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Topics - Sonic Heart

 Welp, on my first try on actually making something on FL and not just sounds without a continuation, this came to life.

The name is just the first thing that came to my head.


~Electro-BLITZ - This topic has been locked due to inactivity, if this was a error and your the topic starter, please contact a moderator for assistance
Music Archive / BronyPalooza
2012 Jul 02, 14:13:16

Animations Archive / Magic - [PMV]
2012 May 29, 13:10:53

Had to post this  :D One of my favourite songs (for now) , with some good animations!

I. love. this. brony.

This is awesome!  :3

EDIT: ugh, its a bit late and im busy, i think this goes better on animations. And it dosent let me delete the topic :c