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Messages - sorikuXIII

Moon picked up Flurry and put him on Snow's back since he was sure he wanted to come too. He then followed Snow out the door with Snowflake on his back, hoping his daughter would be okay.

((No problem.))
Moon looked at Snow and and simply said "She sneezed three times and started coughing. She was tossing and turning when I walked in so I think we should get her checked out although I doubt they can help since this doesn't seem like a normal illness." he says then rubs his daughter's head with his wing.
"I don't know. I've never seen this before. Icy go get your mother so he can get the nagging out of the way and we can take Snowflake to the hospital." Moon says then picks up his daughter and carries her downstairs.
Moon looked in and saw her tossing and turning. He walked up to  her and tapped her. "Snowflake, you alright sweetie?" he asked then sat her up, seeing that this was no normal illness. He could already feel Snow's nagging saying 'I told you so' and then the catch phrase of the day 'Taking her to the hospital'.
"There is such a thing is worrying too much Snow." Moon says then goes upstairs to check on Snowflake, wondering if she's sleeping by now since it's been kinda quiet up there.
"That's not the point Flurry. I know you're a big boy but your mom is kinda upset about your sister being sick. I hate to imagine the transition she'd go through if you got injured as well." he replies then nudges the colt out of the kitchen. Is this what me and Snow's parents had to go through when they raised us? he asked himself then walked up to the couch and leaned over the back and looked down at Snow. "You gonna be alright mommy dearest?"
Moon rolled his eyes then nudged Icy so she could bother Snow and possibly take her mind off of Snowflake while he went to the kitchen after hearing a pair of hooves touch the counter top. "Flurry! What in Luna's name are you doing? Do you realize you could get hurt regardless of you having wings if you slipped without realizing it." he says then pulls the colt down off the counter. "What were you even doing up there?"
"We're not your parents and you're not your mother Snow. All she's done so far is sneeze. At most she could be simply allergic to something or it's just chills. If she does throw up then we'll just clean it up and continue to take care of her." Moon says then follows behind her. "Flurry, where are you?" he called out after getting downstairs, unsure if he'd go running off to find something to do.
"Snow, take it easy. Just a spoonful of soup isn't the cure to everything." Moon says then gets up and gets a new bowlful and makes sure the move the bowl away when Snowflake begins to sneeze again. He fed her until all of the soup was gone and then carried her up to bed. "Come on, time for bed little lady." he says then  picks up the sick filly and carries her to her room. Once there he tucks her in and looks at Snow who clearly followed them. "Cmon Snow, she needs her rest." he says then pushes her out the door and leaves it cracked so Snowflake would know she wasn't alone in case she needed something.

((It's fine.))
"I hope so. She's still so young and to catch a cold while being the daughter of a guardian and ice user is a bit strange though. I doubt any doctor could help. We'll just nurse for a while and if it clears up the it was just a minor sickness. If not then there must be something more to it than that." Moon replies then makes sure to stir the soup so it doesn't burn. Once it was done he turned the stove off, poured a small bowlful of it and walked over to Snowflake with it. "Alright sweetie. Say ah and lets get some hot soup in you." he says after getting a spoonful an blowing on it to cool it down.
"Alright little one. Let's get you inside." Moon says, taking his daughter inside and laying her on the couch. "You just lay there and I'll make you some soup. Afterwards it's off to bed and no fussing because you need to rest if you're going to feel better." he says then goes to the kitchen to start on the soup. He may not have taken care of a sick child of his own before but he always recalled what his mother did for him since he would always catch a cold from the freezing temperatures she kept the A/C at when he was younger so he figured the same applied to his own kin.
Moon took Snowflake and tried to help her calm down since she was distraught over the fact that she seemingly failed but wasn't too sure. He rubbed his daughter's head then placed a kiss on her forehead. "It'll be okay. Just calm down and tell daddy what's wrong." he says then looks down at her with a a concerned look on his face.

((No problemo))
"I saw Flurry. You did a great job." Moon says with a smile then continues to watch them practice. He made sure that they wouldn't hurt themselves as they did these things since Snowy knew more advanced ice magic than him even if his was more powerful plus he was also learning a thing or two from watching them practice.
Moon smiled and followed her then sat down a few inches behind her since he wanted to see what she was going to do.

((We can take turns. I have no problem playing either of them))
After them getting the basics of flying down he walked back to the house with them and saw Snowy sitting down by the front door. "Hey Snow. These kids are really fast learners. I've never been so proud." he says then kisses his wife and nudges her to them.

Moon was outside showing the twins how to do a simple blizzard spell without the use of a keyblade since they had their mother's genes. The twins picked it up quickly then he moved on basic flying maneuvers.

((Well they're two years old now. Reversing the aging process is a bit unnatural with a backwards time skip so I guess you'll have to try to make those very small event work for two year old foals.))
((Sure we can timeskip.))

"I knew our kids would be smart and fast learners but jeez. Talking already and not even a year old." Moon says with a smile. Two years had passed since the day the twins said their first words and began to show their flying potential. Now that they were two years younger they spoke a bit better and flew around better than any newborn pegasus their age. Moon figured since they were so quick to pick up on he minor thing then maybe they could start learning magic their parents knew.