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Topics - Aphermion

Introductions Archive / Heyho!
2012 Sep 07, 23:13:16
And here I am!
Well, I watched this project growing for a while now and decided to join.
And no, I'm not a native English speaker as you might have noticed.
(I'm from the land where everybody/pony talks like Photo Finish.)
But I hope, I'm doing not too bad. Correct me, or ask if you don't understand, I'll try to explain.  X3

Well, so what else?
I'm 18, love to play instruments, like to draw and I'm Admin of a German Sonic forum.
You can find me on deviantART as well as on iBrony.

Oh, and everypony is best pony but my personal favorite is AJ.  :]
Aaaany Questions?