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Messages - FakeSmile

I'm sure we all would. ^^ Y'all been workin toward this moment for a while so i dont blame you for feelin on edge.
No worries, I knew you weren't blaming me. ;}
Ah, I apologize. ^^;; You really did fine though.
Ah, you have so no need to worry. I wouldve had her say something along those lines as well. :}
Nice to see you as well, Scarlet. ^^
Sorry for the random appearance, Sparkle messaged me about posting Galacto's reaction to this reveal. ^^;;;
Merry  Christmas everyone!
I hope the holiday treated y'all well.
Very good RP we have here and hard
To believe it has been already a year
Since it's started. I apologize for my
lack of inactivity but I have some
personal stuff goin' on.

I do hope everyone continues to enjoy
this RP. Take care.
I have survived finals.
I will post something tomorrow;
Still got some loose ends to tie up
With this semester.
Hey Peace. Ahhh, I'm not sure
If it was. Regardless, maybe you
Can do it with your other pals?
I'm sure we ain't the only ones who
Should have this event.

To the RP. I've been busy with
College and other life stuff so
I will continue to not be able to
Post on here. I'm sorry, but it just
Got busy rather quickly. You can drag
Galacto along.
Fine by me.
I can do the summary.
We still need to discuss
What we will do 'bout
Nameless. I know he dropped
Out but he was a big
part in this arc and we
Can't simply ignore his
This should be fun.

Also hello SSP, very
Nice to see you active
In the thread again.
Quote from: Space Ace on 2016 Oct 20, 16:22:26
//I'm sorry that it's been weeks! Ahh, I've been so busy with school and coursework and homework and there's stuff being done on my house and I've been doing a lot elsewhere and I've just been so busy I haven't had time to check the website!

Sky gave a warm chuckle. He blushed softly under his dark coat.
"Well, if you'd be willing to put up with me long enough I think you and I would be a great couple." he smiled. "P-partners! In travelling, that is!" he stammered, his blush growing brighter. He ruffled his wings a bit, biting the inside of his cheek to stop from curling in on himself in embarrasment.

He prayed his slip up hadn't made Shear uncomfortable. Sky cursed the butterflies in his stomach, and his shaggy mane fell to cover one of his eyes, as if it was a shield to contain his flustered-ness.

(( No worries; school always has top priority! Just focus on your studies and the thread will be here waitin' for ya! c: ))


Shear Luck wore a big grin as she watched the flustered stallion. She wasn't oblivious to  his mistake but she also wasn't surprised by it. The barber shop attracts some Sweet Talkers, so she didn't pay much mind to it. The change in his demeanor did surprise her, though. It was odd to see a Royal Guard like this, but she thought it was better than a Guard being so vain. Besides, he has been nice so far so no need to make it awkward. In an attempt to raise his spirit, she chimed,

[Color=limegreen]Shear Luck: Curse ya tongue? Nay, don' worry; Oi 'ave got ya point! Ya also sellin' ya self short so soon? Oi'm sure ya won't be too much for me to handle; just gotta watch out for ya Sweet Talk.[/color]

The mare let out a hardy laugh before she took another bite out of her meal. She might have not minded the slip up but she could still poke fun at it.
I guess we could have him in
a permanent coma. It would
be strange to have Galacto and
Sparkle go back without him.

They could attach the ship he
is in, to their ship and haul him
Quote from: Space Ace on 2016 Sep 22, 13:15:36
Sky chuckled. "Believe it or not I understand what you mean about work. I wasn't too pleased to be put on leave for a while." he paused, thinking about what she'd said about travelling with someone.
The pegasus nodded. "Yes. Travelling is nice, but it's wonderful to explore the world with someone to share the exerience with."

"I would've taken this chance to travel, but all my friends are too busy with their own lives, and I don't know when I'll be needed back in Canterlot. But maybe one day I could travel." he smiled softly.

[Color=limegreen]Shear Luck: Ha! Oi guess we're both workaholics! What a relief, Oi get enough lectures from me friends 'bout it; nice to 'ave similar company for a change![/color]

The mare exclaimed with a large smile on her face. She was used to hearing others telling her to take it easy so it was nice to have a break from that. The mare's glass gaze fell upon a bird couple nearby as the stallion spoke again. She couldn't help but smile as she watched the birds; with the nice weather and good company, this day was turning out a lot nicer than she imagined. Once it was her turn to speak, she replied,

Shear Luck: Well if yer anythin' like me, ya won't be retirin' for a while! I'm sure a grand fellow like yerself will find a pal to join ya! If not. . . .

The mare redirected her bright gaze back to the stallion. With eyes filled with glee and her voice bursting with kindness she continued,

[Color=limegreen]Shear Luck: You and Oi will travel! Just think of me as yer last resort! Oi think everyone should travel at least once with someone! Like Oi said, far too lonely by yerself. This also gives us a chance to meet again in da future so there is another plus![/color]

The mare ended her offer with a genuine smile and a few excited laughs. It was clear she was serious about the offer, but the red tint on her cheeks showed a bit of her embarrassment. Talking about traveling always made her happy and it might have clouded her better judgment. This was a bold offer but Shear would never know the answer till Sky replies so why was she so . . . flustered?

Post Merge

Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Sep 24, 09:58:16
(Sorry for not posting for a while)
Azure led the two to the outskirts of Ponyville, just before the giant, rolling fields that surrounded the village.
"Well, here we are."

