Life in Ponyville Part III

Started by Coffee Rush, 2013 Apr 08, 21:24:10

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"I..I kissed Farsight because of one of those emotional mood swings. Like three or something times..I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She started to cry, and she buried her face in her hooves expecting Moonlight to shout at her.
((Thanks everyone for the pictures ^-^))

the dark gods

((I apparently can't go. :l
Parents won't stop badgering me about going out to dinner with them just because we're on a mini-vacation.))
thank you Sky Sketch


//hm I know how that feels
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


Moon's bad habit of denying the truth before registering it didn't happen this time. He glared at Snow but wasn't angry at her, she is pregnant after all and mood swings on top of her feelings for Farsight were going to be a bad combination to begin with but something in him knew that Farsight didn't bother stopping her. "Here I thought I could trust that stallion. Hehe I guess not... he mutters as his eyes gloss over and turn yellow. As if on cue Dark dragged Moon into his shadow and left the group for bit.
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"Wait! Stop!" She shouted running in front of him. "I-You can't hurt him!"
((Thanks everyone for the pictures ^-^))


we have to find him before he gets to Farsight though we probably won't make it
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


((His karma will soon bring him to the grave again...))

Silver was surprised seeing Moon's reaction, he expected him to enter in full rage mode, but he didn't. So Silver just looked at the scene in front of him "Who is he?
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />


After having dragged him down into his shadow Darkness Gamer looked at Moonlight. "You need to calm down..." he says to his 'brother'.

"It's one thing to have feelings for someone else but that stallion clearly needs his lips ripped off his face to get a point across. I thought he could help Snow get over those feelings, NOT MAKE THEM WORSE!" he yelled.

Dark looked to the side and sighed. "Fighting him won't help anything you know. You'll end up falling to him." he says since he was obviously the one thinking clearly right now.

"I don't care. I'll take that risk..." he says then leaves the void in which they were speaking then Dark goes back to his world since there was no way of talking to the stubborn stallion he called 'brother.'
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My OCs


What do I do until I can Rp?))


Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"


Ugh I don't know anything I feel like an idiot I wanna RP))


//well we can RP again I can do two
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


((*sighs* Why do I have to go right now that the things were starting to get interestings. Argh, good night...))
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />


((Awwww... Bye WMW... Good night.))
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"


((Thanks everyone for the pictures ^-^))


//alright you want to start?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


Moon reappears in front of Snowy and the group, his foreleg as black as Dark's coat.
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My OCs


"Are you ok...?" She asked staring at him.
((Thanks everyone for the pictures ^-^))


"I'll be fine." he says although all four of his legs were now black as night and stopped there.
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My OCs

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