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Topics - marshmallowfluff

I was wondering if this was an exclusive to the gala event and if not.... where would i find it? I've tried looking everywhere and i may have missed a quest.... i believe i've done almost all the quests (i think i've done 53 of them....?) sorry if this has been asked before i just can't seem to find it  lol
Name: Marshmallow Fluff
Nickname: Marshy or Floof
Age: 19
Gender: Mare
Cutie Mark: A s'more
Special talent: Baking and creating tasty treats! (S'mores are my favorite to make tho  ;) )

Description: A shorter than usual mare with light brown and dark brown colored hair, her coat is a cream color with tan spots and speckles, freckles grace her delicate face under her bright brown eyes, a light pink bow lays atop her head

Personality: Fun-loving and charismatic she is always ready to make friends, she loves baking for and catering parties for her friends. She loves to sing and put on plays as well with her special somepony~ Marshy's biggest fear is being left alone and that no one actually likes her so she does her best to please those around her in order to keep them interested in her friendship.

With season 6 coming to its wonderful end in the next couple months i was wondering what everyone thinks will be coming next season? Theres been a lot of discord this season and with his "reform" i dont know who would be the villain of next season if one at all. Also,  there seems to be a lot more slice of life episodes of late and im really enjoying them but this season seems kinda mellow compared to past season.

i really have been enjoying the titles of the episodes this season being refrences to movies and songs! I'm hoping for more action next season? Maybe more to do with the table it seems like we've barely touched upon what it can do... at least imo? (also, please more big mac, spike, and discord i love them together  ;) )
My name is marshmallow fluff and i am a unicorn! I love  making sugary sweets and i think s'mores are my favorites! I hope to see you all round the forums and eventually in LoE! <3