Aurora Sky

Started by Gracie Sky, 2013 Jun 11, 23:34:38

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Gracie Sky

They say a long time ago, there was a Pegasus who was the pride of Cloudsdale. Her name was Aurora Sky and her name is well known amongst all the authority figures and scholars of Cloudsdale to this day.

Not much is known about her childhood, but she was born and raised in Cloudsdale by her parents, who were employed by the Rainbow Factory. As a filly, she didn't have any friends and generally spent most of her time all her time silently in the company of her parents. She attended Cloudsdale Elementary and had been noted on several occasions to be performing far below average on all subjects. She was also known to be distant and inattentive according to her peers. Eventually, it was determined that she possessed an impairing disability, although the nature of this disability was a mystery at the time. Cloudsdale was most known for producing the best athletes in Equestria, putting less emphasis on academics, so they were unsure on how to treat this young mare's problem.

While she had many ponies who looked down upon her, she acquired many sympathizers whom she slowly began warming up to. One special night came the Night of Northern Lights, which was a special occasion for Cloudsdale that occurred once every eleven years. To help celebrate, a party was thrown for the young Aurora Sky, which would of course be her first time attending the Night of Northern Lights. It's difficult to explain what happened with facts, but the experience changed Aurora's life forever. It is as though the spectacle of the Northern Lights along side the positive energy of those who cared about her caused her ability to comprehend to surpass all known limits. She earned her cutie mark that night: three stars from the night sky.

From then on, Aurora Sky became unstoppable in her pursuit on knowledge. Not only did she become a quick learner, but she would more often than not surpass conventional knowledge on the subject. The only thing she continued to struggled with was her physical education. Compared to most Pegasi, she had below average wing power and typically did poor on her flying tests. Her personality was more cheery, but she was still the type to mind her own business at every opportunity.

After graduating from school, Aurora Sky pursued greater knowledge and opened up her own research facility, which was the first one ever in Cloudsdale. Many of the sleeping geniuses in Cloudsdale came forward and assisted Aurora in all the subjects she researched, making quite a name for academics in Cloudsdale and inspiring other Pegasi to pursue a career in science and research. Even the Unicorn researchers from Canterlot began taking notice of her work and were actively trying to recruit her to work for them.

A few years after opening her research facility, Aurora Sky made a breakthrough and diagnosed her own condition, the disability she had as a filly. She named it "Aurora Syndrome" after herself. Throughout her research, she discovered a few other ponies who suffered from the same ailment and was always on the move, visiting these mares and colts. Along the way, she took an assistant in by the name of Dove Elegy; the terms of their first meeting is unknown. She is the only pony to date who has direct access to the results of Aurora Sky's research on the Aurora Syndrome and dutifully protects it.

Although the reasons are unknown, Aurora Sky suddenly disappeared and was never heard from again. The only pony who is aware of what happened to Aurora Sky is her assistant, who has been strictly silent on the matter. Nonetheless, the accomplishments and selflessness of Aurora Sky has been engrained in the proud history of Cloudsdale. Even the surname of Sky is held with great reverence. Dove Elegy is presently continuing her research where her mentor left off.
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Shadow Mare

So........ what's her problem?

Gracie Sky

If you're asking about the details of the Aurora Syndrome... all I can tell you is that ponies who have it perceive the world differently. They see visual manifestations of emotions emitted by other ponies and objects, but at the same time, it impairs their normal senses. There is still much unknown about it and much being kept secret by Aurora Sky and her assistant.
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Asterian Starfall

2013 Jun 13, 09:03:36 #3 Last Edit: 2013 Jun 13, 09:09:17 by Asterian
Quote from: Gracie Sky on 2013 Jun 12, 19:07:05
If you're asking about the details of the Aurora Syndrome... all I can tell you is that ponies who have it perceive the world differently. They see visual manifestations of emotions emitted by other ponies and objects, but at the same time, it impairs their normal senses. There is still much unknown about it and much being kept secret by Aurora Sky and her assistant.

There's a real-life ailment that similar to this... Chromesthesia causes people's visual and auditory senses to become erratic and scrambled; one afflicted with said illness can hear color and see music.

My suspicion tells me that the Aurora Syndrome would be a branch of synesthesia.
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall

Gracie Sky

I'll be honest, this concept is still in development. I began this concept when I created Kaleido Heart, but this is still an evolving concept. The idea is the pony can see "emotional signatures" represented by color auras emitted by ponies based on their emotions at the moment. But this visual effect completely overlaps normal vision (and hearing. Thinking about allowing normal taste and touch). For the most part, though, affected ponies can still use these emotional signature to locate ponies and distinguish spoken language with enough practice, but they can also read the other ponies' emotions at the same time.

I would like to think affected ponies are effectively blind and deaf if no other ponies/living things are around, since there would be no emotions for them to sense.
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