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Messages - Gracie Sky

Gracie was sitting around on the boulder, studying important things like the texture of the rocks. She was slightly bored, since the others were talking about things that didn't interest her. Thinking back on it, they sure did do a lot of talk and not enough playing.

However, while Gracie wasn't particularly paying attention to them, she did notice that their voices were starting to get louder and possible even hostile. This disturbed her greatly. She hated when other ponies argued.

She glanced from the top of boulder, trying to get a good look at the others. Sure enough, just from glancing at them, she could sense the unease. She glowered at them for a moment, contemplating what she should do. It was only a moment's comtemplation, though, since she had a very predictable reaction to arguing ponies.

She quickly swooped down to their level and landed next to them, her eyes clearly indicating that she wasn't happy, "Heeeeey! No being mean to each other! We're all friends right?"
I've considered the possibility, but there have been a few deterrents.

First, most of the other characters aside from Gracie are a part of this conversation. To have her engage in a sub-plot would mean it is likely I would be RPing alone, which is fine if the sub-plot was significant, but I'm hesitant to move a story that is not my own. It is also possible that others would join, but that brings me to my second issue: dividing the cast. I don't know when the current conversation is going to end, so I feel it is best not to commit to a sub-plot of variable significance and possibly risk holding everything up. It's safer to just wait for now, I believe.
I'm just reporting that I'm standing by with Gracie until the setting changes or something relevant to Gracie occurs.

As it stands right now, the main focus is a conversation that Gracie has no part in. I don't feel comfortable trying to inject her into a conversation that doesn't concern her, not to mention it's likely she would not be interested in the topic.

I could just have her run around doing random things, but I feel I've exhausted what she can do inside this cave.
Original Characters / Re: Dj Faun's OCs
2015 Apr 26, 17:36:03
 :c That's honestly too many. Having that many sort of dilutes the significance of the individual OC and makes it difficult for the reader to keep up with all that could be happening involving these characters.

I do notice that there is a central focus on the Fuan Family with a bunch of outlier OCs. I would just focus on developing those of the Fuan Family and have the others act as background ponies. They can still be important, but just not imperative to the main story.

I'm assuing these characters have a story, of course. If that assumption is incorrect, I will amend my line of thinking.

As for the OC's asthetics, they're all over the place, with some of them being a bit too sophistocated for my tastes. Of course, I'm judging them out of context. If their story validates why they look so complex, there is no issue. But for now, I'd say some of them don't look like ponies I'd see in Equestria.

I am also assuming these characters live in the Equestrian universe.
Gracie's ears twitched to the sound of a greeting coming from Maple. She loved being greeted, even if the greeting was aimed at her specifically. The first thing on her mind was to politely return the greeting. She ran over to where she heard Maple coming from and bombarded him with her greeting... politely, of course.

"Hello! Hello! Welcome back! Where did you go, anyway? I didn't even know you were gone! Did you bring me anything? Wait! I know! I bet you brought back more apples, because we could definately use more apples around here! Or maybe you brought hayburgers, because that would hit the spot right now! Or... or... appleburgers! Eeeeeeeee!"

Without even waiting for a reply, Gracie began uncontrollably jumping around in pure excitement at the concept of eating an appleburger.
Gracie brightened up when Peace handed her an apple slice. Without even thinking, she snagged it and gobbled it up, completely forgetting about frying it in the oil. It didn't seem to make any difference to her, though, as she evidently enjoyed eating the apple slice regardless of how it was prepared.

"Yummy!" she excalimed, "That should hold me until lunch... dinner... whatever the next meal is, that is! What are we going to do now? Are we going to Canterlot soon? If we don't head back soon, I think I'm going to miss the weekly storytime! It's the best part too! The matron always gets the newest Daring Doo book and Daring Doo is about to the Pyramind of Tartarus to retrieve the Focusing Triangle so she can pinpoint the final Lost Key in order to... do something important I reckon...!"
Gracie eagerly waited for her chips to cool, even though she only got like 4 chips. She didn't really want chips today, but she couldn't tell anypony that! She didn't need to be picky when this was all there was. She sniffed her chips a few times to gauge whether they were fit for consumption. She had honestly no idea what to look for, so she just counted to twenty before chomping down all four of them, loud crunching noises and all.

