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Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Dec 10, 16:44:56
I believe they will regardless, just in case they don't know yet. Give them an hour to send it out, but if at first you dont see the LAF discussion thread then... guess thats bad luck. Honestly I would feel bad to those who failed.
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Dec 10, 16:40:14
The PMs are now being sent so hope you get the PM
Quote from: FlutterButterflyMLP on 2016 Dec 10, 16:35:02
Edit: I guess I didn't make it in...I don't see any LAR discussion board...Where is it located?
Quote from: Cooly568 on 2016 Dec 08, 08:51:24
Is it officially the 12th that it'll be announced?
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Dec 07, 19:57:09
Wow. Sounds like a good 3 weeks break there. Keep it up till the finals. Hope you study and work hard for the exam. Make em proud, then make LoE proud
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Dec 07, 19:50:00
Some great backgrounds in game programming here. I'm pretty sure ya guys are near the end of the semester, yes? Could be great to give much more time to play around in the L.A.R. event.
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Dec 07, 15:36:38
Wow. That's a good resume there. Pretty sure you got a really good chance to be in it.
Stiff competition is building up here
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Dec 07, 15:02:10
Hehe true. I know a lot of people will be announcing their acceptance letters simultaneously. I mean it is such a good feeling you just want to let everyone know
Quote from: SpectraDust on 2016 Dec 07, 14:56:21
Well if there has already been a wave of people who have been given access...then I didn't get in. But fingers / hooves crossed that I'll get in eventually.
Best of luck to everyone wishing to get access! ^^
Quote from: Flittur on 2016 Dec 05, 21:20:59
Talking about no man's sky, personally I think LOE seems decently optimized, though it can't really be that demanding due to what it is.