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Messages - Anibell April Dash

Love the seapony idea, just imagining ponies breathing underwater, enjoying life downthere, wondering how the world is up above!
Well, i do like it, btw what does tandem mean?
Off-Topic Archive / Halloween Horror Nights
2012 Oct 27, 13:39:09
Goin to HHN....wish me luck  >A<
Well, its a hobbie, i get an idea each time i walk outta my home, i make loads of ocs, but can never make the perfect one tht resembles me.
It's kinda troubling at points, but only a few of my ocs match me.

Peanutbutter Brittle the pony who loves farmwork resembles how much applejack is my fav outta the mane 6.

Endless Joy My joyful side of myself, the one who makes anyone laugh, like i do at school  lol

Sahara Special The oc i made outta my favorite book, the first"big" book ive ever read!

Now, introducing a oc combining all these ocs in one pony.

Chippy Flipsy

A pegasi mare who loves to play practical jokes and pranks. This pony has a light gray coat and a purplish-gray mane.
Loves to cook and help whoever she can, loves to make ponies laugh and smile!  Tries her best to be
special in her own way, and yet has to find her cutie mark! Tutors young fillies! Loves to read and write
and wishes to one day be one of the wonderbolts!  Shes also smarter than how she looks and acts.She also Helps a friend in need and plays the violin in a famous orchestra. but she will one day discover her talent is...... (cliffhanger!)
Hurray! Im not the only one who makes loads of ocs, its a hobbie XD
Gender: Mare
Race: Pegasus

backstory: Sahara is a desert pony, a pony who lives in the desert far far FAR away from Equestria. One day she decided to leave, since
she wanted to teach fillies, and not much fillies lived at the desert land. So she set off, from the desert
to Appleloosa. Then finally took the train to Ponyville. She got taught by Ms. Cheerilee on how to teach
young foals. After that she taught a small class at the school. Her cutie mark is unknown at the moment
but she does teach the meaning of "Special". Special meaning that everyone is special in a way,
no matter how big or how small you are. She also babysits and collects stuff aswell. And yes she is based off
a book i read.
Hello! And btw while your here


let people let you down!

Your special! Everyone is!
Introductions Archive / Re: Howdy!
2012 Oct 25, 22:51:52
Hello! While your here


let people let you down!

Your special! Everyone is! ^0^
Quote from: Sponk on 2012 Oct 25, 22:43:19
Quote from: Anibell April Dash on 2012 Oct 25, 22:27:58
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2012 Oct 25, 20:50:02
First, you really ought to stop creating new OCs every other day. Work on the quality of an OC before posting here and create a well developed character, rather than posting an incomplete character and then scrapping him or her.

The fact that she lives in the Ponyville library is rather puzzling. A loner like Twilight decided to take in a roommate out of nowhere? Even more puzzling being the fact that Twilight isn't even mentioned.

Also, why would she brag about being a pegasus? All three races are viewed as equals in Equestria.

And the last line really begs a question: What exactly is the meaning of 'special' you're talking about?
Well what you said is VERY offensive, i really do not SCRAP a character, and this character is based of how people see me, a girl who
is special in her own way, even if she is annoying

and she dosent live in twilights library silly, she lives in a different one, she made herself! But alright picky pants since thats what u want ill remove it, and no i dont forget about my characters, and i wont stop making characters everyday, the more characters, the less time i get bored waiting for the game to come out, making ocs is what entertains me, the way you never know what will happen next! And by the way, i worked hard on this character, more than i wouldve ever written on a piece of paper in my house. So if you dont like my character, next time READ the title before giving NEGATIVE feedback?

(sorry for flipping out on u, but this character ment a lot to me :( )
Excuse me, but he posted when it said ''Feedback please!''

Sorry, just had to point that out.
I never knew bringing a new oc would cause this much trouble....the day i want somethin good i get the bad

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2012 Oct 25, 20:50:02
First, you really ought to stop creating new OCs every other day. Work on the quality of an OC before posting here and create a well developed character, rather than posting an incomplete character and then scrapping him or her.

