal state-of-the-art weaponry.
"This is my weapons room."
Thanks to Bravo539 for the avatar!


Whoah! Y'all are really prepared for anything huh?


Portal Jumper shrugged, then looked outside and saw...
"Uhh... it seems your way home is... erm... well... gone." she told Jenzy and Thunder star.
Thanks to Bravo539 for the avatar!



"More or less." Portal Jumper said calmly.
"Guess you'll have to stay here till I can find another portal to your Ponyverse. Or theres always the possibility that you could..." she trailed off.
Thanks to Bravo539 for the avatar!


Jenzy thought of some solution...
You don't happen to have... er, power-ups do you? Like some shiny magical carrot of some sort?


"Some what?" Portal Jumper asked, confused.
"If you come with me we can probably get a portal to your Ponyverse found, I just don't have the tech with me. And theres a teeny tiny catch."
Thanks to Bravo539 for the avatar!


Well, I was thinking. If I use a Magical Carrot, I can transform to a unicorn and open a portal with a spell.

And... What's the catch?

Jenzy said with a worried look

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