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Messages - Gracie Sky

After hearing what Peacekeeper and Nocturna had to say, Gracie Sky blankly stared at the ground as the gears in her head began turning. The only words that managed to hold her attention were "not comfortable with" and "doesn't know how to respond". Even the word chips sailed over her head as she began connecting the dots. All these words meant something very important regarding that mean pony she was hiding from.

After a few seconds, she came up with the most convoluted conclusion her simple logic could muster.

"He must be scared of me!" she quietly whispered to herself. "That's why he called me threatening! That's why he called me intimidating (incorrectly recalling who called who intimidating)! I can't let him be scared of me, I have to do something! Oh! I have a terrific idea! I'll be less scary to him, so he'll be more comfortable with me and maybe even be nice to me! If he doesn't know how to respond to me, I can teach him! I know exactly how I like ponies responding to me! This is going to be the best idea in the history of best ideas!"

Then her eyes found Breaker again, causing her to instinctively tense up. How in Equestria was she going to do this if the mere sight of him made her uneasy? She had no immediate plan, but that never stopped her before. Without thinking about it any more, she started galloping back to Breaker. When she reached him, she awkwardly stood in front of him, trying her hardest not to look intimidated. She did eventually attempt to talk to him as well.

"... I... like... um... ideas. That are good. And I have one. An idea, I mean. And it's good. The idea, I mean. The idea is good... ... ..."

She began really wishing she could remember what the good idea was again.
When Peacekeeper addressed her, Gracie glanced up at him and her expression brightened up. It was as though she didn't realize that she had chosen him as a hiding spot. In fact, her train of thought got broken and she almost forgot that she was hiding. "Oh! Right! Hello hello! What are we doing today, Mr. Foalsitter? Can we go to the park today? I know this really nice spot with lots of flowers and--"

She interrupted herself, remembering that she was most recently upset about something. She shook her head violently in an attempt to retain her grasp on what was currently going on. Her eyes quickly relocated on Breaker and squinted at him subtely. She whispered to Peacekeeper, "Him him! He told me I was all sorts of bad things! He said I was threatening and and (failing to recall the things he called her) and MEAN and not brave! He even told me I wasn't a real filly! He made me feel really bad! You'll stand up for me, won't you? I-I'm not scared of him, but maybe he'll listen to you, so tell him to be nice to me, okay? Oh... and I need some chips too. And punch. I'm hungry!"
Gracie heard the reply from Breaker, but she became too distracted by Breaker himself to listen. It was him! That pony who said mean things to her! He was staring at her... and talking to her at the same time! Gracie spent a few seconds trying to figure out how she should react to his presence. All she could really manage was returning his stare, except far more intimidated. She remembered the time she told herself that she wouldn't talk to him unless he said something nice to her. However, he was talking to her, and failing to reply would've been rude. But Gracie had little idea what to tell him without insinuating that he wasn't very favorable with her at the moment.

Apparently she managed to utter the following:

"You-- woowoo raaaaaaaah naamma uhhh. I do-- doooooow I dow bad BAD! Aaaieeeeeee!!"

After that, she galloped away from him and hid behind the closest pony, who happened to be Peacekeeper. She peered at Breaker from behind her new shield.
Gracie was up early and exploring all the nooks and cranies of the cave. She was somewhere near the back, sniffing what appeared to be a small rock with tiny legs. "Hey! I found a bug! It's a rock bug or something! Look at it crawling around! Hey, bug! I'm going to call you "Rocky", because you look like a rock and all. Would you like to be my friend? I'll take really good care of you and feed you lots of... whatever it is you eat! Maybe other rocks? Don't worry, then! There are plenty of rocks for you to munch on in this cave!"

