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Started by Liska, 2012 Mar 19, 03:52:03

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Lord of Madness

hurray for all of this good news ^__^


2012 Mar 20, 13:25:05 #61 Last Edit: 2012 Mar 20, 13:27:45 by Fieryfurnace
Indeed, may the windigoes never smite your friendship, Brothers in Hooves.


Picture courtesy of Stardust.

The flame will burn forevermore, no matter how much windigoes douse it.


We're with you all the way. <3
Hopefully you'll come out of this stronger than before!

Chishio Kunrin

Sorry to hear about what happened, but I'm so glad that you guys got to take all your hard work with you and keep it!

Once the suggestions board for the game is up, I'll try to remember what all I suggested and post it up. Or did you guys write down or save suggestions? I'm pretty sure you must have saved what was in the Accepted, and perhaps the Maybe, board.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


when will you guys continue work on the pony mmo and also whats your prediction of when it will come out are you close to finishing it or will it take another year or two to finish


Quote from: wildfire283 on 2012 Mar 21, 00:31:35
when will you guys continue work on the pony mmo and also whats your prediction of when it will come out are you close to finishing it or will it take another year or two to finish

Production hasn't stopped. As for the rest, I can't give you an exact date.


Took me forever to finally be actually ABLE to post here :| Why must someone accept us first before we can post??

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


Quote from: Tiger on 2012 Mar 21, 06:08:31
Took me forever to finally be actually ABLE to post here :| Why must someone accept us first before we can post??

That had actually been turned off, and the only reason it took for ages for someone to accept you because it took me five hours to notice about eight people waiting to be accepted. XD


Quote from: WolfsGhost on 2012 Mar 21, 07:48:14
Quote from: Tiger on 2012 Mar 21, 06:08:31
Took me forever to finally be actually ABLE to post here :| Why must someone accept us first before we can post??

That had actually been turned off, and the only reason it took for ages for someone to accept you because it took me five hours to notice about eight people waiting to be accepted. XD

Lol XD
But that wouldn't really have mattered, because the two days after that I wasn't able to get here for some reason. It just kept loading and loading :/

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


Quote from: Tiger on 2012 Mar 21, 07:51:38
Lol XD
But that wouldn't really have mattered, because the two days after that I wasn't able to get here for some reason. It just kept loading and loading :/

From what I've heard, our current host is just temporary so I would expect something like this and any other bugs to appear from time-to-time, though hopefully everything will fix itself later on.


It's sad that the old group had to split up, but I know how the founder felt, when you start something, and it grows, it can be hard to let someone else keep control. However, saying that, for the good of all the ponies around, he could've let the person become the new leader, and him co-founder or something. I dunno, what's done is done, and as previously mentioned, we trust you to make the best decision. Also, HATS!  *-*


Unfortunately, i wont take sides with EO, or LoE. I personally hope that this reverts to the original concept idea. I am glad that it is continuing all the same, and that people will start crediting RainDrop for coming up with this in the first place. In my opinion, Way to go LoE. In my other opinion, bad thing to do. work things out. get the team back together, and make the real EO. I dont care which one i play, as long as RainDrop is given credit for the original.

RC out.
How many times do I have to try and figure things out?

The Wandering Magus

Looking forward to what everypony has to offer, now that that issue's cleared up mostly  ^-^  Good luck!  <3
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Thunder Jet

My 3rd forum.
I know 3 people that came from the original.
Lary and R-Zack.


Alrighty then. Derrishus new team. Beautiful new forum.

Me gusta

Quote from: Thunder Jet on 2012 Mar 22, 21:57:25
My 3rd forum.
I know 3 people that came from the original.
Lary and R-Zack.



I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of professionalism between the two parties. You don't see that a lot.

Either way, still a shame that there was a split. Oh well, I'm sure this MMO will be great.


I hope everything works out in the end! :D This looks like it will be absolutely amazing!


I feel that was truly stupid of him. He is now without a team and hopefully without friends!  >:(   I love and tolerate, but when I am riled you may find that I go ballistic. SOMEPONY-and I am not pointing any fingers- but SOMEPONY should get a like of SENSE! Fool.  >:/


I'm so glad you guys made a new forum even though I'm sure what you went through wasn't fun. You guys are great!

Thanks for the drawings Sugarcup!


Quote from: Explolguy on 2012 Mar 23, 21:19:58
I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of professionalism between the two parties. You don't see that a lot.

Either way, still a shame that there was a split. Oh well, I'm sure this MMO will be great.
It's called toleration. Bronies do that. ^o^
I'm on NightWish now. o3o K.

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