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Messages - Anibell April Dash

The Retirement Home / Re: Three word story.
2012 Nov 08, 17:13:53
explode then the
F is for friends who do stuff together

U is for you and meeee~

N if for anywhere and anytime at all!

Down here in EQUESTRIA  ovO
The Retirement Home / Re: true or false?
2012 Nov 07, 21:02:22
pony below danced today
The pegasi RD was flying next to (i think i saw her in a comercial, but when i saw her she looked important!)
derp!  :o

dont know, inpossible to answer question!

(btw when LoE comes out ill problebly be the one in the group always askin for help and usually being annoying >0<)
Sonic for wreck it ralph
Turbo from reck it ralph  ovO
The Retirement Home / Re: true or false?
2012 Nov 07, 20:34:03

pony below me has spoken to me, right now B3
The Retirement Home / Re: Three word story.
2012 Nov 07, 20:30:51
was to destroy
My brother playing halo 4 *facehoof*
Totally off topic but: where did they get the idea of Screwloose? And why only use her in one episode?  o.O
I feel a bit like that, I just dont feel that excited, and that alicorn idea *facehoof*. Also, i have aswell been creating some of my ocs into humans!
I thought i was the only one >.<' .
Aww, i feel bad about the part where it said "hes lonely", im usually lonely in rl so ik how it feels like  >A<, but here i got loads of friends :3, STILL! he can be friends with one of my ocs! Like..mostly Drixie!  :D
Introductions Archive / Re: Hi Everyone!
2012 Nov 07, 19:59:09
Welcome! Enjoy being here!  :D
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Funny Video Thread
2012 Oct 28, 18:26:47
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Oct 28, 17:20:05
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Oct 28, 17:07:37
I wish soooo much that I could post PewDiePie's latest funny montage, but he cusses too much and quite a few of the clips are from scary games.

Also, you know that PewDiePie is truly and thoroughly terrified when he starts screaming in Swedish.
You know he's truly and thoroughly startled when he jumps so badly that he knocks everything over or even falls over in his chair. lol
PDP makes me laugh when he falls down and knocks over the camera.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2012 Oct 28, 18:24:17
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Oct 28, 18:21:27
Quote from: Zaner-Boy on 2012 Oct 28, 18:16:45
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Oct 28, 18:07:29
How often people end up arguing over what gender Crona from Soul Eater is.
The manga's writer decided to not give Crona a gender, so fans could choose for themselves what Crona is. But we end up with "Crona's a boy" "No, Crona's a girl, you idiot!" Just shut up! Crona's whatever you want! >:/

Kinda like the Team Fortress 2 Pyro.

Yes, I suppose so. Crona could even be an alien if I wanted it to be!
Crona could be a...sea creature? :o