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Messages - Gracie Sky

Original Characters / Re: Spirittai1's Ocs!
2012 Jun 22, 00:44:02
Perhaps it's worth pointing out very important ponies, such as the mane 6. Take a look at Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity (when she's not doing a show), and even Princess Celestia herself! No fancy clothes, no shoes, no accessories, very modest hair designs, and very few of them have dual colored hair. Remember that these are the ponies that we've grown to love, but notice how simple their designs are when you get down to it.

You don't need to be complex to be beautiful.  ^-^
I'd like to know how ponies knit and how Unicorns grow plants, which I believe is something only Earth Ponies can do... but at the same time, you beat me to the punch on making an OC Unicorn who grows things...

Other than all that, I like her even more than Odette, although not by much. You cleverly avoided naming her after her cutie mark by blanking her memory and real name. Her personality is far less predictable than your last two OCs, which adds a special dimension to her. I'm just praying this hidden back story isn't too tragic.

You seem to be getting better at making realistic, down to earth (or Equestria) OCs. :D
Original Characters / Re: Dawnfire
2012 Jun 21, 21:42:46
Sounds like a pony with a single purpose in life.
 :c Ouch... what a way to tradgify your OCs back story by killing off his parents for reasons I'm not aware of and having the rest of society reject him. This sounds far from how normal ponies are raised, although I'm sure he's by no means normal. I don't really know how to approach an OC who seems to have the winds of fate absolutely hate him and try to make his life as bad as possible.

Also, I have no idea what his name means. Most ponies like Pinkie Pie and such, the reference is obvious.
I'm afraid to ask...
Other than the reference to Derpy, is there a reason his name is Herpy Dooves?
I'd also like to know more about his personality, more specifically whether or not he acts similar to Derpy.
Well... your approach on integrating an OC into the canon story line is interesting. It's dangerous waters you sail on, though, so make sure you're careful. It's easy to unintentionally create logical flaws or conflict between your story and the canon story.
Original Characters / Re: Spirittai1's Ocs!
2012 Jun 21, 21:15:00
The biggest issue I have with these ponies are how... extravagant their appearance is. Clothes, shoes, rings, dual hair colors, face colors, the whole nine yards. I realize you're just trying to make them unique from your everyday pony, but you might be taking it a little overboard.

There are also a few other simple problems, but this is the one I believe should be addressed first.
Original Characters / Re: Starshine
2012 Jun 21, 20:56:05
You might as well call her Twilight Sparkle.

Or at least her twin sister nopony knows about.
 :I This is the first time I've heard of a pony's cutie mark evolving or improving over the course of the pony's life! I didn't really even consider it a possibility. It is an interesting concept, of course. You'll probably need a super special reason why and how hers can change like that, because nopony else has ever changed their cutie mark after receiving one.

... at least not that I know of.
Original Characters / Re: Morning Glory OCs
2012 Jun 18, 20:45:41
I must say I'm impressed with the quality and thought put into these OCs. Even though their bios are quite a wall of text, I can't fault you for that since I'm guilty of the same thing. Their personalities are nicely balanced and their back stories are easy to imagine; I even like the names you've given them. More importantly, it seems as though they are fated to go on an adventure together, based on their diversity. It's like you're making your own mane 6!

These are all top quality OCs, though. I'd give it my seal of approval, if I had one. :c
Original Characters / Re: Skyler
2012 Jun 18, 20:22:04
It's an interesting concept, although it is a little dangerous. Essentially, Discord is playing God (or whatever deity creates supposedly creates life in Equestria), and creating ponies that have the capability of developing a soul. Even better, he made them immortal by simply decreeing it. Even better, they can remember from their past lives.

Seems Discord is onto something big. Not sure why he would need spies, though. Do they even still answer to him?
Quote from: HerpyDooves on 2012 Jun 13, 15:07:46Cutie Mark: The moon, the sun, and a star. The moon representing the depressing times in life, the sun representing the happy times in life, and the star representing the way through it all.

What exactly does this make her special talent? If they represent the highs and lows of life, would that make her a psychiatrist or something? If her special talent involves astronomy, it would make sense that the sun, moon, and stars represent the things that astronomers study.
Original Characters / Re: Cloud Dasher
2012 Jun 18, 19:43:37
When describing his personality, it would be a lot more meaningful if you didn't only compare it to the personalities of ponies we already know.

There are some other technicalities about the pony that I'm worried about, but his personality needs to be addressed most importantly.
Geez, talk about tragic back story.

Just so you know, that color on that background is really hard to read.
Original Characters / Re: RR's OCs
2012 Jun 11, 19:24:34
As far as I can tell, Rainbow Dash was named due to her color scheme... and I'm guessing her parents were equally passionate about being super fast. Applejack is obviously part of the Apple Family, so it would be weird if she didn't have "Apple" in her name; and I remember she originally didn't want to be an apple farmer, but was inspired to come back and embrace it. Twilight Sparkle... I can't even work with that. Just kidding!  =P Twilight Sparkle is kind of generic, though. The "sparkles" are supposed to represent "magic", which is her special talent, but magic doesn't have a physical shape, so to speak. Now if her name was Twilight Magic, I'd be a little skeptical.

And Luna, Snips, and Snails... uhhh... are either too special or not special enough to warrant less obvious names... I guess.  >:/

I was going to ask about the Revolver part of his name too, but it was second on the list of things to bring up. Uh... are we talking Revolver as in the gun?
Original Characters / Re: Eclair and Jet
2012 Jun 11, 17:50:13
Mmmmm... Jet Stream? That's what I'm getting.
Original Characters / Re: RR's OCs
2012 Jun 11, 17:38:02
 o_O Is Scamper the name her parents gave her? Or is it like a nick name?

Mm, regardless, very well thought out ponies. Nice pictures. I like the layout, except for the stray [/size] tags I see at the end of each bio. Also, I'm a bit curious about Revolver Rose's cutie mark acquisition. Even though his mother was a florist, I doubt that's how he figured out his special talent was flowers, or roses in particular; which brings me to my next point about his cutie mark. His name contains his cutie mark, like his mother knew he was going to be a rose specialist when he was born. Just something for you to consider.
Original Characters / Re: My OCs
2012 Jun 11, 17:24:41
When you do decide to give them cutie marks, please don't make them too synonymous with their names. That means try not to make Forest's cutie mark a forest or Flowering Meadows's cutie mark a flower meadow. It's okay if they are similar, like a twig of a tree or a petal of a flower. Just realize that ponies were given names before they had their cutie mark and seldomly would a parent name them exactly what their future cutie mark would be, unless their parent's cutie mark is future telling...
Original Characters / Re: Odette
2012 Jun 11, 17:16:50
Quote from: PrincessParfait on 2012 Jun 09, 18:38:49Maybe I put too much? I should keep it simple.

It's the author's job to strike that balance between simplicity and complexity. It is your character, after all. All I can really do for you is look at it and tell you if I find it "too complex/simple" and have you work off of that. The best thing you could do is take her one step at a time and gradually introduce her personality quirks and such.
Original Characters / Re: My OCs
2012 Jun 09, 18:27:44
These two ponies are heading in the right direction, it's a good start. Their personalities are informative and has a nice balance between unique and typical.

However... why don't they have cutie marks yet? They are kind of old for blank flanks. Secondly, both of their names could use some improvement because they are not typical pony names. I know you're trying hard with these names, but they both contain flaws that deviate them away from average pony names. Forest's name is a bit too straightforward, I recommend Forest be his last name. Flowering Meadows is the opposite, a bit too roundabout, I recommend condensing her first name to just "Flower".