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Messages - Flamestriker

Off-Topic Archive / Re: Zombie Plan
2013 May 06, 03:45:58
That list of the Z.A.T. is perfect!  lol

... Although I'd have a lot more people on my team. Like everypony on this forum, for example.
I'm going to buy Twilight or Fluttershy when I see them. I can't wait to see the others!
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Coca-Cola or Pepsi?
2013 Apr 30, 05:47:38
Neither. I'm equally fond of both of them and I prefer lemonade or creaming soda, anyway.
Agreed. Especially when it smells like cotton candy (I bought mine with that scent in it). *Huggles Pinkie, smells cotton candy next morning*

"Why do I smell- wait, I remember..." -- Me every morning since buying B-A-B Pinkie.
The most satisfaction from beating an old game was beating Fire Emblem...

The sublime satisfaction of beating the final boss made me cheer so loud!
Yep... lots of other stuff too,  but mainly this. Oh, and lying around doing nothing, too.
Yes... I actually want a pokemon game where you're part of the evil organisation.  :P
Quote from: byndbored on 2013 Apr 11, 01:29:19
Not being able to saying no to something in an RPG like Pokemon for example.

Except "yes" or "no" especially.... If only I could have a maybe option in there...

Also, some questions where it will only progress if you choose the option that the game designers have forced you to choose. It kind of gets annoying after clicking an option 50 + times and wishing that there was a different response.
Pros about being sick:
-Day off school or two
-Doing whatever I want in my room
-Given food and drinks in bed

Cons about being sick:
-Double homework, having no idea what happened yesterday at school
-The aweful sick feeling
-Medication. I don't like medication.
-Going to the doctors when you don't want to.
-Not being able to get out of my room. So bo TV and no computer. Makes it quite boring at times.
-(In some cases) having to rush to the bathroom to vomit.

Yep, that's all I can think about.

OMG there's a mewtwo form change.... seriously! It looks weird. Kinda funny, actually!
This is purdy! Go Legends of Moostria!
When the game glitches when you just completed an annoying task and then you have to reset it and DO IT AGAIN.
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2013 Mar 17, 23:20:29
Quote from: Pinkie Pie on 2013 Mar 17, 23:16:37
Anyone in PVP who:
-or any combination of the three.

I approve of this list  :s

I approve also...
Games where water instantly kills you.
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Your Stupid Habits
2013 Mar 16, 01:49:44
I've adopted pony lingo.

I literally said somepony in English yesterday....

It's become a really bad habit of mine. I usually have words slip without me thinking.
Quote from: super_chris85 on 2013 Mar 15, 22:08:28
one hit kills in any game  :l


Fissure and Sheer Cold are the two moves I loathe in pokemon.
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Zombie Plan
2013 Mar 15, 18:18:16
Go back in time. Simple as that. Where there are no zombies, I shall be there. And I'd probably find the root of the problem back then and stop it before it becomes the zombie apocolypse.

Now, it's time for me to build a time machine...

If that backfires, time for zombie hunting season! Auntie, I'll need to borrow your shotgun!
Off-Topic Archive / Re: My B-Day
2013 Mar 07, 03:11:51
Quote from: Weremetalwolf on 2013 Mar 06, 13:33:57
Dude, your birthday is two days before mine lol

Mine too.... geez, that's creepy as.
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Your Stupid Habits
2013 Feb 24, 15:45:40
Whelp, I have an addiction to randomly burst out in song or hum most of the time. I also love chewing things, and I have a tendency to laugh over anything. ANYTHING. It really annoys me, but I can't stop laughing. It's the same with my crying. If I'm unhappy or stressed, I cry and usually can't stop, even when I've calmed down.
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Tara Strong
2013 Feb 23, 04:21:36
I believe she did Presea from Tales of Symphonia too.