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Messages - toxicZodiac

I just hope the game is gamepad accessible
Introductions Archive / Sup!
2015 Nov 22, 12:47:55
Okay, I  just joined when I heard about Legends of Equestria and thought "This is cool and could help me develop an OC, or a new one and make some friends!"

I am ToxicZodiac, though I've been more used to being called "QTZ" on most cases and it might be easier to refer to me by that than just "toxicZodiac" or any form of the name. I do have an OC so far, and hope to build upon him or maybe build more. However, I am skeptical of showing off my only OC so far because he's a controversy in general and I rather not get further into that.

But you'll be seeing me quite a bit in the game and I will at least give update of the names I will go under once I create the character in the game. For anything else you'd want to know, you're free to ask! I don't bite.