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Messages - Sir Clomps-a-Lot

A³ x 13
Triple A Batteries
Pony with cool new avi
Wolf the Silent  :P
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Nov 22, 18:03:38
In that case, I'd like to personally invite you to take a look at a few RPs that I happen to GM :)  The ponies and I over at Pony Cosmology and Royal Academy of Magic, as well as Starsong's Adventure Across Equestria and GalvinRoe's Princess Conspiracy RPs, would be honored if you could join in sometime ^-^

Alrighty, I'll see if I'm interested ^^

Quote from: Smoshy on 2012 Nov 22, 18:04:20
*falls from ceiling*

Well hi dere stranger! ouo

Welcome to the forums, I'm Smoshy, Da Crazy Random Pony. Nice to eat meet you. ^.^

Hello Smoshy! I prefer not to be eaten :I but nice to meet you too~
The Retirement Home / Re: true or false?
2012 Nov 22, 18:06:25
The pony below me knows what time it is in London.
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Nov 22, 17:55:35
hello and welcome to the forums ^-^  do you roleplay?

Thank you, and yes, I roleplay!
News Archive / Re: The Road to Alpha!
2012 Nov 22, 17:00:43
This will be an awesome game! Can't wait for the beta to come out, it's so exciting!
Sir Clomps-a-Lot had just finished talking to Princess Celestia. He has heard of the portals before, but never believed that they actually existed until Celestia mentioned it. Disbelief came to Clomps's eyes when he came across Portal Jumper, Jenzy and Star going through a portal. Clomps just stood there shocked.
Name: Sir Clomps-a-Lot (Clomps for short)
Gender: Male
Race: Pegasus
Home: Manehatten

Story: Sir Clomps-a-Lot is a rich and greedy pegasus who is quite friendly to anypony. Sir Clomps loves money and is a magnificent seller. His travel to Canterlot becomes interesting as he hears about the portals from Princess Celestia.
Rank: Agent
What does a director do?
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Happy Thanksgiving!
2012 Nov 22, 16:11:09
Happy Turkey Day, everypony!