"*munch munch munch munch* ... ... Hey! These chips have no flavor! Are these plain chips? I like the cheese flavored ones! Or even nacho flavored! ... Oh! Wait! I know! Apple Chips! What if we put the apples in this oil? Will it turn into chips like the potatoes did? Can I try? Please? Just one apple!"

Gracie had already grabbed an apple in her teeth and had it dangling over the bowl of oil.
Gracie Sky hovered over the bubbling oil, wondering what exactly was going on in that bowl. She could tell it was hot, but that was about it.

"Why does this oil need to be hot? Why did you put the chips in there? Aren't they going to get burned? Is this really how chips are made? How did you get oil out of nuts? Can I taste one? Eep!"

Some oil from the bowl splattered out, almost causing a drop to splash onto Gracie. Thankfully, she was able to evade it in time by jumping up and flying. However, the experience made her even more curious, since she didn't know why the oil splashed out at her. She quickly resumed hovering over the bowl intensely.
Gracie was becoming more and more unsettled about the items that were bought. "How come you didn't buy more apples? I wanted a whole apple to myself! How is this supposed to be enough to feed all of us? There must be like 8 of us sharing all of this, and this will only last us until like... lunch time! Unless we already passed lunch... can I just have an apple? And a potato too? And maybe even a carrot? Just one of each!"
"N-no hayburgers?" Gracie questioned, her ears drooping sadly. She looked at the food that Peacekeeper brought, wondering why there were no hayburgers and what she should do about it. Suddenly, a brilliant idea popped up in her head. "Ooh! I know! I know I know I know! Let's invent one! I'm a pretty good inventor and I think I remember what a hayburger taste like, so we just need to reproduce it! The first ingredient is probably hay, since it's called a hayburger... but... it doesn't look like you got any hay. Where does hay come from anyway? I think they mentioned it in school, but I forgot... but other than that, we'll also need two buns! You didn't get any bread either, though!"

Gracie began eyeballing the ingredients suspiciously at this point. "What exactly are we supposed to make with this food? Are these just snacks or something, because I've never heard of a dish that uses apples, carrots, and potatoes. Maybe a... uh... a salad? Without the lettuce, of course... Err... That apple could really use some caramel! And and that potato! I could make a potatoburger out of that! It just needs some of that... red stuff that kinda tastes like tomatoes. Why didn't we get any tomatoes? Ooh, what about--"

Gracie spent the next few minutes talking out loud to herself about her food theories and preferences.
Out of nowhere came a green and yellow blur that tackled Peacekeeper, more specifically the sack he was carrying.

"Yay! You're back! What did you bring me? Why did you leave me behind anyway? I promised that I wouldn't flap my wings all over the place like I normally do. Wait... right! I didn't like that old cape and hiding my wings and all that bad stuff! I followed you anyway, though, but then I got lost, so I just came back and waited on top of the boulder! So did you bring me hayburgers? Where are the hayburgers? You promised me hayburgers! I'm so hungry, I could eat a bear made out of hayburgers!"

Gracie continued shuffling through the contents of the bag, not finding hayburgers.
What's her special talent, by the way?
Gracie frowned for a short moment, but slowly nodded. "Okay, then..."

She grabbed the cloak and flung it over her wings and tied it around her neck. She looked back at the cloak and fluttered her wings slightly to see how the cloak would react to it. "Are you sure these cloaks are going to hide our wings?"
"Doesn't like ponies with wings or horns?" Gracie repeated. She placed a hoof on her chin as she perplexed. It was clear she didn't seem to agree with the concept. "So you want us to pretend to be somepony we aren't? Isn't that like... lying? I was told never to do something like that. Of course I don't want to make the store pony upset, but something still feels wrong about doing something like this. Are you sure we couldn't just... get along with him?"
Gracie tilts her head, slightly confused. "Why do I need to hide my wings?"
Gracie's train of thought was interrupted by Peacekeeper as he attempted to greet her. It looked like they were finally going to do something! Hopefully whatever it was got her back to Canterlot too!

