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Messages - Crimson Tail

I am considering applying for programming for the game. Is there any requirements besides being fluent in C#?

Edit: Forgot to mention that is there any other requirements
Quote from: LunarDusk on 2016 Jan 17, 23:03:11

How so

This goes down to server issues, yesterday I couldn't get on one of the servers (I was getting real angry there..) for an hour because it thought I was still on that server, so thanks to that I lost a party. There's also the near constant room changing, it gets quite annoying. And also had to reconnect often due to not spawning in an area.

Edit: Also forgot to put up one upside, the crashing issue I had before dosen't seem to come around anymore.
I gotta say, this was sorta worse than the last open server event to be honest ..
So this did happen during the dialog with Cirrus and Fire Opal on the quest. It dosen't affect the progress of the quest, but I thought I should point that out.

I see me in the last several pictures!
The Retirement Home / Re: Day cycle bug
2015 Mar 21, 11:36:00
Quote from: CMC Scootaloo on 2015 Mar 19, 13:24:38

So, everything was stuck in the "Sun's partially up and it's not completely bright yet" state?

Awww, it's too bad that this didn't happen to me. I remember having myself logged in during the night here and there, but it went away like it should. ono
Can this please be a thing in the finished game somehow? :luna:

It would even stay dark like this, even if I manually set the in-game time to 9 AM
The Retirement Home / Day cycle bug
2015 Mar 17, 18:51:30

This bug happened during the February OSE, when I stayed at the Heartlands until sunrise, it was still dark after the sun has risen. However, it'll sort itself out when going to another map and back. Weird...
Quote from: Thasher dash on 2015 Feb 13, 20:05:01
:luna: mhmm

It'll be a matter of months before another open server event happens again. No one knows.. yet.
I honestly like the Heartlands map, except that it can be dangerous at times.
It's probably a bug, i almost always get this when i try to use a pegasus or unicorn character.
Quote from: TwiIight SparkIe on 2015 Jan 24, 00:05:57
I can't log in

Might wanna give it a couple minutes.
Quote from: Makenshi on 2015 Jan 22, 18:36:44
Remember that Pinkie endured way more when she had to watch paint dry, everypony!
That being said, I still can't wait XD

I agree with Blitz! :D And I am as grateful as ever for this OSW! It's gonna be so great! And powerful, I reckon...
It's more than just a game! It's a place where we can live in Harmony together :)

LOL, you coded a script to do that or something? XD Awesome.

Sure, sure! *is as excited as ever*
I still find it incredible that not only all of our simultaneous connections would crash the downloads, but even crashed the whole site even BEFORE that! XD
We are a lively bunch aren't we? :)

The download will probably be hosted on google, so i don't know how the downloads would crash  :P
Now the servers have to prepare for a weekend of very high traffic, but I'm excited about the game in general.  :D
Pony Off-Topic Archive / Re: Pony RP?
2014 Jan 26, 23:38:58
Usually, i prefer doing roleplay through instant message than on forums. I don't really like having to wait for a long time for an action.
I supposed i'll put my little story here.

Back in May 2011
It was a normal day of browsing the net, i was considered a 'neutral', it was out of curiosity that i checked out one those threads mainly pointing to the show in general. Didn't say anything about that and went on with my day. At least a few days later, i got curious about watching one of the episodes, i watched at least two episodes during one night(I forgot what they were..). I started liking it, i had to hide the fact that i like it, because i don't want to be made fun of.

And for the first two months, the opening theme kinda makes me feel weird like i tend to mute the sound during that, but i got used to it.

Curiosity, is what made me into the show  lol

Currently, no one knows the fact that i watch the show, except for my little sister who started watching it as well about 6 months months ago.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2013 Jul 23, 18:51:47
When this laptop makes the mouse stop working. Restarting usually fixes it, but i don't like to.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2013 Jul 18, 22:54:44
My sister likes to bother me, but since i'm not at home for the next 6 days, it's been quiet back at home.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2013 Jul 01, 22:29:17
The ONE thing that really annoys me is. That the negative contact inside my laptop's charger port is going bad.
Off-Topic Archive / Re: OH SNAP, VIRUSES.
2013 Apr 07, 00:36:10
Since i got my laptop, i've been taking good care of it, never gotten infected, or slowed down(Though it has a weak CPU).

If you see an ad that can seem to fix your computer or stuff like that, i wouldn't click it, they're most likely Trojans. This is why i have adblock on chrome. ^^ Although ads got weird on me..