[Tutorial] How to Use Our Bug & Suggestion Report System!

Started by Ellowee, 2017 Sep 07, 21:53:03

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I haven't played this game for a number of years and I thought I'd give it another go. I don't know how long exactly it's been but maybe that's what the issue is.

Basically, I have the latest version of the game installed. I've logged in and everything. However, after I log in I'm stuck with a list that reads the following:

Server Listing

Items... Downloading
Skills... Downloading
Recipes... Downloading
Item Atlas... Done
Skill Atlas... Done

Validating... 0%


I can go back, but I can't interact with anything else besides the game logo, and it's been stuck at 0% for like 20 minutes now. What's going on?


Help! At the Town Hall beginning the were-pony quest, and the friends are missing. Tried prompting Old Quest Marker Fix NPC and tried both prompts related to the ponies missing / not there. Logged out and logged back in. What do?   ^-^


LoE DL is done!
I also made a character!
When I logged in to the server, it was forcibly terminated! 



This is my first time ever playing this game and I have already run into a major issue. For whatever ungodly reason I can't get Phabricator to work so I decided to write here instead.

Basically the problem comes in the form of having downloaded the game, created a character and all, so far so good, but the second I try and get into the game it either gets stuck on a loading screen or when I do get into the game I can't see anyone, and I mean like no one, not even NPCs. Sometimes I see the first quest givers "!" only but no pony under it, but for the majority of the time not even the "!" shows up, much less the Pony themselves. Could anyone please explain what could I do to potentially fix this issue? I've tried to redownload the game (like a clean redownload), I've tried both launcher and non-launcher versions and both have the same bug, turned my PC on and off again with no results along with logging in and out of the game to no avail.
This is quite frustrating because I've been wanting to play this game for years but I've been forgetting about it for so long and now that I've finally gotten it I can't even play it without immediately running into problems ;m;


Quote from: Abyss_Horizon on 2023 Nov 02, 20:58:57Hello

This is my first time ever playing this game and I have already run into a major issue. For whatever ungodly reason I can't get Phabricator to work so I decided to write here instead.

Basically the problem comes in the form of having downloaded the game, created a character and all, so far so good, but the second I try and get into the game it either gets stuck on a loading screen or when I do get into the game I can't see anyone, and I mean like no one, not even NPCs. Sometimes I see the first quest givers "!" only but no pony under it, but for the majority of the time not even the "!" shows up, much less the Pony themselves. Could anyone please explain what could I do to potentially fix this issue? I've tried to redownload the game (like a clean redownload), I've tried both launcher and non-launcher versions and both have the same bug, turned my PC on and off again with no results along with logging in and out of the game to no avail.
This is quite frustrating because I've been wanting to play this game for years but I've been forgetting about it for so long and now that I've finally gotten it I can't even play it without immediately running into problems ;m;

So that might depend on a few things, one issue is likely that your computer is not powerful enough to reliably run the game (or phone if you're using mobile). But deleting and reinstalling the game will not have any meaningful impact on trying to fix your issue. A better option is to try this:

Close LoE. Then, press the Windows key + R on your keyboard, and it should open up a small search box.

Paste the following into that search box - %appdata%..\..\LocalLow\LoE\Legends of Equestria - and press enter.

(NOTE: If you're using Linux, you need to look for this folder instead - ~/.config/unity3d/LoE/Legends of Equestria

And on MacOS, it's this one: ~/Library/Application Support/LoE/Legends of Equestria)

This should open up the hidden LoE folder. Delete everything in there, and then close it.

Now, re-run the LoE program. It'll create new, 'default' files to replace the one you just deleted, which should resolve the issue!
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


is the server still up because i can't login?


I'm trying to play this game for the first time, but my pony's name isn't saving properly no matter how many times I change it or whatever I try. Every time I change her name it just keeps sticking the world Fiddle to the end of her name. What should I do?


Every time I try to enter the Ponydale library, I get the error "Room failed to connect. Lost connection to room server. Waiting to mane server to move you to a different room"

Speedy Storm

I have a problem withe the quest "Removing Cookies and Browsing Data".
I am blocked with Wayward when i want to discuss with him the missing cookies.
All his dialogues "don't stomp so hard" go nowhere.
I even went to the NPC in Cantermore to fix the Quest but nothing: it's even make the bug worse.
Can you please fix this quest ?
Speedy Storm,

An awesome pegasus!!!!


2024 Apr 01, 17:21:15 #229 Last Edit: 2024 Apr 01, 17:24:51 by Saint?_I_Think_NOT
idk if this still works but i'm stuck in the biding where the pegasi first spawn (like the school level of the bilding) and i can't get out, i've tried getting out of the shelf i'm stuck in but nothing i can do works,

I know i should be doing this by going onto the links but they're not working atm so i had to come on here and sorry if this cause's trubble.

ps: Edited for more info


k so just found this out: phabricator was apperantly no longer being maintained since the 1st of jan in 2021, so how will we report bugs now? it's been two days and i'm still stuck in that bilding and i was wondering if you guys can make a new bug systum since the other one isn't working anymore and hopefluy get both me and others bugs fixed,



Quote from: Saint?_I_Think_NOT on 2024 Apr 03, 09:11:52k so just found this out: phabricator was apperantly no longer being maintained since the 1st of jan in 2021, so how will we report bugs now? it's been two days and i'm still stuck in that bilding and i was wondering if you guys can make a new bug systum since the other one isn't working anymore and hopefluy get both me and others bugs fixed,


We have an official discord with a channel dedicated specifically for reporting bugs. you can use that so the team will know about your problem soonest.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------

Paladin Light

2024 May 15, 23:01:00 #232 Last Edit: 2024 May 16, 01:18:13 by Paladin Light Reason: Update to concern
So, newish to the game.  Downloaded the app on my tablet, made an account, and... can't get the game to start.  It won't go past the loading screen that tells me "Validating 0%" with a big blue "pinging" button.  Any suggestions to fix whatever my issue is?

EDIT: Managed to fix it by uninstalling and reinstalling.  See y'all in game!


2024 Jun 18, 03:27:07 #233 Last Edit: 2024 Jun 18, 03:28:57 by MoonlitNovel
Link doesn't work my browser keeps saying page not found... I CANNOT access the game via mobile app at all I cannot use discord ATM until September


I couldn't write bug to the link, so i write it here.

After last update my inventory is gone. I've few plases on it and don't see items here.



Reporting a bug here because I can't access the report bug page. Says the server can't be found.

In the quest "It's a Party" I can't continue the quest.When I was on stage speaking I had to exit out of the game because I had things to do. But when I logged back in the quest told me I needed to get the dessert again. Except the exclamation mark where the dessert should be isn't there.


Locking this thread since phabricator is no longer being supported and bug reports should be made in the official Discord server.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------

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