Escape to the Future (Sign-Up RP)

Started by Peace Keeper, 2015 Jun 22, 01:16:05

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"you sure this is normal here?" he asked looking concerned

Peace Keeper

I believe it can be. Well, its best to play it safe to put an eyepatch than to reveal the robotic eye.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


"if you say boss" as he finished putting the eye patch along with a bandage for the bump on his head  maple kinda looked like a character from a espionage game

Peace Keeper

That should help hide it. So, guess we can be ready. Coming along Maker?

... First check everywhere before we go. don't want to be spotted.

oh okay.

Both brothers check for any ponies that can be seen in their field of view.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Misty Fly

Marble : i think we shouldnt have to worry about the pegasus tribe right?


Nah, I think we'll all be good

Peace Keeper

Don't see much clounds, and are pretty far so I think we be safe. Also, they really don't jump on to a large group like us.

Just stick together and we be fine. Lets follow the trail, but from behind the bushes. Be better be safe.

Peacemaker holds the lead, heading to the Village with his brother behind.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Misty Fly

Marble : wait i forgot...what about Griffonstone and Crystal empire?

Peace Keeper

I am pretty sure they are isolated from everyone. Don't expect them to come anytime.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Misty Fly

Marble : hmm well mabe we could try hiding at the griffon kingdom?

Peace Keeper

Don't be crazy. Every race dislike each other. Definitely no griffon will ever accept ponies and if they see one, it gets pretty bad.

The village of the earth ponies is not far from them. With every step closer, more details of the village and the ponies residing can be noticed clearer. The villages are built differently than from their modern times. Buildings made of clay and mud and cone-shaped roofs made of hay and wood. Some houses have wooden uneven doors, and some only covered in drapes. Windows have no glass, but are barred with wood. Most shops are outdoors, looked over by one or more ponies, with some with a very serious look like a hawk searching for food. The ponies that reside don't seem all that different, except some wear clothing that seem to hide themselves from being identified. Perhaps they are not earth? Or perhaps not to show their face and cutie mark? What seems bizarre to the modern-timed ponies, it is a daily life in the past.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Misty Fly

Marble : we should try heading there and...who raises the moon and the sun since there are no royal sisters?


"I feel like this could be a bad idea" maple whispers


I really don't like the idea of going to the griffons...We all should be fine if we head up to Cloudsdale

Peace Keeper

Peacekeeper to Marble: From the book, there are twotribes of unicorns, a sun and a moon tribe. They take turns raising each one at a time. Surprising in times like these, the two unicorn tribes cooperate with each other. Guess that what makes life rolling.

Peacemaker to Blizzard: But not all of us can walk on clouds. Besides, they are a brutal tribe to deal with. Also we need to stick together. Don't want anyone from the future to be left behind in the past if we do find a way back home.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Misty Fly

Marble : i agree we should head there


2015 Sep 14, 23:35:05 #196 Last Edit: 2015 Sep 18, 19:27:11 by Jcfraven
In the nearby village of Earthly Valley, a lone Batpony trots the well-worn road, dust coming up from her hooves as she travels.

"Bloody earth ponies, so dense in the head sometimes. Their leaders are even worse!" She says to herself, trotting to the entrance of the town. She was attempting to once more discuss the bonding between the town and a Pegasus Village nearby she's been representing, opening up a new, more efficient, source of resources, but they denied to be associated with that of 'Featherbrains', regardless of the benefit it'd bring them. Their citizens are under their anti-unity propaganda as well, leading to her to become an enemy of many within the village.

Arriving back to the town entrance, in order to ponder further actions, she ends falls asleep on the resting bench.

*It is an Earth Pony Village you're heading to, right?


Hmmm...walking on clouds is a bit of a problem, but we need to find somewhere to set up camp...and somewhere to eat.. *I rub my tummy as my stomach growls*

Peace Keeper

*-yes it is

But Marble. You are a unicorn. You can't just fly up to the clouds. Nor even unicorns can walk on them.

As they near the village, the brothers give the direction to hide in a large bush under a few trees near a trail.

Alright. We should be safe here. Now, we need to know how to get food.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


*Alright. I suppose you guys will come into contact with my character soon, so I'll wait for that(one way in, one way out deal to it, I perceive).

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