Gracie repeatedly nudged the rock bug on the side to see how it would react. It slowly kept moving, paying little heed to the curious philly.
Gracie Sky was overhearing the others talking about sleeping. She wasn't particularly in the mood to sleep and had no quarrels hiding this fact. "What, already? I'm not even sleepy, though! I at least need something to snack on, like chips! How do you even know it's late enough to go to bed? With that boulder blocking the cave entrance, I can't even see outside. Last time I looked out there, I couldn't even see fifty stars in the sky! And how am I supposed to sleep in this cave? Are there even any blankets around here? And what about the matron? She'd have a fit if she found out I was having a sleepover without her permission! I guess you could all pretend to be certified foalsitters and pretend you were just taking care of me the whole time, but you'd need to feed me chips to do something like that. And I can't fall asleep unless somepony reads me a bedtime story, and it can't be anything scary either! It has to be a good story where all the good ponies get what they want, like chips and fruit punch! I also wanted to sleep upside down today, like I was a bat pony! Any idea how I would attatch my feet to the cieling? Do you think I could drink punch while I was upside down? *blah blah yada yada*"

Despite her unhealthy obsession with chips and punch, it would probably only take 5 minutes of this rambling before she would get bored and doze off.
Do as you wish. I can adapt with ease.
I do feel like a few of the other users aren't around as much and I feel guilty about leaving them behind, which is why I hold back on the frequency of my posts. I don't want to be every other post. I am a tad worried if anything happened to the others, or if they got super busy recently.

I was also kind of hoping I'd get to RP with Seals, who hasn't posted since I joined. Hopefully she comes back, although explaining her lack of action in the past few pages will be a challenge.
"Magic field?" Gracie repeated, still unsure what all these technical sounding words were refering to. She scratched her head and stared down at the ground, trying to recall what exactly happened to her. These ponies seemed to know much more than she did, so maybe they could figure it out. Maybe they could even figure out a way she could get out of trouble!

"All I remember happening was being told that I could go play outside. I love playing outside, so I went flying around all over the place. I was on my way to the candy store, since they always give me free candy, which I love. But on the way, I saw this strange flash engulf me and then I was suddenly in like a plain field sort of place! I think I must've fallen asleep while flying and didn't wake up until I was in the middle of nowhere. Maybe I'm still sleeping and you're all just a part of my dream! Hehe... well anyways, I saw a strange looking hut thing and wondered why the hut was so strange looking. So I landed near it and you wouldn't believe what happened! An Earth Pony came out and yelled at me! Something about Pegasi belonging in the sky and away from the ground. I don't like mean ponies, so I just flew very far away and looked for somepony else to talk to! But then I crashed into the ground because I ran into a bee. Bees are meeeeeeeean! I got stung by one before and all I did was sniff it a few times! Thankfully this bee that ran into me flew away and that's when I met... (unable to recall Radiovid's name) the bat pony! He led me to this cave! Isn't all that interesting??"

Gracie was so proud of herself for telling that story and started prancing around gleefully.
Gracie Sky blankly looked at Nocturna, scratching her head once. "The what? I didn't utilize anything! I swear I didn't!" she shouted out defensively, "I don't understand what you're saying! I don't know what a time-travel spell is! I'm not even a unicorn! I think I just got lost... somehow... even though I was trying not to! Oh, please don't tell the matron I lost again! She's probably already mad at me... probably already wondering where I am!"

