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Topics - Blade Braveheart

Warning major spoiler serious its about the show be sure u want to spoil it for yourself but u most likely already heard about it X3

I tried but said invalid so someone else would be so kind as to put it up
Wow I get to put up my first topic :D

Poor heavy lol I honestly don't know about it yet and I don't know how to react X3 but I'm sure that well find out soon maby if its real or not
I'm Blade I'm not new to the fan but I am new to being online like this.
I have always been afraid of things like Facebook and various other online social media  >.< but I hope to overcome that fear and learn to have fun and to learn not to be so shy but that's just my little story I do have a long story as to why I'm so shy but that's a story that I like to avoid :c .
but I'm not a shame of it in fact I'm glade those events took place and made me who I am, a nice kind caring person who can be to trustful at times :D, sorry this is getting silly and off track Hi I'm Blade and I hope to make friends.  ^-^