Adventure Across Equestria [Not jump-in]

Started by Little Star, 2012 Nov 17, 13:38:38

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2012 Dec 23, 17:22:03 #100 Last Edit: 2012 Dec 23, 17:25:34 by GalvinRoe
Quote from: Ryo_D_Disk on 2012 Dec 23, 16:54:38
"Fire.. elemental magic... no this seems to natural GRAHHHHHHH no time to think about this now, we need to keep them away from the wagons and at a better bet the fire itself"

Ryo takes one of the paper pages he showed Emmit earlier and chants a small phrase

"Shadow word Bind"Out of the shadows cast by the surrounding wolves black shadowy chains burst out of nothingness binding two of the wolves

"Ill keep working on something just keep them back for now, unless you have a plan"

"Keep them back . . . I'm not sure electructing these creatures will do anything, but I'll try."

Electrical currents swam around her horn and after a moment or two a great electric arc hit one of the wolves, then it bounced to one other but with significantly less volume. Clara shook her head.

"It's not going to work Ryo, their coats . . . their bodies, beneath the fire, aren't conductive. They don't have synaptic patters like us. Basically they don't use electric impulses to control their body, my electric magic won't work." Clara's face contorted as she pushed through ideas as quickly as she could. "I can . . . put up a minor force barrier, enough to keep one side of the caravan protected but . . ."

One of the unrestrained wolves interupted her, yowling out a large plume of fire, catching one of the outer wagons, ablaze.

"NO!" Clara jumped forward with a elegant flick of her horn. The fire detached itself from the wagon and flew off into the desert, leaving behind slightly chared wood and tarp.

"We need to act NOW, Ryo, we don't have time to think!"

Clara played out a small magical circle with her hooves, standing on her hind legs, a slight shimmering began to appear on the eastern side of the camp, a slightly distorted space. And sure enough when a wolf moved forward to jump into the camp it was stopped by the barrier, colliding full force in the air.

Clara flinched. "DO something, I can't just spit out random magics like this, I'm skilled in ELECTRIC magic Ryo, you know this!" And sure enouh the strain was evident in her posture and sweat trickling down the back of her neck


"Alright Ill deal with protection then, were not exactly the best elements to be dealing with flame, we would need water or air magic to deal with it at this scale Gah no choice"

Ryo closes his eyes for a moment as his horn glows crimson red

"Niger verba oblitus secreta audire verba mea in tenebris tuis litteris formatum in nomine meo verba conflantur Umbra verbum DISSAEPTUM"
((In case you're curious about what I said))
Spoiler: show
"Black words of forgotten secrets hear my words in the darkness your letters formed in my name the words are forged Shadow word Barrier"

Runes and letters form around the caravans and tents creating small circles with glowing words unreadable to normal ponys as Ryo's eyes open again as he pants slightly
"That shall hold them off momentarily and since we cant win with numbers think you could handle an intimidation attack"


2012 Dec 24, 13:52:25 #102 Last Edit: 2012 Dec 24, 13:56:38 by GalvinRoe
 "INTIMIDATION? Are we going to bluff our way out of this?" Clara paused, looking to the wolves already moving around the wall of force. "I suppose we don't  have any other options, but if this doesn't work . . . we are going to be in a mess of trouble." Clara forced her horn backwards, much like a fisher reeling in a fish, and after a long second, she unfroze herself and ran towards the camp fire. Behind her the light refracted in a thousand directions, as her strange barrier shattered and collapsed in on itself.

Her heart beat in her brain, the ammount of magical exhaustion she was already feeling . . .  Could she pull off a thunder-clap? Would it matter if she did? But there was no other alternative at the moment, Ryo and herself could keep the wolves from harming the ponies, but it wasn't possible to protect all the carriages and belongings and without those they would die anyways.

So, the decision was made, as she skid into the coals of the fire. "Here we go, not my specilization, but we don't have any other options . . ."

With a circular twist, the flames jumped into the air, floating above the camp ominously. Then, with a quick jabbingly lunge from clara, the flames burst blue, then white, then expanded so quickly it couldn't be seen . . . A small thunderstorm appeared, a storm without clouds, rain or hail; a thunderstorm composed of only lightning and deafening thunder.

Several spearing blasts of elecrticity scoarched the earth about the camp, tremendous mind-shattering blasts of noise punche into the ponies' ears. After only a few seconds it was over with and Clara was done, struggling to even lift her head, unable to see if the strategy had worked and the wolves had been driven away.