(( No need to apologize, its fine! ))

Éntomon slowly lowered her backpack to the sea of grass as her gaze fell upon the distance village. A neutral expression rested upon her face as she started to take in the scenery. Her warm gaze had a hint of . . . . uncertainty in it. Éntomon was expecting a mountain scenery or maybe at least a rocky field. She was far from being an expert in gems, but she felt like the soil was rich with quartz. The mare slowly joined her backpack on the ground and began to rummage through it; she figured she might as well do some field work while she is here. As she dug through her backpack, she asked,

[Color=brown][B]Éntomon Valley: [/b]. . . . . . . . . .
The gems. . . Are they really here?[/color]
Quote from: Nameless Whirlwind on 2016 Sep 26, 23:34:13
Best if you drop me out. I won't be active for the next year or so.

I'm sorry.

No need to apologize; thanks for joining the RolePlay.
Take care, dear.

Quote from: Purple on 2016 Sep 26, 23:21:09
guess who's back home :3

Welcome Back.

I don't really know where else to take the
Conversation with Misty's Character. I guess
We can have the duo land on the Executor when
Ever everyone is ready. . . .
I agree. I'm sure @Nameless Whirlwind has
His reasons for being absent and he'll be
Welcomed back with open arms if he wishes
To return. We do have to progress. I say we
Give him the end of this Month to
Respond before we have Sparkle and Galacto
Make it to the ship. But this is just food for your
Thought; Scarlet will make the final decision
In the end.

I'm still busy with College, but I'll make a better
Attempt to be active on the weekends.

Very nice! I can't really give a full
Opinion since I would have to see
More of your art l. But it is nice darling.
All I would say is make the ears a
Bit bigger and rounder, but that's just
Me! Keep drawing!

Post Merge

Also, nice to see what
Her cutie mark looks like!
Quote from: Space Ace on 2016 Sep 14, 13:27:02
Sky gave a soft, warm chuckle. "I think you look fine for your age, whatever it may be." he said. He thought about her advice on travel for a moment. "I love the idea of travelling a bit more, I think I'll try and get around a bit when I can." he smiled. "Couldn't you close the shop for a few weeks to allow yourself a break?" he asked.

The stallion nearly snorted at the words that came out of his mouth. Him, a stallion classed as a 'workaholic' by many, advising someone to take a break whenever. He'd felt wrong for taking a break when he was on leave, and he was just giving other ponies suggestions he himself would never follow.

Shear Luck couldn't help but grin as her cheeks slowly turned pink; she'll never get used to receiving compliments. She personally didn't agree with it, but it is rude to dismiss a compliment. The mare took another bite from her fruit as she listened to what the stallion had to say. She almost choked on an apple slice as the stallion suggested for her to take off. The mare thought about doing it before, but she always shook the idea way. Shear enjoyed her job too much to leave her shop and couldn't imagine keeping it lock longer than a day.

Shear Luck: Naw, oi couldn't do dat. . . Dis 'ill probably soun' crazy, but oi get antsy if oi'm not workin'. . . Can't be 'elp! Dis is me passion an' oi couldn't imagine bein' away from me shop longer than two days. . . An' yer can't travel for just two days! Yer gotta be for at least a week! Maybe when oi retire i'll travel. . . . Of course with someone; be far too lonely ter go by meself!

Smaller groups of RolePlayin' is easier
to manage; especially roleplays that are
heavy story based.

I don't see the small crew as a problem, but
with few characters it does limit the progress
of the RP if players, like myself, are
not active within the thread.
I used to look up what my dreams meant since the
majority of them were nightmares. Dreams are
a mixture of our imagination and memories. In the
end, only you know what the dream means. I
don't really like what the stuff online has to interpret
dreams since there is a chance that an element you
dreamt could mean something totally different than
what you read online. For example, the female pony could
have simply be from your memory of roleplaying as

I don't like interpreting dreams for those I don't know
too well; hard to come up with a conclusion if I don't
know what could have caused such dreams.

But, one bad  dream isn't  really abnormal but if you
notice the same elements in more dreams then I would
say that certain element is bothering you. This is a more,
"Figure it out for yourself" situation, but once you pin
point a certain element in the dream then I would discuss
it with others.

For the sake of not leaving you empty handed, I'll give you
my thought of this.

Mimicking is an interesting thing to conclude. We all start
off not having the concept of emotions so we naturally learn
them from watching others.  We learn quick for the sake of
fittin' in with society. I would say you are being exposed to
different elements of the world as your brain matures. Everything
we learn starts off as being confusing, but clarity comes when
we are exposed to it more. When we are not exposed to certain
aspects of life often, we grow to be naive or scared of it. I doubt you
had many shots in your life time and could be harboring that same
fear you had the first time when you got the shot. Much like the dark
for me; I am still terrified of it for irrational reasons, but that doesn't
stop me from being scared. We mature by confusion and fear. But
do keep in mind, confusion is not bad. We are not meant to understand
everything, so I wouldn't expect yourself to. Stay curious and break
from whatever is holding you back from exploring the world.

See the dream world as hints to your internal world, but pay more attention
to the external world. You don't live in dreams, so it better to think about
the elements in your personal life than vague dreams.

Best Of Luck.