Limited Access Release Applicants Have Been Contacted! Please Check Your Emails!

Started by Ellowee, 2016 Dec 10, 18:00:18

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Hey again, everypony!

When we opened up applications for the Limited Access Release, we were stunned by the response. It was super difficult to go through all the submissions and narrow them down to the small pool of ponies we needed for this stage of testing - and we almost didn't make it... But here we are, on the other side of the gruelling task.

That can only mean one thing: our Limited Access Release players have been chosen!

Messages have been sent out to the accounts we've chosen to participate. Please check your emails to see if you've received one - and don't forget that pesky spam box! Alternatively, you could check the homepage of our forum; if you can see the LAR-exclusive board, then that means you're in! (It'd be better to check your emails though, I spent like twenty minutes writing out that message for you!)

Remember, as we've talked about before, this stage of the LAR is mainly a testing phase; this is mainly about getting a small number of players in to test the game on their systems, test how the game will run being always-online, and squash all the bugs we can find. Nopony should feel bad for not getting in, and there'll be plenty more opportunities to join in as the next few months roll out - not to mention that the full release of Legends of Equestria isn't all that far away!

So, congratulations to those who have been accepted; all the details you'll need are in the LAR forum section. Make sure you read them carefully, and be ready for things to kick off on the 12th!

And to everyone else, whether you missed out here or are waiting for the full release of LoE to enjoy the completed experience, we encourage you to keep an eye out! More information will be coming soon!

Thanks everypony, and I'll speak to you again soon!


Aw shoot, didn't get in. Oh well, guess it will be extra special when the game gets released!

Congrats to those who did get in though! ^^

Post Merge

I have a quick question. The batch that have been selected to test the game now, is that going to be it? Because in the original LAR announcement is was said that there would be multiple waves of people be granted access to the LAR. Will that still happen? Or is this the final batch?


Aqua Fire

I HAVE AN IDEA WHO DIDNT GET IN... Me.. I didn't see yet. I'm about to. I'm probably about to get disappointed. Oh well. Time to see. Drumroll please.
Hey, look. I have a deviantart. Come check it out. My DeviantArt


Quote from: SpectraDust on 2016 Dec 10, 18:07:53
Aw shoot, didn't get in. Oh well, guess it will be extra special when the game gets released!

Congrats to those who did get in though! ^^

Post Merge

I have a quick question. The batch that have been selected to test the game now, is that going to be it? Because in the original LAR announcement is was said that there would be multiple waves of people be granted access to the LAR. Will that still happen? Or is this the final batch?


I believe it'll work like the Armored Warfare tests.
There was wave one, which was the smallest of the tests, and every few weeks they'd add a few more people to the test, I got into the second wave.

I first played in 2014, though I seem to have forgotten the account. >.<

Aqua Fire

Hey, look. I have a deviantart. Come check it out. My DeviantArt


i didn't get anything ether..., ohh well!, this just means i'll be able to play a more complete game in the future!, can't wait! :3



You can't change the past. However, if you change the present, you have changed the future.-me

Thrasher Dash

I knew I wasn't gonna get in, but theirs always a next time. Good luck to those who made it!

My app will pretty lousy anyways, so thats probably why lol
If you see Princess Twilight (Unicorn) or Thrasher Dash (Pegasus) that's me!

Capn Derpy


Well It seems that I wasn't chosen after I checked my e-mail, but oh well. Grats for those that made it in.
3DS Friend Code: 2363-5641-1771
Final Fantasy XI Char/Server: Chiririn / Asura
Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble Player Code & Username: 1qmgdmug / KirbySh


Wow...I sent in TWO applications for the Limited access release and I STILL didnt get accepted??? O.O I am absolutely disgusted and bitterly dissapointed. I might as well just give up waiting for/ playing the game altogether. I will not wait for another couple of months for the game to come out...

Seriously...I thought it was literally first come, first serve...