"Tisk only half fine my turn" Ryo glares at Emmit "Emmit get back and see to Clara, and trust me you may want to close your eyes to what is about to happen"

Ryo closes his eyes once more the bindings on the two wolves faded as most are shaken most have run off back into the night but some still standing strong looking at the ponies what appear to be there prey , as Ryo focuses his magic the ground around him now warping covering itself in darkness from the centre of Ryo to a circle only the flickering lights of the wolves soon remain

"Shadow form, Beast"

The shadows form and twist spiralling up changing it shape and forming a shadowy form of a large chimera with glowing crimson eyes as an echoing roar sounds 


  Emmit had fallen prone to the ground, such a sudden series of shocking sounds, they had knocked him straight prone. "Right, don't you worry about Clara, Ryo. I'll make sure she's fine. Just keep those wolves at bay from us, please.

  Emmit sprinted his way towards his beloved wife, halfway there he felt the diming of lights, around him and then the horrible roar. Even with his back turned a chill crept up his spine, into his brain. He knew what Ryo was famous for, but he'd never delt with the darker shades of his magic; this, was obviously one of them.

Crouching down with limbs numb with fear and a tongue gangly with horror, he managed to coax reasuring nothings into Clara's ears. "We'll be fine sweet, you've done wonderfuly, most the wolves have scampered off and I'm sure the rest are gone now. Ryo will take care of the rest . . . Ryo will take care of the rest. He gently stroked her shaking head, rolling her over into a more comfortable position.

Clara's eyes were filled with terror, not only was she completly unable to move . . . she had never felt THIS ammount of incapacitation before, it was demoralizing. . . Her mouth shook a couple times, but didn't manage to open it or make any sound.

Emmit continued comforting the imobile mare, until he had nerve enough to look around . . . the wolves were gone, the night was silent, once more and only the soft charing of the wagon and the dissaperance of the fire suggested something happened there that night.


As the wolves flee Ryo collapses his hind legs giving in to his own weight, the light now returned and Ryo panting
"I wasn't expecting to ... use... so ...much energy in.... one go. I Is everypony o..  o...ok"

Ryo falls over hitting his side on the ground losing his senses his vision burred still awake but unable to move
"I should have used a seal.. than my ... own"


   - And time passed -

The next morning, a hot sun rose over the open desert, baking the ponies awake. Emmit had sat with Ryo and Clara all night, helping lull them both into a restful slumber.

Emmit pulled the tarp over the opening of the wagon, keeping as much of the burning light from hitting those distraught ponies. Finally, Emmit spoke, his words drentched in exhaustion and worry " Are . . . you two, alright?

Clara didn't speak, even through the burning rise of the sun, she was still fast asleep.


Ryo sits up a bit
"yea I'm alright "
As Ryo goes to push himself back up he slips and falls into a slump

"Well I will be I guess, I just over did it a tad, how's Clara and the others, I blanked out a bit after that last spell"


 "She's fine, I think. It seems like she's just resting and I'm not suprized. . . He stopped and looked up at Ryo. "You two really exhausted yourselves, but you did what you set out for . . .  the wolves ran away. No-pony was harmed and the only damage done was from that original fire wolf, the one that charred the wagon? Emmit shook his delicate head.

"The group wants to move, we don't want to be caught unaware by those wolves, again. I think it IS advisable that you move, one of the mules has agreet to assist in pulling the wagon as Clara is unconscious . . . ."

With that Clara took a great in-take of air and sat up suddenly. "No, NO! I-I won't condone it . . ." But she slumped back down as soon as she sat up.

Emmit quickly took up the chance . " One day, Clara, you can't power the carriage today and you KNOW I can't pull the thing. Alonzo Mane consented to assit us for the day, it was unbelievably generous. You can repay him but he's stated that you have already helped him immensly . . . 

Clara shook her head stubbornly, but didn't move or make further complaint. . .

The Wandering Magus

2012 Dec 25, 13:57:09 #109 Last Edit: 2012 Dec 25, 17:21:58 by The Wandering Magus
Hackberry slowly woke up, then clutched his pitchfork as memories of the previous night rushed back.

They came like a pack of timberwolves, with which they were in all likelihood related.  He could see it in their eyes, they were here for blood.  All his prayers went to Luna that they might at least survive the night as the creatures charged forward, snarling like the animals they were.

His pitchfork skewered the first one that came at Willow, and the butt of the staff took care of the next, but they kept coming, one after another, like rabbits smoked out of a burrow.  As far as he could tell, there was no end to them, and the only thing he could do was fight and pray.

Another down, a pair of hateful eyes quenched, for the moment.  The problem with these sorts was that they just kept coming back, the wood, or fire in this case, reforming around the spirit that indwelt them.  He hadn't bothered getting his pitchfork blessed, but now he wish he did.

