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Messages - Bobby

Resolved Issues / Re: npc interaction bug
2017 Sep 11, 15:23:12
same with the ground pound
aw man, i missed the dragon. i was on my way there. was so close, then poof server gone.  >A< :'(
Quote from: O. Vannen on 2016 Jan 15, 16:44:57
Hmm, seems my laptop is vegan. We're gonna have to talk about that.

In the mean time: Launcher Version 0.2 (which has gone father than 0.1 in the time I took to write this).

lol now remember, its hard for it as it is hard for you. acceptance is the key  :nod:
Quote from: O. Vannen on 2016 Jan 15, 13:18:13
The application is just taking its time "extracting" at the moment.

If this keeps up, I'll download 0.2 and see what happens. Other than that, no problems so far.

it finally worked after letting it sit for about 40 mins. just had to offer it food like i did.  :o
dang i wished i read the error and didnt push continue, now it just stalls on preparing install the 1 file. first time trying the launcher and it already hates me. i even offer to buy it eggs and bacon!!
The game is awesome, you guys are doing a wonderful job and hugs to you all.  :D

~Please refrain from spamming emotes :)