Escape to the Future OOC

Started by Peace Keeper, 2015 Mar 14, 02:37:11

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Peace Keeper


Well just in case there is still no other responses, I'll give it like 3-5 more days before continuing without them. I'll message if they are still going to RP.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Peace, I probably won't be checking the thread vigilantly, so just message me when you want the raid to occur.

Peace Keeper

Sure thing. We'll let you know when you are open for a raid. Sorry is taking some time.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Hehehe... I guess I should stop my bonus thing that they are my headcanon story in your RP.

Peace Keeper

You don't have to if it doesn't involve something too crazy.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Should I just go ahead? Or continue waiting?

Peace Keeper

2015 Oct 06, 23:01:46 #206 Last Edit: 2015 Oct 09, 13:58:37 by Peace Keeper
Go ahead. No more new posts are coming in from the future group and companions.

Post Merge

@annosrules : You are free to enter the RP now. Surprise us if you wish ^-^
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Blah! Forgot to post to this RP, so sorry.

Peace Keeper

Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


2015 Oct 14, 07:25:41 #209 Last Edit: 2015 Oct 14, 10:23:04 by annosrules
Didn't expect to be put in the role of the ELU. XD

Also, a lot of assumptions are being made about my character...

Alright, I'm calling foul. Is there some underlying plot that I am unaware of? Because I hadn't planned for any of thus stuff to happen, and now Match is the leader of an evil army of unicorns.


2015 Oct 14, 11:57:05 #211 Last Edit: 2015 Oct 14, 12:11:46 by Julien999
Um... Well, you acted pretty well as a villain but it's for protecting your race, Unicorns, isn't it? And it's also because Earth ponies of this village didn't give to them foods? x3

That's one of the thing that nothing similar happened in the old "Escape to the Future".
Of course there's some guards who came but not that many.

Post Merge

I know a reason to why they attacked this village : Earth ponies of this village broke the rules for giving foods to unicorns. They didn't gave to them.


There was going to be more reasons, then suddenly I'm supposedly a part of some unifying force and just played along. But things are getting out of hand.

Peace Keeper

@annosrules : hmm. Guess it is unexpected to be labeled as an evil leader. To be honest, I didn't really made the idea of giving you a group name or the labeling. I would think you already had a name and introduce it. If all, Jc had more of the influence of this. I would hear his side as well.

Well... kinda true Julien, however, in this RP, every race in the past are certainly against each other. Any group could be called evil, even Lunar's group. Jc said Bat Ponies tend to be a neutral to all race, but not necessarily all ponies wouldn't mind. There is always ponies out there who even have hatred to bats just as much, and who knows not all bat ponies are nice. They probably just as mistrustful as every other pony race. Its why Peacemaker still doesn't trust Lunar much.

So annos, I understand how you feel being in the position of being called the bad guy. I assume your group is from Canterlot. Misty and I had a plan to go to Canterlot on the next day. Probably meet with your character to understand more of you and your group. Not sure if you would accept this  plan I had. If not, we could think of something.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


I do apologize for as far as I went with it, but my thought process was that Annos' group invaded an Earth Pony Village(direct contrast to their race), started destroying it and the like, so I made the assumption of evil intent, and rolled with that idea, generating an entire backstory in my head and going for it.

If you wish to change things, Peace is the final word, so it's up to him.


There just seemed to be a lot of OOC knowledge, a bit of powerplaying, and more than a sprinkling of godmodding concerning my character. I can still function with him, but there will have to be a lot of repair work if I am to ever make him what I had planned him to be.


Quote from: annosrules on 2015 Oct 14, 21:39:45
There just seemed to be a lot of OOC knowledge, a bit of powerplaying, and more than a sprinkling of godmodding concerning my character. I can still function with him, but there will have to be a lot of repair work if I am to ever make him what I had planned him to be.

May I inquire as to what you mean? I don't recall any of that occurring, but if it did, I want to correct any issues from my end.

Also, I apologize for building your character and group without consultation, I went a bit too far.


The sudden appearance of an army, you giving me three options like they were the only ones I had, that "horn flicking" thing you did, the stating I'm with ELU, the knowing apprx. where I teleported to, and then someone said that they knew my name later on and that I was the commander of the "evil" ELU. Just to name what I can remember.


Ah. Well, I'm not one to deny my faults, I apologize for those examples and the other stuff not mentioned.

If you want, and if Peace would allow, we can simply restart the whole invasion and go about it like you wanted it to, without me causing problems.


I can recover, just voicing my objections to the scenario that unfolded in the hopes of reducing overall impact and further issues.

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