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Messages - Anibell April Dash

Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2012 Oct 28, 18:17:34
When your in a group project and your the one who does all the work  :c
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2012 Oct 28, 18:13:15
When people hate on my ocs -.-

When people argue over things that can be fixed easily -.- like a scratch!
Off-Topic Archive / Funny video thread
2012 Oct 28, 15:56:49

(if video is a bit hardcore ill change it! Just tell me)

Off-Topic / Re: FUNNY image Thread!!!
2012 Oct 28, 15:55:01
Quote from: hyper drive [HD] on 2012 Oct 28, 15:34:50

Have you ever had a dream that you could do do it do daw do do..anything you ever wanted?

Quote from: jimm on 2012 Oct 28, 15:42:51
Better watch out for this one. It knows kara-tay.
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2012 Oct 28, 15:43:17
Quote from: Johannes on 2012 Oct 28, 15:37:59
Funny moments in DayZ.

Stranger comes to me.
Stranger: "Hi Teemu! Long time no see!"
Me: "What? Who are you?"
Stranger: "I'm Santa. Take this gun."
Me: "Why?"
Stranger: "You could shoot reindeers and pigs. They're crazy."
Me: "But I already have a weapon"
Stranger: "Take it! It's dangerous to go in forests. Pigs will shoot you with a shotgun"
Me: "But I'm not planning to go in forests"
Stranger: "Well, I have to go."

*Stranger suddenly disappears*
XD thts happened to me too, at least i got a free gun, still wonderin where the guy went..idk i wuz scared thinkin he was gonna shoot me
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2012 Oct 28, 15:37:43
When ppl hate me

idk, is it cuz im annoying at times? e-e
Off-Topic Archive / Re: HHN was alright...
2012 Oct 28, 15:36:08
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Oct 28, 15:29:22
You could've posted this in the thread you already had about HHN. o.O
true, but now i cant delete it XD
In florida its windy, school canceled
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2012 Oct 28, 15:24:55

Lived Halloween Horror Nights  O:
Off-Topic Archive / Re: lets do this
2012 Oct 28, 15:23:28
 lol wonder how many people attended that?
Off-Topic Archive / HHN was alright...
2012 Oct 28, 15:18:08
Wuz fun and all, got scared, loves the haunted houses!  :D

Just didnt like the people who touched my face..e-e
I've never heard tht before 0.o
Quote from: Glacier Chasm on 2012 Oct 27, 16:48:42
Hey Everypony,

Names Glacier Chasm.  I'm pretty new to the whole pony scene (only about a month now), and figured I'd finally branch out into the community a little bit.  Seeing as this is a hello thread, just some quick info.

Age: 19-25 bracket (I'm a traditional brony)

Cutie Mark: A Leviathan

Favorite Pony: Twilight Pie.... or maybe Pinkie Sparkle.  (Either way, they are the best combo of ponies)

College Student, nerd... has plans to take over the world... and then hand it to our Queen Tara Strong.... but you know how it goes.

Favorite Episode: Baby Cakes - You just can't beat Pinkie's Characterization... or the Cake Prodigy's.
aw you dont gotta call yourself a nerd, you are who you are, who cares what people call you. Btw welcome~
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Oct 24, 21:16:39
Quote from: Anibell April Dash on 2012 Oct 24, 18:18:41
Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 Oct 24, 01:18:01
I'm sorry starsong I need to see your OC somehow.Do you have a link to its thread?

Starfruit Delight Surprise:Since this pony isn't a fighting class it can not be called Mary sue until it has over powered abilities.Deciding is actually good.I also didn't understand the last sentence.Did you mean to say surprise which is pinkies old form teach you that , or do you mean the wonderbolts tought you?Either way that is the only O.P thing here which is that you managed to get the wonderbolts to train you even though Rainbowdash can't get them to do that.
Lvl:2.3.Its good in all , but the backstory.Yes a backstory can make a pony a mary sue.You just need to make one tweak in your story.You don't have to make it more normal you can keep the same idea , but just change the character.
theres a wonderbolt named Surprise (check wiki for all wonder bolts, theres one named surprise) and..nah, whatevs not changing my oc  :]
your choice, of course.  but now you know :] so don't be complaining if players start calling your character a mary sue, because now you know.
Made a new oc, this time with a BIGGER backstory, so i didnt change the last one cuz i made a new one, worked on weeks on the new one
(usually very busy writting a book in rl to show my teacher tht im responcible)
Original Characters / Re: My new OC
2012 Oct 28, 14:57:29
Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 Oct 28, 14:55:52
This seems incredibly inaccurate. Pinkie pie was treated poorly while Inkie , and Linkie were treated nicely.Also when Pinkie threw the party Linkie , and Inkie were both happy.They also share a very similar color scheme to pinkies parents more than pinkie does. In fact I could say Pinkie was the adopted one. Also why is every single O.C with a black color scheme an orphan , or a one with a sad story? Infact Shadow mare , and Madness were the only O.C's with black color schemes that didn't have completely dark stories.

Other than that good O.C.
Your noticed tht too? I thought i wuz the only one e-e
Original Characters / Re: Tiger Stripes
2012 Oct 28, 14:56:32
Such a amazing story  :3
Original Characters / Re: my oc
2012 Oct 28, 14:55:30
I'm not really sure you could be a alicorn, maybe pick? Pegasi might match her if she likes to fly. Unicorn may match her if she loves magic, and stuff like that. Maybe Earth pony if she loves to dance or anything else?
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Mare
Talent: Phychic (tells future, crystal ball, stuff like that)

Backstory: Chippy Flipsy was born in Ponyville, her parents had left her alone most these years,
since they have left ponyville to live in Manehatten. Her life was strange, but she
had many talents. She could play the violin, could tutor young foals, and could
babysit.But her real talent, is that she was Psychic. She could read ponies' hooves
and see there future, but she would only tell them a bit of it. She could also do the
same with a crystal ball.

Of cource she has some friends, being left alone some years made her realize that,
even if you dont have parents by your side you could trust your friends, no matter
what they did.She travels all over equestria, but lives deep in the mines to be alone
and practice her Phychic abilities.Some Call her a "Gypsy" but she is not, shes not
secretive, she loves to talk and have fun.So if you see her, help her out, a hard
life is very hard, but payed off doing the right thing.
Original Characters / Re: My new OC
2012 Oct 28, 14:42:53
I liek the idea! Super nice! dont let ppl let you down cuz u created a character, im having kinda the same problem by not including lots of detail,
but your character is nice, you made her yourself. (but yea, maybe not make them live with the one of the mane 6?)