How many bronies/pegasisters can't go to BronyCon or any convention?

Started by Bro1997, 2014 Aug 01, 20:58:07

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Today is August 1st which is the first day of BronyCon, the world's largest Brony convention or I think it is it. I'll be 17 on the last day of BronyCon which is the 3rd. I feel like I'm really missing out, yet it takes so much money just to go there. Just one ticket costs $50 and to get a room at the hotel is $1,000 just isn't worth it in my opinion. Not to mention that Baltimore is a little far from where I live, at the Mason-Dixon line or the PA-MD border. Why is it so expensive and so far away and what do they do there that makes most bronies want to go there? Also I want to know if any bronies don't have the time or money to go to conventions like these because I feel so left out in this fandom due to becoming a part of it so late!

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