Brony Music or Mainstream?

Started by Silver Gust, 2017 Nov 15, 17:21:34

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Do you listen to Brony Music or Mainstream only?

Pony up! Brony music forever!
1 (14.3%)
Horses can't make music. I only listen to mainstream music.
0 (0%)
Discord can't handle this chaos, I listen to whatever I want!
4 (57.1%)
Mainstream? PASS. Underground ftw!
1 (14.3%)
I don't listen to music at all.
1 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Voting closed: 2017 Dec 15, 17:21:34

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Silver Gust

Title says it all.

As somepony who listens to both regularly (and just a bit of underground dubstep/electronic) my opinions on this subject are pretty open. Always looking for something new to listen to while gaming and while simly living life.

Anypony here want to chime in?
Twitter: @flatdragont ~ YouTube: The Flat Dragon ~ Twitch: The Flat Dragon

You can call me Silver. Or Silver Gust. Or Dragon. Whatever works. I plan to update my social media stuff soon.

Night Striker

Personally I'm not really picky when it comes to music, though I listen to electronic music more often than anything else.

Hm and as far as music recomendations go, have this:

The music track came out in Payday 2 two weeks ago, and I'm still addicted to it, so it's worth a listen to :P

While I may not be part of LoE staff, I always try to help others who might have problems in LoE the best I can because I want others to share my enjoyment of the game. ^-^

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I would think for most people it would be both.

Considering that the other two extreme sides constitute either dedicating yourself to only listening to horse noises and leaving any and all involvement in mainstream music. Or having no enjoyment in listening to any of the tunes that are created by or related to the show or fandom (and if this were to happen, why are you watching the show anyway?) create two radical sides for the music spectrum that would leave many people choosing the middle ground.
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Silver Gust

2017 Nov 16, 13:42:10 #3 Last Edit: 2017 Nov 16, 13:48:28 by Flat Dragon
Quote from: Night Striker on 2017 Nov 15, 19:56:43Hm and as far as music recomendations go, have this:

Thanks for the suggestion! I've been looking for more 8-bit music to listen to while chatting and playing games, and this sounds awesome!

@Howitzer Yeah, I suppose you're right. I had a thought and posted it without really thinking much about it.

Just trying to get some conversation going, really. I can't really sit down and play LoE at the moment, due to time constraints and some IRL stuff going on, but I can check the forums a few times a day, so I wanted to get a dialogue going here, maybe try to make some friends even if I can't actually log in and play at the moment.

Edit: Anypony have more 8bit music suggestions? I just can't seem to get enough. xD
Twitter: @flatdragont ~ YouTube: The Flat Dragon ~ Twitch: The Flat Dragon

You can call me Silver. Or Silver Gust. Or Dragon. Whatever works. I plan to update my social media stuff soon.


Quote from: Flat Dragon on 2017 Nov 16, 13:42:10Thanks for the suggestion! I've been looking for more 8-bit music to listen to while chatting and playing games, and this sounds awesome!

@Howitzer Yeah, I suppose you're right. I had a thought and posted it without really thinking much about it.

Just trying to get some conversation going, really. I can't really sit down and play LoE at the moment, due to time constraints and some IRL stuff going on, but I can check the forums a few times a day, so I wanted to get a dialogue going here, maybe try to make some friends even if I can't actually log in and play at the moment.

Edit: Anypony have more 8bit music suggestions? I just can't seem to get enough. xD

 I listened to a lot of brony music back in the day (AKA 3-4 years ago) when I was a bigger fanboy along with my friend, but our tastes eventually grew past MLP and into a lot of other things, so I don't listen to it as often. I don't even consider myself a brony anymore since I haven't watched the latest seasons and the only real connection I have with the fandom now is the fact that I quite enjoy playing this game. But I digress. :s

 When I was more involved in the fandom, though, one of my favorite artists was by far Derpidety. His music just blew me away, and brings back a lot of memories. I'd even say they shaped my tastes for a lot of things in the present.

This was my favorite song of his:
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 Nowadays I mostly listen to more niche stuff, so I guess I'm in the "underground" category. I'm pretty much indie trash incarnate IRL. x3
 Stuff like this, just to get the point across:
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 I'm a just a casual music nerd, I swear. :I
 Oh and to satisfy your request, Slime Girls makes some pretty awesome chiptune:
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