Any owners of Pokemon B/W gonna get B/W2?

Started by Shadow Mare, 2012 May 02, 20:51:11

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Shadow Mare

I was just curouis if anypony is gonna buy it?


I might wait until the price drops but I want to get it eventually
Ye-olde ex mod
You've just been McSleuthburgered!


I would but my ds that I've had for nearly four years now finally kicked the bucket once and for all. I need to save up for a 3ds first I think  :s

Book Smarts

Probably not, I beat the Black Version in a week, probably not going to be worth it


Yes, I'm going to get Black 2 since I have White. And B&W 2 is not Pokemon Gray. This is an actual sequel, following the story of the original B&W, including locations you couldn't get to.


its pokemon chances are high i shall probably get it considering i have every game prior to it


I'll probably get both because one of them would go to my brother or sister...


ima get both so i can have all the starters! 8)
is and always will be the very best that no one ever was. period.


im getting both because i dont wanna go through the insane deals that are on the gts
is and always will be the very best that no one ever was. period.


I don't play Pokemon for the story. And the grind is absolutely terrible in Black and White.

I don't think I'm going to bother with more Pokemon games... at least until 6th Gen.
Could've been something great. But ya' blew it... Ya' blew it.

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Probably, but just to try and keep up with whats new and how the battles have changed or evolved. Plus gotta breed me the Pokedex!
So many stories... So little parchment...


I'm of couse gonna get it, I always get the new pokemon games. I had gotten white before just so I could get Zekrom, So I'm gonna get Black 2 because it has Zekrom this time around from what I learned from a Gamestop guy.



I'm going to get it eventually. Might not be able to get it on launch, but I'll get both at some point. I'll just be keeping one for storage basically, and the other for replaying. Just started to play white again.
Sugarcup, I thank thee for the AWESOME avatar!
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I might get it if I ever feel motivated to. I'm quite content with the original B/W already :P
There are 10 types of people in this world; those who understand binary and those that don't ;)
Thanks to Jenzy for mah avatar.


I am I am! :D I just can't decide which one! :x does any of you know if it can be played on a regular DS or does it HAVE to be 3DS? Cause that would suck for me >x<


I'm more looking forward to the next Pokemon Mystery Dungeon for my heart wrenching fun!   lol

Star Striker

I most likely will be getting B/W2. I actually just bought pokemon White to nuzlocke with, and from what I've heard these sequels have a bunch've cool new things added in.

I can hope for launch day but I wont hold myself to it :b

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