Gracie's uneasy gaze fell to the ground as she considered how much trouble she could possibly be in with the matron. She subconciously started walking backwards at a crawling pace, struck with the urge to leave and attempt to find the group she was with earlier that day until everything went crazy.
Gracie rapidly nodded her head after each answer was given, although the probability that many of the answers were immediately forgotten were high. When she was asked what Ponyville was, she giggled with excitement. "You don't know what Ponyville is? I guess I never see any bat ponies there, so I guess maybe you wouldn't've heard of it. But it's this wonderful place where all the ponies are friends with each other! I go on field trips there all the time and I always get a lot of chips and punch! You should definately go there once, but you'll have to work on smiling much better than you are. The ponies there get easily scared by scary looking things, like those sharp looking teeth you have. But if they are smiling sharp looking teeth, maybe it wouldn't be as scary! If somepony like me could make friends in Ponyville, I'm sure you could do it if you tried! Maybe I could take you there right now, once I figure out where I am first, though. Maybe you know?"
Since it appeared there were, in fact, no chips OR punch here, maybe it wasn't a party after all. Gracie lost all interest in eating spontaneously and decided to find the next interesting thing. Her ears propped up when she heard somepony introducing herself. That's right! Gracie never introduced herself, so these other ponies must've been wondering who she was! And that pony who was introducing herself was talking to the bat-like pony! The one she was following around before, albiet for only 30 seconds. He was the first pony around here who was nice to her and he looked different from all the other ponies she knew, so she was oddly compelled to talk to him as much as possible.

Just as Nocturna finished introducing herself, Gracie Sky popped between the two, directing most of her monolouge towards Radiovid. "Hello! My name is Gracie Sky! I come from Canterlot, and I oftenly visit Ponyville! Can you tell me your name, Mr. Bat Pony? How come you look like a bat, anyway? Does that mean you hang upside down when you sleep? Do those sharp teeth make it harder to brush? Could I get wings like those if I tried hard enough? Does everything look skinnier to you since your eyes are so up and downy like that? Can I take you home with me?"
Gracie Sky wasn't particularly in a state of mind to comprehend the questions being asked to her, but that was easily fixed! All it took was a vigorous shaking of her head to bring her back to her senses. She looked slightly disoriented, but it was hard to believe she was feeling any discomfort with how she was smiling.

"Whoops! Already one accident!" she exclaimed cheerfully, "Okay, no causing accidents starting now!"

Gracie gave the cave and the ponies inside a brief glance. A few of them had wandered over to her, apparently worried that she injured herself. She didn't feel the need to explain how she was always crashing into things on accident back at the orphanage and that it would take more than a silly stone wall to hurt her. But she did feel happy that they were showed signs of concern for her. Maybe they were nice ponies after all!

Gracie knew the perfect way to express her gratitude for their concerns. "So, where's all the food? I haven't eaten since lunch! I'm hungry! Somepony said there were chips and fruit punch here!" (unknowingly refering to herself)
Gracie's ears perked up when a pony from inside the cave started calling out to come inside the cave to get some sleep. Unfortunately, Gracie wasn't particularly tired at the moment, since there were so many interesting things going on! Of course, there was a high chance that whoever was doing the calling out wasn't talking to her, unless the pony was talking to everypony outside. Gracie had to be sure and thus allowed her train of thought to run rampant.

"Um, does that mean me too? Can I come inside? I want to go inside the cave! Can I, please? Are all the ponies inside the cave nice? I only like nice ponies and no grumpy ones! I promise not to make a lot of noise or cause any accidents! Why are we all hiding inside this cave anyway? Is there a party in here? Hehehe! I love parties, but not ones that are too loud. Is there any food? I'm actually really hungry right now and I could use some chips! Are there chips inside? And punch too, that's my favorite drink! I'm so excited!"

Gracie proceeded to fly into the cave blindly in hopes of finding chips and punch, oblivious to anything else at the moment. She even forgot that it was too dark in the cave for her to see, and not even allow her eyes the time to adjust to the darkness. She eventually crashed face first into a wall inside the cave, falling to the ground and stunning herself momentarily.
At first, Gracie was really happy to recieve a compliment from the hooded pony she was previously following around, but then he took off his hood and revealed his face.

