Who Is Your Favorite Character In My Little Pony

Started by CandyCookie, 2017 Aug 24, 17:26:22

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Who Is Your Favorite Character

6 (8.8%)
17 (25%)
Pinkie Pie
8 (11.8%)
7 (10.3%)
Rainbow Dash
12 (17.6%)
Twilight Sparkle
10 (14.7%)
8 (11.8%)

Total Members Voted: 41

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The Queens Of Cookies


Quote from: CandyCookie on 2017 Sep 15, 16:52:16Who's Solar Flare?

Bah, it just now occored to me that her name is Daybreaker not Solar Flare, sorry. the dark Celestia. I never was good at names hehe


Twilight Sparkle. From the very beginning. :)

Little Fox

Of the options, Rainbow Dash. But Daring Do will always be my #1 favorite pony. <3

Master Masher

out of the ones on the list.i would go for Rainbow Dash even though my OC can't fly he still wants to race her some day. :3  o.O  lol  B)  =P  o_O but my favorite is Princess Luna. :luna: well achualy i have 3 at my top spot Luna Rainbow Dash and Derpy :o  :P
Hi master masher. master as in well a master at button mashing. i am a gamer planing on braving youtube as"Master Masher" what ever it comes down to. Still figuring out the kinks with the running LoE and my profile

Cloudy Skies

Wow, Fluttershy is super popular. But I'd have to say Rainbow Dash  :3
Shnuggles are nature's way of saying "Want a hug?" :P
Also they are a way of saying "I'm scared." :P
They also could mean "CAN I LATCH ONTO YOU LIKE A CRAZY PONY!?!?!?!"

Cloudy Skies

Quote from: Little Fox on 2017 Dec 09, 19:30:28Of the options, Rainbow Dash. But Daring Do will always be my #1 favorite pony. <3

I agree so much. You have good taste!
Shnuggles are nature's way of saying "Want a hug?" :P
Also they are a way of saying "I'm scared." :P
They also could mean "CAN I LATCH ONTO YOU LIKE A CRAZY PONY!?!?!?!"


I wish I could choose them all but alas, that wasn't an option.

so I chose:

Twilight sparkle
Rainbow dash and
Pinkie pie
"I don't know what went wrong..." ~Derpy~

Crimson Tail

Profile image by LunaEclipsa, uncropped


No one picked my guy? 
Who figured it out?
Duane Allman.  Just listen to Whipping Post or Stormy Monday from live at the fillmore.  That's how the blues should make you feel.

Little Sheep Selene

Mane Six: Applejack; she is hardworking and honest.
Villain: Tempest Shadow; although she is a former villain.
In General: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. =D

Big McIntosh

2021 Feb 11, 18:25:00 #31 Last Edit: 2021 Feb 11, 18:30:32 by Big McIntosh
my fave pony is mac then apple bloom but out of the list I'm going to say apple jack as she's a close 2nd tying with apple bloom for me oh don't forget fluffle puff and chrysalis

Big McIntosh

Quote from: Khan Azura on 2020 Dec 13, 20:52:37Mane Six: Applejack; she is hardworking and honest.
Villain: Tempest Shadow; although she is a former villain.
In General: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. =D

Good picks


I gotta be honest here, my favorite used to be Fluttershy until Derpy showed up. Since then they've been about the same.
A friend,
Super Space Man 34

Willing to RP on Discord. You can find me on the LoE official Discord Server.

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