
Started by hyper drive [HD], 2012 Aug 26, 20:46:34

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hyper drive [HD]

2012 Aug 26, 20:46:34 Last Edit: 2012 Aug 31, 20:04:34 by hyper drive [HD]

some players in the game

Nala Valor

I wish I knew how to make an fps game... Cuz I have a big idea. ((and yes, it involves pony, but not in the way you think!))

hyper drive [HD]

Quote from: Nala Valor on 2012 Aug 26, 20:53:31
I wish I knew how to make an fps game... Cuz I have a big idea. ((and yes, it involves pony, but not in the way you think!))
whats the idea i could sometime when the game comes out ill make it an extended pack or a(n) bonus level

Nala Valor

It would be a good idea for a level only, since it would be an entire game.
But the idea would be to have some war between gangs of brony and they fight to know who's best pony. They like have weapons that goes well with there favorite pony. The game would be played a bit like tf2 but... Different I guess? ((I don't know how to say it))
And what program are you using? Simple curiosity.

hyper drive [HD]

Quote from: Nala Valor on 2012 Aug 26, 20:59:27
It would be a good idea for a level only, since it would be an entire game.
But the idea would be to have some war between gangs of brony and they fight to know who's best pony. They like have weapons that goes well with there favorite pony. The game would be played a bit like tf2 but... Different I guess? ((I don't know how to say it))
And what program are you using? Simple curiosity.
blender, gimp, unity 3d, and a bunch that i really dont know :o X3

Nala Valor

Oh... So are you like using pre-made model of guns or are you making your own?

And I think I once saw a program to create fps games... I'll have to check if it still exist.

hyper drive [HD]

Quote from: Nala Valor on 2012 Aug 26, 21:03:08
Oh... So are you like using pre-made model of guns or are you making your own?

And I think I once saw a program to create fps games... I'll have to check if it still exist.
im using blender to make my own right now im using a quick stick gun to test sound and flare

Stitchin Time

Sounds epic! I'd help, but I have no idea how. X3


I would love to, but I keep procrastinating on my own projects. That and I still have a lot to learn.

hyper drive [HD]

right now i have just added sights to the gun in blender and i got water working pretty well. i have 2 other friends helping me and well they only make some 3d models so i do most of the work. finished 2 houses in google sketchup

hyper drive [HD]

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