"Hi!" Gracie replied cheerfully. "I was just enjoying the sun! But this place is a bit wierd. It's so quiet and the air seems thick. Why aren't there any birds chirping or anything like that? Where are we, anyway? The grass here is all nasty and I hate nasty grass. Hopefully we're going somewhere to get a hayburger!"
Overcome with boredom, Gracie Sky slipped outside. She figured that it was very unlikely that they would notice her step out, since they apparently didn't notice her when she was actively trying to talk to them. She was hoping the others would do something rather than just talk about all this stuff she was totally clueless on. If she weren't so lost, she'd probably go look for Canterlot herself!

It was partially cloudy outside, but there were nice patches of sunshine here and there. Gracie loved laying in the sunshine, so the sight of it made her smile briefly. She also noticed several patches of grass scattered around. Wild grass generally didn't sit well with Gracie, but it didn't sound like there was much promise of better food from the ponies in the cave. Gracie was also hoping to see something interesting, like a bird or a chipmunk wandering around outside. She loved cute animals! But... she didn't see any from where she was.

Gracie wandered over to the closest patch of wild grass and started sniffing it. It smelled terrible! Like stale bread terrible! She decided to just wait it out and hope somepony knew how to cook or something. Gracie then wandered into the closest patch of sunshine and closed her eyes softly. At least the sun was as comforting as she remembered!

Gracie's ears twitched as she heard what she thought was something akin a small snap... and some rustling, but the sound was faint and far off. Gracie stared in the direction of the sound, but she didn't see anything out of the ordinary. She then focused on trying to hear for something, but there was no sound. At all. She began to find the silence a bit unnerving, like she was being watched or something. She could have just been imagingin things, though.

For some disturbing reason, she began wondering exactly how far away from the cave entrance she had wandered. Without making any sudden moves, she took a subtle glance back at the cave, which was about 20 yards from her position.
Gracie almost instantaneously lost her enthusiasm when the other ponies continued their conversation without paying much heed to her deliberate attempts to distract them. Perhaps their discussion was more important than her desire to watch a castle being built. Regardless, Gracie lowered her ears and slowly backed away. She wandered to Maple's locations, seeing as he was the only pony who acknowledged that she said anything.

"They must be talking about some super important grown-up stuff, aren't they? I don't understand all this "magic" and "future" stuff they keep bringing up, so I should probably keep my nose out of it. Ugh... I wish I was smart like a grown-up, so I wouldn't be so confused all the time and be able to talk to them about... that complicated-sounding magic stuff. How long are they going to talk, anyway? What are we even doing here? When are we going back to Canterlot? I've never been away from my group for two whole days! I'm so loooooooooooooost!!"

Gracie laid down and buried her face in her hooves, hoping she would wake up from this dream where she was lost.
Gracie jumped a few times in place gleefully in response to the second wave of praise and it was almost more than she could cope with. A blush was imminent, so she began running around the cave, squealing giddily.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hahahaha!"

About around that time, she saw a lot of ponies hanging around the same spot, talking about something. Of course she had to join the conversation! She snuck in right behind Nocturna and stood in the middle of everypony, smiling brightfully!

"Hi, everypony! My name is Gracie Sky! What are we talking about? I heard the word "castle", so does that mean we're building a castle? I think that's a really good idea! It sure beats this cave! I'm not really good at building, though, so I think I'll just watch."
For a moment, Gracie Sky forgot that she was being addressed by Breaker and twirled around once. "I know! Green is my favorite color and I'm really glad that my mane is green! Of course, I don't think I've ever had another pony tell me that my hair was a different color not green, but sometimes I can't see my hair, since it's always behind my head, so sometimes I can't give it all the attention others give it, which kind of makes me sad sometimes, but if it were in front of my head, it'd probably get in the way of my eyes and I wouldn't be able to see whatever else was in front of me, so I guess it's okay that my mane is behind my head."

After that completely necessary run on sentence, Gracie realized that she just casually spoke with Breaker. Or perhaps she subconcsiously responded to the hesitantly kind thing he said about her. Either way, it appeared that it was possible for her to happily talk with this pony, now she just needed to figure out how to do it again!

"Hey! That was fun! Say something about my mane again! No... no wait! I need to say something good about you first! Um... um... Ooh! I know! You cast very... magnificient shadows! Yeah! You're very good at blocking the sun, and that's useful on days where the sun is really hot!"