I didn´t get in... :c

Well, there´s always a next time :)

Congratulations to those who got in :D


Quote from: solarflare13 on 2016 Dec 10, 21:58:16
Wow...I sent in TWO applications for the Limited access release and I STILL didnt get accepted??? O.O I am absolutely disgusted and bitterly dissapointed. I might as well just give up waiting for/ playing the game altogether. I will not wait for another couple of months for the game to come out...

Seriously...I thought it was literally first come, first serve...

Not necessarily. While sending in a prompt application tells them you are serious about the game, they were more interested in what sort of computer and operating system you had, as well as your previous experience in testing games. The primary purpose of this first wave is to get all the bugs found and fixed before release.

And anyway, another application for the second wave is coming out this Monday, the 12th, which should be slightly less exclusive.

Still, the primary purpose is bug fixing, so if you are a casual player, it is probably best to wait until the final release.

Or you can still apply for that chance of getting in.
"Henceforth," Ditzy continued, "you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it... with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!"



Quote from: Asriel on 2016 Dec 10, 22:22:27
Not necessarily. While sending in a prompt application tells them you are serious about the game, they were more interested in what sort of computer and operating system you had, as well as your previous experience in testing games. The primary purpose of this first wave is to get all the bugs found and fixed before release.

And anyway, another application for the second wave is coming out this Monday, the 12th, which should be slightly less exclusive.

Still, the primary purpose is bug fixing, so if you are a casual player, it is probably best to wait until the final release.

Or you can still apply for that chance of getting in.

I believe that this is correct.

Yes it can be frustrating. But as he said. One of the things they were mainly looking for were previous experience in beta testing games in which I've beta tested games before. Have been off and on for years since 2010.

Also, computer specs. Even though I highly doubt that the game requires alot of processing power from your CPU or graphic intensity on loading textures would depend on both GPU and CPU. They'd still prefer having a PC that have decent specs I guess?

Some people have also been following this project for years and some of those I'd imagine were chosen because of their dedication in helping the games improvement and help the developers and programmers to make sure the game is running smoothly using Unity 3D's C++ coding system which would be displayed if there was a SCRIPT error in the game which I've found during the last OSW back in July of this year. That's something we don't have access to. But it would be displayed if there was such error. Scripts are a difficult task to write due to it being performed in computer language which takes a mighty amount of skill and patience to do such thing.

Great. I'm rambling again. Anyway, don't worry solarflare, it's not the end of the world. I hope to see you in game when the game is fully released or unless there actually will be a 2nd wave of applications for LAR which there may or may not be. Just wait and see friend!  ^-^

Just remember, the game is in testing stages before final release which could be a few months away. Don't go, just stay tuned for news okay?
IGN: RainCloud,  Purple Pegasus with Blue mane and Tail (Darker shades of Blue) and Red Eyes
Outfit: Lunar Armor, Lantern and Glasses
Level 50 Pegasus. Find me in game! PM for any game related questions! :)
Can PM In Game or Forum and I'll get back to you ASAP!


Aww, did not get in apparently. :c  Disappointing but not entirely surprising given the qualifications of some other applicants.

Well will give it a shot next time or worst case just wait with everyone else for the full release.  ^-^
I'm an adult. I do what I want.


Quote from: solarflare13 on 2016 Dec 10, 21:58:16
Wow...I sent in TWO applications for the Limited access release and I STILL didnt get accepted??? O.O I am absolutely disgusted and bitterly dissapointed. I might as well just give up waiting for/ playing the game altogether. I will not wait for another couple of months for the game to come out...

Seriously...I thought it was literally first come, first serve...

Two? All that's going to do is create a nuisance for the team.  >.<

I first played in 2014, though I seem to have forgotten the account. >.<


Quote from: Flittur on 2016 Dec 10, 22:51:20
Two? All that's going to do is create a nuisance for the team.  >.<

Actually, I had to send in TWO applications because I made a mistake with the first one. (kinda of a "derp" moment if you ask me :P)
I thought it was saying: "Do you want to be a tester for the limited access release of LOE" and I just said "yes". It was only after I took a long, hard look at the question to realise there was a "Why" in the very same question, soo that's why I had to send in a second application X3

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