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Messages - Paladin Light

So, newish to the game.  Downloaded the app on my tablet, made an account, and... can't get the game to start.  It won't go past the loading screen that tells me "Validating 0%" with a big blue "pinging" button.  Any suggestions to fix whatever my issue is?

EDIT: Managed to fix it by uninstalling and reinstalling.  See y'all in game!
Introductions / Special Delivery!
2024 May 15, 22:28:50
Howdy, everyone!

Yet another newcomer to this game (though not to the pony scene in general), so yet another introduction post.  Paladin Light's the name, and I'm looking forward to joining you on your quests - as soon as I get the game working.

Good luck to all of us, and always remember that Friendship is Magic, and to carry your light!