The fact that she lives in the Ponyville library is rather puzzling. A loner like Twilight decided to take in a roommate out of nowhere? Even more puzzling being the fact that Twilight isn't even mentioned.

Also, why would she brag about being a pegasus? All three races are viewed as equals in Equestria.

And the last line really begs a question: What exactly is the meaning of 'special' you're talking about?
Well what you said is VERY offensive, i really do not SCRAP a character, and this character is based of how people see me, a girl who
is special in her own way, even if she is annoying

and she dosent live in twilights library silly, she lives in a different one, she made herself! But alright picky pants since thats what u want ill remove it, and no i dont forget about my characters, and i wont stop making characters everyday, the more characters, the less time i get bored waiting for the game to come out, making ocs is what entertains me, the way you never know what will happen next! And by the way, i worked hard on this character, more than i wouldve ever written on a piece of paper in my house. So if you dont like my character, next time READ the title before giving NEGATIVE feedback?

(sorry for flipping out on u, but this character ment a lot to me :( )
So bored..and each time i post somthin no one reads it    /).=
Gender: mare

Looks: (still thinking, need ideas!)

Race: Pegasi

back story: Sahara was born in a desert very far from ponyville. She disliked it, she couldnt grow anything
anything there.She got permission to leave her family and took her belongings.
She traveled from there until she reached Appleloosa, she got instructions of a place
named "Ponyville" a place where she could settle a home and find out who she was really ment to be. She wanted to study to teach other fillies
everything she knew and what they dont know. She got her cutie mark, a shooting star.
Although she might be a pegasus, she dosent brag about. She teaches the meaning of
Original Characters / Re: king darksoul
2012 Oct 24, 20:57:05 say...

what..did i just read  o.O
Name: Endless Joy
gender: Mare
race: earth pony
talent: Making people laugh and smile!
how she looks like: Coat is light gray, mane is puffy and light pink.

Backstory (since a bunch of you want a back story!): Endless Party was born in a rich family in Manehatten. She left to make people
laugh and make them happy. Being rich oibiously didnt do all what she wanted! She left to ponyville to be happy
and she became friends with Kip Stardasher! She changed her name to something more special, to her the name "Endless Party"
sounded like she was too party loving. She has no special powers, but after a trick that Trixie used on her, she is now a Pegasi instead of a
earth pony. This character is based off me, so she is very special, her name is also made from help from a friend.
Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 Oct 24, 01:18:01
I'm sorry starsong I need to see your OC somehow.Do you have a link to its thread?

Starfruit Delight Surprise:Since this pony isn't a fighting class it can not be called Mary sue until it has over powered abilities.Deciding is actually good.I also didn't understand the last sentence.Did you mean to say surprise which is pinkies old form teach you that , or do you mean the wonderbolts tought you?Either way that is the only O.P thing here which is that you managed to get the wonderbolts to train you even though Rainbowdash can't get them to do that.
Lvl:2.3.Its good in all , but the backstory.Yes a backstory can make a pony a mary sue.You just need to make one tweak in your story.You don't have to make it more normal you can keep the same idea , but just change the character.
theres a wonderbolt named Surprise (check wiki for all wonder bolts, theres one named surprise) and..nah, whatevs not changing my oc  :]

Oc based off me

(prepares for character to be called a mary sue XD)
Starfruit, my own oc
The honest truth why i dont use her anymore, is because shes in a relationship, i dot feel comfortable using her when shes in a relationship, i never know when she might break up and stuff..then break the other ponies heart...i just dont feel like its right, im sorry but even if my user name is my "Anibell" character, i will no longer use her, instead in her place will be Starfruit, a true pony that reflects me.
If my oc was light blue, would i still be able to see her when shes flying?  o.O
Im scared she will camoflauge with the sky...
Some feedback..positive plz..