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Messages - HyperFlare957

General News / Re: Hope you're having fun!
2017 Sep 14, 00:34:12

He must really want me to shop.


Now she must REALLY want me to shop...
LoE downloaded... Application working...

I'm ready to go!
General News / Re: The LoE Forum is Back!
2017 Aug 28, 09:53:44
Oh dear...

I am not used to this style for the forums.
Personal thoughts aside, it's great to have this community coming back together after the unfortunate event that was the cyberattack.
I cannot be more excited for this right now! *-* *-* *-*

I've noticed that most long mane styles are mainly/ best suited for the mares.
I think this animie-ish style will fix that while still working for the female characters.

That was some shin dig.
Can somepony please help me. I keep trying to open the new LoE file, but it gets stuck on the verification and I have no clue on what to do.
I have no idea on what to do. Whenever I try running another LoE app that isn't the first one I ran, it shows a Verifying "LoE" progress bar and I have no clue as to how long it will last, or if it will progress at all.

If I have to delete all of the first files I got, how do I do so?
My operating system is;
OS X Yosemite
Version 10.10.5
For me, I am able to log in in both fullscreen and windowed mode, but when I try clicking on any server in either mode, nothing happens.
1 hour later and nothing has progressed to get us online...
No really. It's been an hour since this started.
While all of this madness happens, imma go get some ice cream.  DD:
I've been trying to join a server with fullscreen disabled, yet I am unable to do so.
Is anyone working on fixing this?
Quote from: Purple on 2016 Jul 29, 00:34:46
are you all using Mac by any chance?

Indeed I am. I wouldn't be if my last computer didn't die on me.
Quote from: Thundergirl on 2016 Jul 29, 00:22:49
Packlejap Gameplays sayes that the servers are going to open July 30th. I guess they are, because the servers are opening for two days - a weeekend.

Are you sure? Cause on the offical website for LoE, it states that the event will run from Friday, July 29th to Sunday, July 31st.
So it seems I am not the only one having issues joining the servers... :s
Who here is gonna be playing this for the first time?
I am and I am so HYPED!