Adventure Across Equestria [Not jump-in]

Started by Little Star, 2012 Nov 17, 13:38:38

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Little Star

No idea. Oh! They're on the road! Yyyyeeeehah! Hold on to yer britches! She stops her hoof and the wagon rapidly speeds towards the front again.It slows down and is in front of the others again.
I need to be in front. My momma is a mapper lady. I am following in her footsteps as a mapper lady thing. Lil Ann scribbles on the map filled in with CANTERLOT only.

Doctor Light

"Pretty nice map, how'd you get to scribble everything from Canterlot?" Light asks while bringing out his hourglass muttering 'wibbly wobbly timey wimey'
Hey, I like Doctor Who, writing, playing and singing music, badminton, and MLP.

Little Star

What yall mean? Oh ye mean how I get to map where we are? My momma couldnt come and I was the next best thing.

Doctor Light

"I see, ever heard of- (I musn't disturb time) I mean, have you ever been out here yet?"
Hey, I like Doctor Who, writing, playing and singing music, badminton, and MLP.

The Wandering Magus

The general continued walking ahead of the small herd alongside Aspera the mule, his keen military eye taking in every detail of the land as he made a mental map of the place.  As he walked, he withdrew a piece of paper from the supplies within the wagon with his magic along with a quill, protractor, compass, hanging mass and other surveying materials and began drawing a detailed map of the area with Equestrian Army notation- strict, accurate, terse, with exact symbols denoting every landmark and contours outlining the gradient of the area.  He had not passed through Military Academy and become a General without learning a thing or two about scouting and quick, precise map-making.

Every now and then he would quietly ask Aspera the mule for opinions or advice, despite their extreme difference in social status.  Unlike other nobles, the general viewed each and every inhabitant of the Empire as equally valid and equally intelligent, give or take some training and education, and all those who had served under his command back at Canterlot City knew that he expected the same level of respect and understanding among his troops.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Little Star

Location - Desert plateaus
Weather - Not a cloud
Temperature - Blistering hot
Resources? - Only small cacti
Lil Ann wipes the sweat beads off of her face. She drinks a small amount of water from her canteen.
My stars it is hot out here. I am sweating like a pig, no offence to any pigs.

Doctor Light

"Indeed, Anna, and er, Sir Fancy Pants, how're you doing? I've got water for all of us." Light says
Hey, I like Doctor Who, writing, playing and singing music, badminton, and MLP.

The Wandering Magus

The general took a sip from his canteen and turned to the pony.  "I am well, thank you very much.  I find it helpful to continue moving in hot conditions.  Stay hydrated, everypony.   We do not need anypony getting heatstroke in the middle of the desert."

Willow and Hackberry said nothing.  The farmponies were still sitting in the wagon, and didn't trust Aspera the mule enough to speak frankly, and there was also a sort of farmpony pride which made them think twice about showing what could be considered a weakness.

Aspera, for her part, did not mind the heat, or if she did, did not show it.  She had experienced worse, and in all honesty the small level of freedom in the desert wilderness was a relief compared to her life in the temperate confines of Canterlot.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Ryo says nothing just sat in a dark corner of his wagon, eyes closed almost like he was sleeping but while sat up, as if trying to ignore what was going on around

Little Star

'Scuse me, sir, my name aint Anna, it's Ann. Lil Ann sighs and sits down on the floor in her wagon.

Doctor Light

"Excuse me, I haven't got to know you much. *cough* It is very hot here...'
Hey, I like Doctor Who, writing, playing and singing music, badminton, and MLP.

Nala Valor

((Because I don't want to just hide like if she didn't need food or water (cuz she needs these 2 things) ill just say it like this))

Melody was still hiding in Lil Ann's wagon. She didn't drink or eat since they left. The heat immobilized her. She started glowing. (You see the glow) instead of going back to a new-born form, she went back to the egg stage to protect herself.
((I don't know how the wagon is but she's somewhere. You can take the egg. Just take care of it))

Doctor Light

"Eh? A glowing... Egg?! Blimey, It must've been a thing-- I like it, it's my egg now."
Hey, I like Doctor Who, writing, playing and singing music, badminton, and MLP.

Little Star

Lil Ann jumps
Melody! My poor little bird! She grabs the egg Oh no, my beautiful phoenix is down into her little egg form... Sorry but this is my phoenix. Lil Ann rocks the egg in her arms shocked and depressed

Doctor Light

"Oh. You COULD have put it in a cage on the top... Anyways, will we encounter a deadly endavor on our adventure?"
Hey, I like Doctor Who, writing, playing and singing music, badminton, and MLP.

Little Star

I aint got no clue. But I sure am tired as heck. We better eat sumthin' and get to bed.
Do you like pie? Or muffins? Cuz its all I got.

Lill Ann pops out a blueberry muffin and eats it.

Doctor Light

"Muffins? I love them!" says Light as he takes out a jar of cookies
"Take them all. I've lot's of them."
Hey, I like Doctor Who, writing, playing and singing music, badminton, and MLP.

The Wandering Magus

The general looked back, and at the panting, tired mules.  "Perhaps it would be wise to make camp now?  The sun goes down quickly in the desert, and the weather gets very cold at night, regardless of how hot it seems at the moment."
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Doctor Light

"Of course, we must set camp. I've mediguns. It'll help them. This expidition shall be grand" Says Light to the general
Hey, I like Doctor Who, writing, playing and singing music, badminton, and MLP.

The Wandering Magus

The general nodded.  "Very good then.  Circle the wagons, ponies.  We don't want predators in the camp tonight.  Aspera, ayudame por favor."

"Si, SeƱor."

So speaking, the military stallion gathered the wagons into a somewhat tight circle and laid down a campfire for cooking and keeping warm for the night.  Already, the sun was setting, and the extreme arid heat of the day was giving way to an ice-cold chill of night as Luna's Moon began to rise.  The howls of coyotes could be heard in the distance.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

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