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Messages - Aeterna Sol

Name: Solaris
Age: 14
Species: Unicorn Pony
Gender: Mare
Powers: Elemental magic (Light & Fire)
Role: Student
Crush?: None
Other: She has a special "link" to the light, which can boost her light magic. She has yet to control it however, and often puts strain on her body. She's also self-trained for combat, which has led to her magic sometimes being too powerful to control.
Dude, that's amazing, OMC. Thanks, bud. :D
"But you don't have a muzzle... I mean, booping a pony is like a sign of love. Not the same kind I have in mind, though..." She blushes harder, to the point that it was clearly there...
Solar's face scrunches a bit, which is normal. What's odd is that she's also blushing a bit. "Oh, um... What is the equivalent of booping a pony for someone like you? Because doing the same thing back doesn't seem right..."
"Thank you, Loyal..." She starts to calm down. Right then, she also thought of something. "You really are quite 'loyal', huh? Heh."
"I... I don't remember... I think there... There were Daleks... And... I..." She seemed emotionally broken, and from a nightmare of all things...
"Yeah, I did... Thank you." She hugged Loyal back, tears in her eyes. "I just thought... that they took you..."
Not even she was sure of what just happened. "What? Did something happen?"
Solar didn't seem at ease, as she was breathing heavily. She starts sleep-talking... "No... leave her... Alone..." A strange, black liquid starts to form in her eyes. "No... I'll... I'll..." Moments later, she wakes up, her colors somehow changing. Her white coat became a dark red, her mane colors turned to red, dark red and black, and her eye whites turned black as well. "I'll destroy you all!!" It took her a few moments to realize it was a dream, and when she did, she collapsed onto the ground. Her color was normal again, and the liquid gone. "I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't be freaking out over a dream..."
Apparently, her mind was somewhere else. "Huh? Oh, sorry." Solar ran to Starlight, hoping to get out of there quickly.

((It's Starlight, right?))
Name: Lunar Strike

Race: Unicorn Pony

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Occupation: Unknown

Personality: Lunar Strike is a bit similar to Solar Guardian in some ways. Though she isn't as friendly, She does know when to stop.

Talent: She specializes in elemental magic like Solar, though it instead consists of Dark (The natural element kind), Water and Lightning. She's able to use healing magic too, mostly practicing for her own reasons. She also inherited Solar's perception, letting her see any mistakes in her own movements when able.

Appearance: A pitch black coat with green eyes, and a black, blue, and light blue mane and tail. As the other half of Solar, she has the same size and shape. The cutie Mark is an object called the Shadow Medallion, from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Bio: There's not much to put here, as not much of her past is truly known. (Also because I'm lazy)
"Well, we need to stop them, that's for sure." Solar's eyes start to glow again. "Any ideas?"
"Any idea how many? This form does last, but not for 30 minutes or anything, so I can't fight forever."
"I see. My Limit Break form hasn't run out yet, so I might just do what I did before." Solar looks around for a moment. "I can't sense them... Do they even give off an energy signature? I mean, I don't know what they use for energy, so I wouldn't find them anyway, but still..."
"Oh hey, Limit Break time." Her coat turns to a very pale yellow, and her mane and tail go from white, yellow, and red to yellow, orange and red respectively. Her eyes are also glowing a cyan color. "Aether Beam!" Solar fires another magic beam, but this time of Aether magic, an upgrade of Light magic.

((Solar's Light magic, by itself, hasn't gone through some of the really strong metals yet, but her Aether magic will. Just probably not Dalek casings. Not yet, at least.)
"Wow." Solar quickly grabs and forces Loyal out of the way of the laser, almost getting hit herself. "Yeah, you'll pay for that." She immediately summons her Light magic, and fires a beam of energy aimed at the eyestalk. Even if i miss the eyestalk, it'll still blow up from either the impact or the resulting explosion.
Solar sighs in disappointment. "You're really stubborn, you know that? Oh well..." As her eyes turn to a brighter blue, she takes a fighting stance similar to Octavia's in 'Once Upon a Time in Canterlot'. "Come at me."
"The thing is, though, it won't work so well when said adorable ponies have metal parts strapped to them. Of course, that's assuming that's what you do." She smirks, her eyes turning from blue to red. "Besides, you'd be surprised how incapable some of us are. Even if you just want us and our land, you're looking in the wrong place, as the only one with enough experience with that is me." Her eyes turn back. "Wait, what was...?"
"Of course... But, can you at least tell me why you picked this planet, out of billions of others?"
"No, seriously, We don't have technology. We do have something else, though... I'll give you some, assuming you know how it works, if you leave us alone."