It looked... different, to say the least. Gracie had never seen anything quite like it! It was rather fascinating, though. She wondered how he got those fangs and those wierd eyes. Maybe it was common here, where ever here was. Still, Gracie couldn't help but stare excessively at them. It was as though she were being hypnotized by them. She even comtemplated getting a closer look, but there was that gruffy unicorn down there that called her a threat! She didn't want to get anywhere near him! At least not until he said something nice to her first! Quite, she was rather content with sitting on this boulder. She even forgot why she was on this boulder in the first place, to look at the ponies inside the cave. Those fangs and pointy eyes were all that could hold her attention at the moment.
"Heeeeeeeey!" Gracie scowled with an angry glare, "I am too a filly! And I'm not a distraction. And I'm not threatening either! A-and I wasn't intimidated! That's right, I'm a brave, non-threatening and non-distracting filly!"

Maybe those ponies were meanies after all, after calling her all those bad things!
Gracie Sky instinctively jumped up in shock when the loud unicorn yelled at her. After that, she tried her best at not moving any of her muscles as she was instructed. But then he had to ask her a second question which would force her to violate the first command she was given. She pondered on how to respond without moving her mouth, but it was a lost cause.

After giving it a second thought, he only instructed her not to dare move a muscle. Gracie's limited definition on the word "dare" made the entire command confusing all of a sudden.

Either way, she knew an answer was expected out of her. "I... um... have the reason of wanting to find out if the ponies who went into this cave were nice or not. I thought since you were also hanging around out here, trying to listen in, maybe you were a friend of that pony in a cape that I was following around. He wanted to listen in too and... I want to listen, and I'm guessing you want to know if they are saying nice things too, right? We all have a common cause! Listening!"

Gracie started to wonder what she just said.
"Wait! I didn't even get to say my name yet!" Gracie whispered after Radiovid. Unfortunately, there was no time for such formalities, so she trotted after him in great haste.

Where he stopped was close to this boulder covering a boulder-shaped cave opening. Safely hiding behind her new pony friend, she peered into the cave. She could make out some pony-shaped silhouettes, but it was really dark in there, for the most part. There were also voices inside the cave, but Gracie couldn't make out any words.

It was most upsetting. She really wanted to know more about these ponies. Maybe they could even tell her where in Equestria she was. Eager to figure these figures in the cave out, she flew up on top of the boulder and tried looking in from there. She saw the same silhouettes, except bigger.
"I want to see if those ponies talking over there are nice!" Gracie replied in a loud whisper. She pointed over to the ponies she was refering to. "I saw you sneaking around like me, so I thought it would be best to sneak around together! Good idea huh?"

The young Pegasus seemed too eager in this particular endeavor to notice the unusual eyes and fangs of the pony she was whispering to. All she knew was that he was wearing a hood, which she thought was only to make him more sneaky.
Gracie popped her head out of a bush, excited by how sneaky she was being. Her mane was covered in leaves and twigs and maybe even a spider she didn't notice.

In fact, she was so excited about sneaking around, she became oblivious as to the reason she was sneaking around in the first place. Oh right, those ponies. She definately could tell they were ponies now.

She heard a rustling nearby and hid back under her bush. She noticed another pony wrapped up in a dark cloak wander near her bush and settle nearby. From what Gracie could tell, he was also eavsedropping on the conversation. Maybe he was also trying to figure out if those ponies were nice or not! They had a common objective! Gracie thought the whole process would be easier if they worked together!

He was facing away from her bush hiding spot, so she slowly crept her head out of the bush, trying to figure out a way to get his attention without scaring him. A light poke on the back was the best idea she could come up with.
While Gracie Sky wasin pursuit of the butterfly, she heard the sound of voices coming from behind a bunch of trees very far off. Her ears perked up and she looked in the direction of the voices. She couldn't really make out what she saw through all the foilage, though.

She lowered herself a bit, remembering how mean the ponies around here were to her the last time she tried talking to them. Of course, maybe whoever was over there weren't as mean. Gracie thought to herself that she should assess the level of niceness of the voices behind the trees before deciding whether to approach them or not.

Not that Gracie was a master of subtlety, but she attempted to carefully sneak around and get a glimpse of whatever was going on over there.