Escape to the future (Sign-Up RP)

Started by Peace Keeper, 2015 Mar 11, 03:35:39

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Peace Keeper

So... you are a vampony, and you have no reason to bite the filly. I just hope you say the truth. I would hate to lose a foal, no matter what the race is.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Maple was now walking though the forest still trying to come up with an idea of what the hay was happening of course he wasn't paying attention and suddenly fond himself falling of a cliff into a river ."oh sweet celestia"! he managed to say before he landed in the  water

Gracie Sky

Listening to the two go back and forth, Gracie had the feeling that Nocturna and Combo shared mutual distrust, which troubled her greatly. She still couldn't comprehend what they were talking about, only being able to gauge the tones of their voices to come to her conclusions. What would happen if this continued? Was there the possibility things could get violent? More than anything, Gracie did not like seeing ponies fighting.

But what could she possibly say? The context of this converstaion went over her head and saying something silly could make things worse. Still, it was in Gracie's nature to at least try her best!

"I hope you're not being mean to each other! Don't you know the rules? You're only allowed to say nice things! Even if something is wrong, you forgive it and try to make it right! If you don't follow the rules, you have to take a time out!"
Character Critique Thread

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Peace Keeper

He sees the pegasus filly attempting to stop the fight. He takes a short pause, exhales, and drops his stance.

*sigh* You are right little filly. I know encountering this pony felt unsetting from what I learned, I shouldn't take it to hastingly. And after all, it is bad actions I don't want to show foals. I don't want to fight in front of you, and I hope this pony will do the same.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Having made it out of the river maple soaked to the bone trudged though the forest a string of curse words coming out of his mouth he only stopped when he stepped into the clearing where nocturna and combo where fighting


Still Nights chuckled lightly at Gracies' annoyance at being called away from the argument, then calmly listened to her reasoning. "And you can be helpful if you want, just give those two some space to do... whatever it is they end up doing," he told the filly as he got to picking the sticks out of her mane while Nocturna and Combo argued, listening in, but otherwise remaining silent. When Gracie spoke up again, causing the Earth Pony to back down a bit, he smirked lightly. "There, you see? You can be helpful from over here, filly."


Maple coughed sending his eye batch flying off bathing the area in a red light from his eye "oh horse Apple's"

Peace Keeper

*he sees the light* Wait... what was that.

He takes an offensive stand and sees the light from the direction of Maple.
I warning you. If this is a threat, I will take you down by defensive force.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


"At ease, Sir Combo!" Nocturna barks at him. "The light is but a trick of the eye. In any case, you should be focused on the case at hand, like a good guard," She continues.

Peace Keeper

2015 May 11, 02:56:45 #569 Last Edit: 2015 May 11, 03:59:56 by Peace Keeper
Are you sure? Do you know this pony? Wait... this is the pony from the morning with the covered eye. So Double Edge did knew something was suspicious.

*-Alright guys, this is it for me. I am going to be off for a few days to study for my finals. Hope ya guys can carry the story along well. Make sure you use the OOC to communicate. Some extra info is in the OOC as well that includes the OC info of the support OC Combo. Alright guys thank you so much, it was pretty fun. Hope to catch up with the story and I see ya guys hopefully on Friday.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


((Alrighty, take care my man!))


"It seems we've come to a fork in the road. Either I'm honest and you don't believe me, or I'm dishonest and we leave with no hostility. Take your pick," Nocturna explains to him.

"Honesty, preferably. I'm sure nothing you say will be any more unbelievable than what I've heard in my days," Combo responds.

"To each their own, I suppose. To give you a base summary, he's a cyborg, I'm a Vampony, the one that led the filly away is a Batpony, and we're heading to the forest castle," She explains to Combo, a serious face upon her. Combo ponders all of it for a bit.

"I see. It's quite amazing all of you are able to join together and adventure as a unit, you don't see that around here any," He replies.

((Decided to do a good bit of dialogue, now it's time for others to do stuff xD))


Maple just sat there looking miserable "I'll show you a trick of an eye" he grumbled

Gracie Sky

Gracie puffed up her cheeks angrily when she was so nonchalantly introduced as "the filly that got led away".

"Heeeeey!I was just being helpful from all the way over here... in case bad stuff happen, since I don't like being near bad stuff. But bad stuff isn't happening now, right?"

Gracie shook her head vigerously, trying to remove any excess twigs from her mane, so she could be more presentable. Afterwards, she happily troted back over towards Nocturna, since it seemed that the tension had lessened significantly. She definately wanted to introduce herself to Combo properly, but she also managed to blurt out everything that was engrained into her (thankfully) short term memory.

"I'm Gracie Sky, and I'm from Canterlot! I just fell out of the sky and made all sorts of friends and something about time, magic, and chips! They promised to take me back to Canterlot before I get in trouble for getting lost (an incorrect assumption), but I'd like to make many more friends on the way!"
Character Critique Thread

Have your OC fairly and honestly evaluated!


"An energetic filly, I remember having all that energy," Combo says, chuckling. "In any case, I'll leave you all be, but I must warn you that the village is becoming increasingly more restless, so be careful if you are to return to there," He explains.

"Thank you Sir Combo, be sure to tell Greenlight that the one that she hurt says that she hopes that she's happy," Nocturna tells Combo, as he trots away.


*gets off of Peacekeeper* i sure am glad that ended well X3 where to go now..? she wondered


"Oh, thank Platinum. I thought he'd never leave!" A voice was heard in a tree branch above, before a familiar unicorn that you probably know to be Illusion, dropped down as the Earth Pony known as Combo left the vicinity.
"Indeed. It would've been less than ideal if we had to use more force than we already have." Said Breaker, as he emerged from the brush nearby.

"Yeah, he's going to be in for a nasty shock if he checks the cave again. On the other hoof, nopony got hurt! Aside from possible mental scarring..."
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


"great it's the goon squad" maple sneered still dripping wet

Peace Keeper

*-Kays I am back. Thanks for covering for me Nocturna with Combo. Well... seems things are getting into order, we can continue


*coming out of the bushes* He sounds like a pony who wants unity.
He kinda does. Well... now that he let us go, we can go ahead and go to the castle.
Yea. Let's really be careful cause I don't want to run into something like that again. Freaked me out. I thought I be dead.

They move to the direction with the trail while inside the woods.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Gracie Sky

"I-I wasn't scared! See how brave I was back there?" Gracie boasted, twirling once in place. Satisfied with her performance, she merrily skipped about behind Peacekeeper as she followed him around.
Character Critique Thread

Have your OC fairly and honestly evaluated!

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