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Messages - SpeedyMoon

I have an couple issues but overall it was good. ^^ I seriously wonder where Discord was?
He's an pet, and pets are rare to see in an Ep by default outside an Ep that focus on them. Remember Tank and his sudden return after that emotional Ep and we never got to see it? Wasn't important, so they completely skipped it over.

Same reason we never see Twist much anymore nor Tiara and Silver.  DD:
I saw this image the other day with the theory that Pacific Glow is in fact a escaped Pinkie Clone. Hey, that Ep showed canonally that a clone did indeed escaped....unless she's just a random look alike.

Spoiler: show

To be honest when I first saw her, before I saw the Ep mind you (think it was the thumbnail?) I thought she was Pinkie Pie.
Introductions Archive / Re: New Here
2017 Sep 07, 21:11:45
Quote from: Proudy Hooves on 2017 Sep 07, 14:34:42There you can show yourself as a classy writer

Where exactly can I find the writing at here?
Introductions Archive / New Here
2017 Sep 07, 11:26:36
Hey everybody. An friend kept mentioning this site so I finally decided to look at it.  lol Seems interesting! I have OCD so bare with that.  :s I'm mostly an writer but do draw every now and again.