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Quote from: KuddlyKalli on 2015 Apr 12, 23:38:52Spoiler: Fun Fact showLuna can talk to animals like Fluttershy does.
Quote from: HunterOfTheDark on 2015 Mar 02, 08:30:41
How the heck has no one mentioned shows like Rocket Power, Animaniacs, or Pinkie and the Brain here yet?!?!? Those were my bread and butter back in the day, alongside Spongebob, Kim Possible, Lilo and Stitch, X-Men Evolution, The Amazing Spider-Man, Martin Mystery, and a really old PBS show called Cyber Chase!
Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Feb 18, 07:36:10Spoiler: If You Click This Tab Your Torment Shall NEVER END! showevery time i hear the rumor about Eg3 and its story i get disappointed (which i stated in another topic i think) that it looks like the movies main focus will be Spitfire & Rainbow Dash (not that i dislike them) its just of course i want the movie to revolve around Sunset Shimmer again
also if Flash starts going out with Alternate world twilight i'm seriously gonna BLEH!!!
cause that would make NO SENSE At all Especially since Rainbow Rocks "ALMOST" K.I.S.S Scene
(with Equestria Twilight)
(but i guess they could use the over protective brother joke if it did happen)
Quote from: wingedpineapple on 2015 Feb 17, 16:40:44[/spoiler]Spoiler: show[spoiler]