A massive, flaming claw drove him down and onto his back, the wild jaws snapping as he desperately stabbed the thing in the neck to keep it at bay, not that stabbing did any good.  In the madness of the moment, he couldn't see quite what happened, but suddenly the thing was hit by some sort of medicine pouch, and went off howling into the darkness.

Turning, he saw Willow stooped and gasping, a glint in her eyes that would have made the roughest thug in Appleloosa back down.  She had several pouches filled with some sort of concoction, an ancient and mysterious recipe passed down by her family for generations.  Alchemy wasn't just for healing wounds.

As the wolves began circling the new threat, a giant one, almost Hackberry's size, leaped forward, but was knocked back by a golden glow.  Whipping his head around to see who it was, the farmpony was almost knocked back as Lord Fancy Pants rushed past, plowing into the fray followed by a pack of mules.  Suddenly, the farmpony had a much, MUCH greater respect for the dirty freaks than before, and as he looked at his wife he could tell that she, too had a change of heart.

They fought like creatures who had nothing to lose, so long as they followed their leader.  The General was like that, able to garner a loyalty unmatched by any other save the Princesses thanks to his undying loyalty in return to his own troops.  Blow by blow, step by step, the wolves were driven back until the three other fighting unicorns, the sorcerer and the two scientists, drove back the creatures.

The aftermath was surprisingly light for the camp, but the same could not be said of the mules.  No-PONY had been harmed, but many a mule suffered burns and scars they would bear the rest of their days, regardless of the brave protests they gave when offered help.  Willow quietly went from one to the next, humbled by the gallant show of courage and loyalty by the same creatures she had been hating and despising just several hours ago.  She tended them as she would have tended her own foals, and not a few mules were saved permanent scarring that day.

Hackberry, for his part, went forward and apologized personally to each of the brave warriors for his attitude.

The vigil went long into the night, and the morning would dawn on a great change...


The General came to consciousness as he felt rough, unshorn fetlocks brush his muzzle.  Opening his eyes with some difficulty considering the crusted blood on his forehead, he realized it was Aspera, who was gently binding his wounds.  "<A->"

He coughed roughly, clutching his chest instinctively.  The mule placed a hoof on his lips and shushed.

"<The wounds are not extreme, but it would be best not to speak until these bindings are finished, Señor.  The wolves have been driven back.  We mules owe you much after what you did for us last night.>"

The General leaned back again, allowing the mule to continue tending to him.  Slowly, some memory of the night came back to him.

The fire wolves had attacked the outer perimeter first, of course.  The mules did their best to fend off the creatures with what primitive magic the Goddesses had gifted their race with, but of course it was not enough.  He remembered the blazing eyes of the pack leader, a hideous thing the size of a full-grown stallion, with some strange magic of his own.

He had learned some of the lore concerning desert warfare in his training, but any soldier worth his salt knew that a twenty-five to one was an impossible fight on open ground.  The General used every trick in the book, from magic missiles and shields to earthquakes and whirlwinds, but there were too many, all attacking at once.  When they breached the defenses and began attacking the wagons, the mules rushed to help, but were set ablaze by the wolves.  In desperation, the General had drawn all the fire onto himself, and thrown his own body into the pack leader.  So that was why his breathing was so difficult.

He opened his eyes slowly, taking in the damage.  The area around his chest had received third degree burns, and there were lacerations all over his body, thankfully away from the vital organs.  The burning claws had instantly cauterized the wounds, fortunately, but there was no doubt that the damage would take a long time to heal, if they ever completely healed.

"<Aspera... the camp, did...?>"

"<The camp is safe, Señor.  None were lost today.  Thanks to you, Ryo, Clara and Emmit.>"

Tears of relief finally came to the General's eyes as he allowed himself some rest once more.  Regardless the damage to his own body, he had done his part.  He had protected his followers.


Willow had tended the mules all night, her mind reeling with the knock her beliefs had taken.  Every prejudice she held in her heart was disproved in a few short hours of battle, and as she apologized repeatedly to the mules, each in turn gave her the most beautiful smile.  She couldn't believe that she had believed such lies about these brave souls.

By the time she got to the General, she had tended about twenty mules altogether, and had seen enough burns and scars to last a lifetime.  Aspera, as she learned the mule nurse was called, had done a good job binding the fallen warrior's wounds, but did not have quite as much experience with serious burns.  Willow gently poured a few precious drops of her great-grandmother's special blend of herbs and potions onto the wounds, and the mule openly wept tears of joy as the scars slowly healed before her eyes, the fur growing back at a magical pace as the potion worked its way into the General.

All ponies and mules accounted for, the tired mare allowed herself to look up, and caught her breath a bit.  The sun was rising.

A new day had come.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

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